
The Mark of the Dragon

Growing up as a worthless slave in Crane's kingdom, Athena met the arrogant and ill-mannered prince Xavier. She assumed her life to be simpler with the prince with whom she fell in love eventually. However, fate played dirty, and everything dear to Athena gets snatched. Setting out on the bloody path of revenge, she realizes that destiny couldn't be changed. Driven by rage soon she finds herself unable to harm the prince, whose heart was probably already beating for her. The cocky and flirty prince Xavier becomes her prime attention.

Liam_Virgoking · Fantasy
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77 Chs

Chapter 11 Sister's Freedom


Athena's POV

I entered the throne room,trailing behind Xavier,The princes stood there proudly and lady Edith was also there kneeling before the king,Madam Lisa,Sarah and Rose were also present there along with the general also holding a girl I recognized,she was a maid in the palace and also a friend of mine,her name was Catherina.

"You called,your majesty"I said with a bow.

"Athena...how are you feeling now?"The king asked.

"Better,your majesty."I said not giving them the satisfaction of seeing me smile after being falsely accused of theft.

"Athena, Lady Edith here, accused you of theft and I apologize forgot not looking into it and instead punishing you,proof was found by your younger sister and your friend Sarah who claimed they saw her pay a maid to sneak that so called precious pearls under your bed."King Aaron said.

"Lady Edith confessed to the crime that she falsely accused you because she had a grudge with you because you embarrassed her"Crown prince Nathan said.i was silent the whole time and still kept my head down,I had planned on making the royal family feel so guilty about this but on second thought they were royalty, why would they care about Injustice to a maid.

"I understand your majesty,but I can not let the suffering I passed through slide so easily"I said carrying my gaze to the king.

"And why is that,flawless?"Prince Nathan asked and I thought it was weird for him to compliment me at first but I overlooked it.

"Because of descrimination,is it because am a lowly maid that you refused to look into what happened?"I asked earning a look from Xavier.

"Athena,the king did have mercy on you, he told you to apologize and the case will be forgotten."The general said, supporting the king.

"Exactly,You told me to apologize for something I did not do,I told you once General K,I might be a lowly maid who serves the palace but I am a maid with pride, value and dignity,I won't stoop as low as apologizing for something I did not do.What if the king ordered me to be beheaded or worse throw me into a pit of lions,will I just did for nothing?"I said and the king chuckled in amusement,what i said made complete sense but there was tinge of humour in my words.The room became very silent as a graveyard that you can even hear a pin drop.The king was staring at me intently as he stroked his beards.

"You are right Athena and so we have decided to compensate you"Prince Nathan said.

"What would you like?"He asked and I glanced at Rose who was also staring at me.

"My sister's Freedom"I said returning my gaze to the throne.

"I am sorry Athena but as you well know,no one can leave this place, it's also for everyone's protection Incase something terrible happens in the town you'll be safe behind the palace walls,anyway we can arrange for..."

"if you can't do that then I would not ask for anything else."Athena bowed and then turned to leave then suddenly halt when she took the fourth step,she turned back to the throne and said.

"But you still owe me a favor,your majesty,I might need it one day"she said and left the throne room along with her friend and sister.

Rose's POV

"What the hell were you thinking when you asked for my freedom?"I asked as soon as we were out of the palace.

"Something a big sister should do"she said not turning her gaze my way and walking straight ahead.

" Hell,you must be crazy if you think am going to leave this place without you "

Rose said.

" You have to,sooner or later "$he said.

"Why?"I asked halting in my tracks.

"Because I can't let you stay here"She suddenly yelled at me,for the first time ever, Athena yelled at me,I froze not out of shock but out of surprise.she must have thought I was getting emotional but it was the complete opposite,I was somewhat happy,she had never yelled at me before because she always pretend to be strong but her she was,her defense had broken down.

"I...I can't let you stay here,I want you to be free and happy and not stuck here as a slave,I want you to be with mum and dad,have fun and enjoy."she said with tears glistening in her eyes."But it's no use now,the lives of commoners don't matter to them"She said again and I went to embrace her,I wiped her tears and hugged her tight, trying to comfort her as she suddenly let go and cried on my shoulders.


"I must say father,that girl is quite interesting,what family is she from?"Nathan asked king Aaron

I don't know,but she reminds of someone,my old friend turned enemy, King Darius"King Aaron said with a dark gaze.

"You mean Emperor Darius,the dragon king,now that I think of it there's some resemblance"Nathan said as if just realizing something.

"Not just resemblance, character also"King Aaron said with creased brows.

"Xavier,I noticed the closeness between you and the girl,is there something going on between you two?"Elvis asked with a wink.

"Yes brother,you two are always together"Joseph said.

"There's nothing going on between us,she's just a maid"Xavier said and a tray of Fish was set harshly right near him.he turned his gaze and saw Athena standing behind him angrily.she had came in before Elvis asked the question,he saw her and that was why he asked that question.

"Red haired"Xavier called while standing up.she bowed her head slightly and walked out without looking at him.

'What the fuck have I done'he said inwardly.

"Well then,am glad is nothing because as a prince you can only marry a princes,you know the drill"King Aaron said.

"But you can have fun with anyone you want"Joseph said and burst out in laughter and Elvis joined.

"She is beautiful"Elvis complimented.

"Do not even think about getting close to her cause if you do I will kill you"Xavier said and ran out of the dinning hall.

"What suddenly angered him?"Joseph asked raising a brow.