
Chapter 6

Shirley and Robin Hood went somewhere safe and kept a sharp lookout for Sherry and Diane. Then Shirley had an idea about where Sherry was going. Shirley said, "The skyscraper roof." Shirley looked behind her, saw the highest skyscraper in town, and climbed to the roof. When Shirley got to the roof, she saw a blimp pass by. Then Shirley put on a helmet so she could breathe. Then Shirley jumped off the roof and grabbed the end of the blimp. Shirley climbed down the blimp and crawled across the bottom to the door. Shirley opened the door and climbed in.

Sherry was sitting down when she saw Shirley. Shirley said, "Sherry." Sherry said, "Shirley Holmes. BYE!" Sherry grabbed a parachute, opened the door, and jumped out of the blimp. Then Shirley jumped out of the blimp after her. While they were falling, Shirley tried to kick Sherry, but Sherry dunked. Then Sherry spread her arms and legs out and flew up. Shirley flew down after Sherry but saw her fly up and pass her. Sherry said, "Bye, Loser." Shirley said, "I think not." Shirley flew up and tried to kick Sherry, but Sherry defended herself. Sherry saw a plane and flew down to it. Sherry said, "Have fun." Shirley grabbed the plane's wing and got on the aircraft with Sherry. Sherry said, "You should try out for a skydiving club." Shirley said, "If you like that, you're gonna LOVE this." Shirley jumped and kicked Sherry. Then Sherry jumped back up, clicked her heels together to turn on her rocket skates, and rode up to Shirley. Then she double-punched Shirley, and Shirley almost fell off the plane. Shirley grabbed the plane's door and held onto it. Sherry said, "Sorry, Shirley, but I'm only trying to get what I deserve. Revenge on You." Shirley said, "So that's what you want. Well, not on my watch."

Sherry ran off while Shirley was hanging on and jumped off the plane. Shirley let go of the door and jumped off the plane. Shirley flew down after Sherry, but Sherry wasn't worried at all. Sherry said, "You may have beat me the last time, but you'll lose this time because I don't see a parachute with you. Bye." Sherry dived down and flew past Shirley. Then she pulled the cord on her backpack and opened her parachute. Shirley said, "Parachute would be nice right now." Shirley fell into the chimney of an ice cream factory, and Sherry parachuted into it. Sherry tried to punch Shirley, but Shirley blocked her attack. Shirley said, "I was right about you." Sherry said, "Of course you were, I'm evil. And once evil, always evil." Sherry swung her leg at Shirley and kicked her into a giant pot of chocolate ice cream. Then Sherry found the controls. Sherry said, "Hmm. How does a Holmes Sundae sound? No, no, no. A Shirley Banana Split with 29 different flavors." Shirley said, "29 Flavors." Sherry said, "A Shirley Milkshake is the perfect choice for revenge." Sherry pulled the lever, and a tube was lowered into Shirley's pot. Sherry said, "Have a nice trip." Sherry turned up the speed from low to high and broke the knob so nobody could set it back.

Shirley was pulled towards the tube and tried to swim away but couldn't. Shirley screamed, "Help." Meanwhile, Diane was fighting Robin Hood. Diane kicked Robin Hood, stole his bow, broke it in half with her leg, and threw it at him. Robin Hood said, "My bow." Diane said, "You lose." Robin Hood swung his leg under Diane, and she fell to the floor. Robin Hood jumped out the window, but Diane clicked her heels together and turned her shoes into rocket skates. Diane jumped out the window, grabbed Robin Hood, and rocketed skated to where Sherry was. When Diane reached the ice cream factory, she handed Robin Hood over to Sherry. Sherry said, "Yes. Shirley in the ice cream, her partner mine, and not even Robin Hood can save them." Diane said, "Bravo Master." Shirley swam to the side and grabbed the side of the pot. Then she looked out and saw Diane. Shirley screamed, "Diane, it's me, Shirley." Sherry said, "Do not listen. She's just scared." Diane said, "Yes, master." Shirley said, "When we teamed up, we each promised to protect each other." Diane put her hand on her face and was having trouble deciding. Shirley said, "It's working." Shirley said, "We solved mysteries together, and unless you want to be evil forever, help me now." Shirley sank to the bottom of the pot. Robin Hood said, "Shirley!" Diane said, "Wait. Shirley. SHIRLEY, NO!" Diane went to the top of the pot and jumped in after Shirley. Diane pulled Shirley out, and the ice cream made Diane's bracelet short-circuit. Then Diane's eyes glowed red, and she returned to normal. Diane said, "Shirley, why am I holding you? And why am I dressed in black?" Shirley said, "Long story."

