
The Mark Book 1

What happens when the player becomes the played? Damian is a well-known player until he meets Haley Cunningham. Haley captures his eye; however, unlike the rest of his conquests, she doesn’t seem to be the least bit interested. It throws him off. However, it also makes it more exciting. Haley becomes his mark. He’s willing to do anything and everything to spend one night with her, even if that means putting aside his playboy ways. After a recent acquisition, Stone Enterprises is set for the expansion of the century. The only thing delaying the expansion is Damian Stone, the younger brother of owner Zane Stone. Zane spends most of his time in Europe to begin work on the new company. The only problem is that Damian’s playboy ways are standing in the way of taking over Zane’s role. Stone Enterprises is a prestigious tech firm with a strong reputation. This means that Damian must choose between a quick lay and a first-time relationship to keep its reputation. Will he succeed? Or will the company risk being placed in the hands of its enemies? Damian is hell-bent on keeping up his bachelor lifestyle until Zane presents him with the offer of a lifetime. Zane will gift his younger brother the company if he can succeed in dating one girl. Sounds easy? Perhaps not. Zane knows his brother too well and decides to make a few rules that Damian must agree to in order for him to take ownership. Damian must stay in a relationship with the girl for at least seven months. Damian can not see any other girl. That even includes the “quick lay” that Damian has grown accustomed to. Not only that, but Zane also gets to pick the girl as well. Will Damian succeed? Or is he doomed to fail?

JD Faber · Urban
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50 Chs

3. Trouble Maker

…Damian POV…

...Friday Night...

Ever since I started working for my brother, money has never been an issue. Most people don’t drive if you live in New York due to the extreme congestion. It can take hours just to get to the other side of the city.

Even though I don't drive that often, I still had a few cars along with a driving service. I most commonly had one of my drivers take me where I needed to go so that way I could be productive. I would check emails and get ready for the day, all while heading to work. The other bonus of my driving service meant that I wasn't responsible for taking my hookups back to their house. I would simply call up one of my drivers, and they would pick them up, no questions asked.

Once I'd gotten back into town, I'd gone straight to the bar. I was meant to meet with one of our clients but had hoped to be able to pick someone up as well. I needed to get that girl from the bus out of my mind. I was a bachelor by nature, so I had no ambition of being tied to one girl. I preferred my freedom.

However, no matter what I tried, I found myself thinking about that girl. Wishing I had her number or, for the very least, her name. I still don't understand how I didn't manage to get either of those from her. Not once have I ever been turned down. Normally I don't even need to work to get a girl's number. So why was she not like the others?

I shook my head from my thoughts and looked at the woman in front of me. Rachel? Rebecca? Rihanna? Who knows. I couldn't care less what it was either. Rather the only thing I cared about was getting my d*ck wet.

I looked back at... Rachelle... I'm pretty sure her name is Rachelle.. Or was it Rochelle? I shrug my shoulders, not caring. She was leaning up against me, playing with the muscles on my arm. We were waiting for her best friend to come back from the bathroom. Then I was planning on taking them to one of my hotels. I've only ever had one rule when it came to my conquests. They were never to go home with me. I only ever took them to hotels. I didn't care which one. I owned many of them. I just made sure that they wouldn't be able to contact me afterwards.

I asked Rebecca to wait for me at my car while I was with a client of mine. There were just some loose ends I needed to finalize with him; then, I would be able to continue my night. On my way to meet with the client, I ran into Sandra. Or was it Samantha? She was one of the few girls that I would frequent. She was the only one I found myself going back to. I could call on her at any time of the day, and she would be able and willing. I didn't have any feelings for her, rather she was just a good lay and that's it. I found her too self-absorbed. She was most definitely a gold digger. She didn't care about anyone but herself. I knew she was only with me because of my money. Not that I cared. It wasn't as if I planned on marrying her or something.

I had another car take her to another hotel. Once I was done with Roxanne, I would visit her. I was set to have an unforgettable night.

"You seem to be popular amongst the ladies." Bill Shafford said to me.

Bill Shafford is one of our best clients. Stone Enterprises would cease to exist if it wasn't for him and his interest in our company. Bill Shafford pretty much singlehandedly funded Stone Enterprises. In a way, he has become a silent partner in my brother's company. Bill Shafford was my brother's mentor. My brother is a tech genius. He had an apprenticeship with Bill, who became intrigued with my brother's achievements. Bill saw something in my brother and decided to back him when my brother had approached him for help years ago.

The difference between Bill and a regular silent partner is a normal silent partner would stay in the background. They typically take a cut in profit as a way to pay back the loan. At the same time, Bill wanted to be added to our roster of clients so that he would have first dibs over any new product my brother released. In exchange, we give him a large discount on our products. Bill and I have never seen eye-to-eye. Having a background in business has shown me the giant loss in profit due to Bill. I know my brother turns a blind eye as he feels indebted to him. However, if I had my way, Bill would be long gone.

Which is actually the reason we're meeting tonight. I'm hoping to cut a better deal with him.

"What can I say? I'm a babe magnet." I respond, running my hand through my hair, winking at the tall brunette next to him.

Bill looked from me to the woman standing beside him. He gently pushed her behind him, taking a step closer to me.

"Listen here, boy. I know about you and your womanizing ways. But hear this. You by no means will ever go near my daughter. Do that, and it won't matter how I feel about your brother. I will drop you faster than your father when he ran out on your mother."

I furrowed my brows in contempt. How dare he bring up my mother or that b*stard she used to call a husband?

I looked at the woman behind him and smiled at her. Then, just as predicted, she blushed and cowered behind Bill. So I turned my attention back to Bill.

"I think we got off track. I wanted to speak to you tonight, as I wanted to discuss your contract."

Bill stayed silent, eyeing me up. He crossed his arms as he continued to watch me. I could see his mind run rampant at my words.

"What about my contract?" He said, firmly, with an undertone of spite.

"I was reviewing your contract, and it appears that you've been undercutting us for years."

"What's your point?"

"My point is that I've brought you a new contract." I say, holding out the papers to him.

Bill looked at it but didn't move at first. He continued to stare at me as he reached out to grab the papers from my hand. He pawed through it briefly, only to look even more upset.

"What the hell is this?" He said tersely, throwing the papers back at me.

I quickly grabbed the papers before they could drop to the floor.

"Your new contract. What else?"

"That there is not a contract. The only thing that's good for is wiping your ass."

I wink causally to the woman standing behind him, which only seems to anger him more. The woman gasps as he rushes me, squeezing my throat with one hand.

"Listen here, and listen well. Your brother may think the world of you. But on the contrary, I do not. When it comes to the wellbeing of Stone Enterprises, who do you think will have more influence on his decisions? Me or you?" Bill said, shoving me away from him.

"Oh, and before you think of saying something smart. Just remember who you're talking to. If you don't get back in your lane, then I'll be the one discussing the next contract. Though next time it will be yours and your future at Stone Enterprises."

Bill huffed in annoyance as he made his way past me. The woman behind him walked dutifully behind him. Just as she was about to pass me, I grabbed her arm, twisting her back towards me. Before she had time to react, I kissed her. I held onto her firmly, kissing her passionately for all to see.

I looked out of the corner of my eye, waiting to see Bill's reaction. Just as I expected, I saw his fist aim for my head. I quickly dodged, making sure to push the woman away from me as I made a speedy exit. I looked behind me to see Bill's face beet red in anger as he held the woman close to him. I could see him reach into his pocket, probably for his cell phone. If I had to guess, to call my brother. I just swung my head back and laughed. I noticed my ride waiting for me and jumped into the backseat of the car.