Growing up as a worthless slave in Crane's kingdom, Athena met the arrogant and ill-mannered prince Xavier. She assumed her life to be simpler with the prince with whom she fell in love eventually. However, fate played dirty, and everything dear to Athena gets snatched. Setting out on the bloody path of revenge, she realizes that destiny couldn't be changed. Driven by rage soon she finds herself unable to harm the prince, whose heart was probably already beating for her. The cocky and flirty prince Xavier becomes her prime attention.
It has been two months since the young prince left, Athena looked so down during those days, She was just sad all through those months. Sarah who had been trying to cheer her up met her in the room, she was absent-minded, and instead of sweeping she just sat there looking at the space. Sarah sighed"You miss him that much?"
"Huh, what are you talking about, who me, pfft, " Athena said feigning ignorance and trying so hard to pretend like she didn't care.
"I am your friend Athens, I know have been off since Xavier left," Sarah said patting Athena on the shoulder. She finally gave in and squatted on the floor burying her face in the nuke of her arms.
"You are right Sarah, I do miss him, I didn't know it will hurt this much" she confessed while sobbing.
"What hurts?" Sarah asked and Athena raised her gaze to her.
"My heart," She said and went back to crying.
"No, no, no, no you are not just gonna squat here, sulking...instead we are going do something fun. The Athena I knew wouldn't become a sad face for some boy...come on, get up."Sarah said hauling her up, she wiped Athena's tears and used her hands to turn her frown into a smile.
"I know just what to do," Sarah said with a smile. They both crept to the guard's quarters with Athena following Sarah wherever she went. They went into the store room, creeping silently
"What are we doing here?"Athena asked and a Mischievous smile broke out on Sarah's lips.
" We...are borrowing something, "Sarah said emphasizing the 'We'.
"I don't have a hand in this, also this looks like stealing not borrowing, "Athena said.
"Quit being a fun sponge and help me care these," Sarah said giving her two clay bottles and she took two also. They snuck out but on their way, they bumped into Alex and quickly hid the bottles behind them.
"What are you both doing here?"He asked.
"Nothing, we..."
"We were looking for you and now we've found you so bye."Athena lied, cutting off Sarah who grinned like a cat.
"Oh my gosh Athens, you so proud of you," Sarah said hugging her.
"Oh heavens, look what you made me do," She said rolling her eyes. They went to the lake there was an old tree log next to the water they hid there and opened the four bottles they stole.
"I saw the army drinking this and I noticed they only drink this on special occasions," Sarah said.
"What's that?"
"White wine, I have always been curious about how it tastes," Sarah said looking at the bottle with dreamy eyes.
" That's liquor, "Athena said after giving it a sniff.
"Of course, it's liquor and we are gonna drink all these," Sarah said emptying the wine in a small silver cup.
"Cheers," Sarah said and gulped the wine down in one go.
"Ahhh, that's good stuff, come on try it," Sarah said and Athena hesitantly emptied the wine in her cup, staring at it.
"Just taste it," Sarah said and then Athena gulped down the wine. Her eyes shone in amazement when she felt how smooth the wine was.
"It is good stuff"
"See I told you, "Sarah said also drinking hers.
"You know what?"Athena asked after the final bottle and moved to the next, she was already tipsy.
"This helped me forget about all my problems, even for a while," Athena said.
"Right now, I feel...I feel like I could fly, I feel so free." Sarah said outstretching her hands.
"I think this would be good with some meat," Athena said.
"I think so too, come on let's go get some," Sarah said and stood up, they both felt dizzy and kept stumbling as they walked to the yard.
" The world is spinning, "Athena said and chuckled, they held each other, supporting themselves. They got to where the castle's tavern was, the king's mistresses were eating and drinking as sounds of laughter filled the tavern.
Sarah and Athena looked at each other, they didn't know how they even got there since they were both heading to the kitchen. Athena pulled away from Sarah and stagger towards the tavern stairs.
"Athens no, don't go there, we need to get the meat"Sarah called behind her but it was more like a whisper, anyone who saw this right now would probably lose their minds from excess laughing. the scene at that moment just looked so funny.
She went into the tavern and upon seeing her the laughter instantly died down.
"What are you doing here, we did not call for anyone dear."Lady Trina who was one of the nicest amongst the king's mistresses asked.
" Who me, I heard laughter so I thought I'd check it out, "She said as her eyes dimmed and she kept losing balance.
"Are you drunk?"Another mistress asked out of spite rather than curiosity.
"Me, pfft no, no," Athena said, and then a hiccup escaped her mouth.
"How could you get drunk as a maid, you spoilt bitch!!"Lady Elizabeth said angrily.
"Maids also have feelings, you know," She said nonchalantly.
"Maids don't have any right here, you are only meant to do your duties and not get drunk, why would they bring such a girl like you into this palace," Elizabeth said, she did not like Athena, and she wasn't afraid to show it. Athena scratched her nape, whatsoever Elizabeth was saying clearly wasn't getting to her.
"Hey you, can you hear me?!"She said snapping her fingers at her.
"Weren't you once a maid in this castle before you seduced the king and slept with him so he had to make you his mistress?"Athena blurted out and everywhere became as quiet as a graveyard only the sound of crickets chirping was heard as everyone stared at her in shock.
"Y... you!!"Elizabeth yelled in embarrassment.
"If you are wondering how I knew, well people talk, I know everything about every single one of you...Unlike you, I have values and dignity, I have a right to that, and I don't plan on becoming a...Mistress like you."Athena said and turned away flinging her long hair to the back and staggering down the stairs where she slipped and fell with a loud thud.
"I warned you about that girl, she's just too confident and I wish I could say it was the liquor speaking but I know how she is." Lady Edith warned, she seemed to have changed since the last incident and wasn't pestering the servants anymore.