Sherry ran away and tried to get away. Diane said, "I guess I better return the favor." Diane jumped in front of Sherry, swung her leg at her, and kicked her out the window. When they got outside, they saw that Sherry was gone. Then Sherry drove by them on a dirt bike, and Shirley got on her scooter and chased after her. Sherry rode through a tunnel, but Shirley was only halfway there. Shirley said, "I'll never catch her like this." Diane drove by Shirley on a motorcycle and gave her a helmet. Shirley put her helmet on and held onto Diane while she drove. Sherry led them to a skatepark and rode to a ramp. Sherry drove up the ramp and pushed a button on one of her handlebars. The seat ejected her, and Sherry grabbed a rope on a hot air balloon. Shirley and Diane drove to the skatepark and saw Sherry's dirt bike at the top of a ramp. Shirley said, "She's not there." Diane said, "Then where is she?" With her binoculars, Shirley saw Sherry climbing a rope to the hot air balloon basket. Shirley said, "There she is, up in the sky." Shirley looked down and had an idea. Shirley tied a rope to Diane. Shirley said, "Click your heels." Diane said, "What." Shirley said, "Click your heels."

Diane clicked her heels together and activated the rocket skates Sherry gave her. Shirley clicked her heels together and activated her regular skates. Diane skated up the ramp. Sherry rode up, and Shirley held onto the rope she tied onto Diane. Diane's rockets flew her into the sky, and she grabbed one of the hot air balloon's ropes. Sherry looked down out of the basket and saw Shirley and Diane hanging from a rope. Sherry said, "So, you wanna hang around. Alright, enjoy yourselves." Shirley jumped out of the basket and grabbed a helicopter. Sherry said, "Bye." Shirely jumped off the rope and grabbed Sherry's ankle. Sherry said, "You just won't quit, will you." Shirley said, "Not until you lose." Diane pushed Shirley and Sherry off the helicopter, and they free-fell to the ground. Sherry said, "Nice job, idiot, we have no parachute." Diane said, "Relax." They landed on a kid's bounce house in Montana when they reached the bottom. Shirley said, "This works, too."

Sherry jumped off and saw the police. Then, the police handcuffed Sherry and took her back to prison while Shirley and Diane went back to the U.S. Navy Base in Virginia. When they returned, Shirley and Diane explained the mystery to Admiral Smith. Shirley said, "It was Sherry all along. Sherry wanted revenge on me for busting her the last time." Diane showed Admiral Smith her bracelet. Diane said, "So she made me this bracelet, which made me think I hated Shirley." Shirley said, "Luckily, I could break her heart free and let her remember even with the bracelet on." Diane said, "The arrows came from Robin Hood protecting the base from Sherry dressed like a ninja."

Shirley said, "She was the one me and Robin Hood fought below deck along with Diane." Diane said, "The phone calls with only the bell sounds came from Sherry calling you guys and ringing a bell in the phone." Shirley said, "When I found the secret passage leading to your office, you did seem like an obvious suspect, but Sherry didn't count on the fact that every package comes with a return address, which led me to her hideout." Diane said, "Sherry was drawing boat pictures to make herself seem innocent and the admiral guilty." Admiral Smith said, "Now, instead of killing Shirley, Sherry's in jail." Shirley said, "Something tells me we haven't seen the last of Sherry." Shirley and Diane got in their car in U.S. Navy uniforms. The Navy gave them and waved goodbye to their friends. Diane said, "Sorry I tried to kill you." Shirley said, "It wasn't your fault," Shirley stopped the car in the woods and got out. Then she climbed up a tree where she saw Robin Hood.

Shirley said, "Hi." Robin Hood said, "Hi." Shirley gave Robin Hood his bow back, and Robin Hood saw that it was as good as new. Robin Hood said, "Gee. Thanks, Shirley." Shirley said, "Anything for a friend." Robin Hood said, "Friends?" Shirley said, "Friends." Shirley climbed down from the tree and left Robin Hood alone while she got in her car. Shirley said, "Goodbye, Robin Hood, until we meet again." Robin Hood said, "Goodbye, Shirley Holmes." Shirley drove off, and Robin Hood waved goodbye. Robin Hood heard somebody coming, so he climbed back into the trees and hid there. Meanwhile, Shirley and Diane were driving out of Virginia, awaiting their next mystery.

Meanwhile, Sherry was in a police helicopter handcuffed because she got busted. Sherry said, "I can't believe I didn't get my revenge." The pilot said, "You might get another chance." The pilot showed Sherry his face, and Sherry saw that he was Rex. Sherry said, "Rex." Rex said, "Your scheme was clever. Too bad it failed. So here." Rex gave Sherry the handcuff key, and Sherry unlocked her handcuffs and then jumped out of the helicopter. Then she landed on a hoverboard she designed and flew next to Rex. Sherry said, "Thank you." Sherry flew off without Shirley or Diane knowing, and so did Rex.

The End