
The Mark of the Dragon

Growing up as a worthless slave in Crane's kingdom, Athena met the arrogant and ill-mannered prince Xavier. She assumed her life to be simpler with the prince with whom she fell in love eventually. However, fate played dirty, and everything dear to Athena gets snatched. Setting out on the bloody path of revenge, she realizes that destiny couldn't be changed. Driven by rage soon she finds herself unable to harm the prince, whose heart was probably already beating for her. The cocky and flirty prince Xavier becomes her prime attention.

Liam_Virgoking · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
77 Chs

76_We need answers


The strands of Xavier's hair returned to their jet-black color. Zavian retreated since there was no sign of the Assassin who had disappeared without a trace.

Xavier knelt there, soaked in the rain as he held onto the butterfly necklace, expecting the worst.

"No, it can't be, she can't be dead, Athena can't be dead," He cried out.

Ezekiel walked over to Xavier when the others dared not, not after what they had just witnessed.

Ezekiel stood next to Xavier, patting him on the shoulder, while he grieved the loss of his lover.




The next day, after giving Xavier some privacy, the Royal family including their guests Evie and Ezekiel.

They all had their attention on Xavier and Zeke who sat near him and narrated how Xavier came in contact with Zavian.

"So you're saying, Xavier has a Demon, on his body, like a double personality?" Alex asked and Zeke nodded.

"This Demon is a serpent demon, an ancient one, from hell?" General K asked and Zeke nodded again.

"And he got this demon personality from Melech Kingdom?" Prince Elvis asked and Zeke snapped.

"Correct," Zeke said.

"I knew it, your kingdom is full of trash, they might be big but they're f*cking demonic,'' Elvis suddenly stood up snapping his fingers.

"But why isn't Xavier saying anything now, how do we know you're not lying to us?" Joseph asked.

"He just realized the love of his life perished, do you expect him to be a blabber mouth, you should be glad I took my time to explain to y'all," Zeke hissed.

"Your Majesty, are you hearing this?" General K asked the King who seemed lost in thought.

"Your Majesty?" Alex called and the King jolted from his train of thought.

"Yes?" He asked.

"What are you thinking about, Father?" Joseph asked.

"I...I know this may sound absurd but I was observing that assassin closely. Her skill, the way she moved and attacked..."

"It was no different from a dragon blood's skill," General K said and the King snapped.

"Exactly, I knew I couldn't be the only one who noticed it, when she fought and killed those soldiers, there was no droplet of blood on her sword. Her agility, her speed, her reflexes, it was the exact copy of a dragon blood," King Aaron said with a gesture.

He was sure that the assassin was related to the Dragon King Darius somehow, he could feel it in his bones.

"Are you saying the Dragon King sent her here?" Xavier finally asked.

"No, an assassin will always be an assassin, but this girl had a dragon-blood vibe all over her, only dragon blood can fight that way," General K said.

"So you're saying, King Darius of the Dragon Kingdom has a female daughter that's posing as an assassin in our kingdom, just for fun? That's f*cking ridiculous," Elvis said with a scoff.

"You haven't encountered those powerful beings before, they strike like lightning, without the opponent even realizing it." King Aaron said.

"If she's indeed the daughter of King Darius then why haven't we heard about the new Dragon keeper? I mean words could have spread about the dragon keeper since we all believed King Darius didn't have a female child and was assumed impotent," Evie said, picking it up.

"That's where it gets tricky. General K, alert the King of Dragon Empire, and prepare for our journey there," King Aaron said, standing up.

"Why do we need to go there?" Prince Joseph asked.

"We need answers," King Aaron said before leaving the hall with the General, not caring to address the strange phenomenon with Xavier.

The twin princes also stood up, dusting their butts, and stepped out.

"There's something strange about that assassin," Evie said when the King left.

"What do you mean?" Alex asked.

"I mean, she had a chance to kill me back then at my Kingdom, but she didn't. She had a chance to Kill Xavier before he went berserk, but she was just avoiding his attacks and not fighting back," Evie said.

"Yes, I also noticed that, I think we're missing something," Sarah, who was standing behind the King's seat a while ago said, taking a seat at the dining to discuss better. She had a detective mindset and she was very intelligent.

"Whatever we're missing, I don't care until I have the head of that so-called Raven who murdered Athena and my Brother!!" Xavier said with clenched fists.

"I know you're angry now and want revenge, but what if she's right, what if she wasn't the one who killed Prince Nathan?" Sarah pointed out.

"What are you saying Sarah, you were not even here to witness what happened, we can not blindly believe that Assassin, we need to bring her down!" Alex said.

"I know, but if we don't think of a possibility, we could be brought down instead," Sarah said.

"I can't figure out your point," Ezekiel said, confused.

"She's saying, what if the Assassin was right, what if the one who killed the prince wasn't Raven, but an inside traitor, like a spy," Evie said.

"From the books I've read, Assassins are not the type to tell lies, they admit what they do with their full chest and pride," Evie said.

"This is not fiction, this is the real word, Princess, people lie, what makes you think an assassin won't?" Xavier said, brushing his hand over his beardless chin.

"You of all people should consider it, she could have slit your throat while you were still trying to unleash your rage on her but instead she dodged your attacks, that alone shows that she means no harm," Evie said, countering back at Xavier.

"The story we heard about the crown prince's case was an Assassin who attacked with a kitchen knife and fled the scene when spotted," Sarah said.

"I know Raven from our first encounter in my Kingdom. She never uses Kitchen knives, she has daggers and swords even chains so why would she need Kitchen knives as if she didn't have weapons," Evie said, the two girls were putting the pieces together and appearing quite smart to the boys who were just sitting and listening.

"Raven would never flee a scene, she's fearless and would have killed those soldiers who spotted her in a jiffy and they would die along with the crown prince," Evie said again.

"There is a spy in this Kingdom and we need to find out who it is," Sarah said, she was very sure.

"Fine, let's assume there's a possibility of all this happening, you will handle it, cause am out, I don't want anything that's gonna distract me or Zavian from killing Raven," Xavier said slamming the table and walking out arrogantly.

"You guys care to help solve this case?" Sarah asked.

"As much as I love a good spy hunt, I need to travel with Xavier in case he goes berserk again," Zeke said, and they simultaneously turned to Alex who sat back with his arms crossed anticipating his answer.

"When do we begin?" Alex asked and the girls squealed.

With their new group, they would catch whoever that spy was for sure.