


SCOOF · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

The Lost

[Scene: The Scoofmanji Gang's hideout, enveloped in a heavy atmosphere of grief]

Nara: Victory had come at a tremendous cost. The Scoofmanji Gang stood

triumphant, but Scoof's sacrifice weighed on their hearts like an unbearable burden.

Lisa: (teary-eyed) Scoof, you saved the city, but at such a terrible price.

Scoof: Zoro,Caliban and please say this to Harry. don't forget our purpose please come back.

Zoro,Caliban: no we won't

Lisa: he's suffering

Mark: (voice trembling) Is there nothing we can do to help you?

Scoof: (smiling weakly) It had to be done. But now, I must say goodbye.

[Scene: The gang members gather around Scoof, their faces a tapestry of sorrow]

Nara: Scoof had given everything for the city, and now he faced an agonizing farewell.

[Scene: The gang members, their voices choked with emotion]

Mark: (fighting back tears) You're like a brother to us, Scoof.

Zoro:(Voice cracking) We don't forget you Scoof

Lisa: (Crying) We can't bear to lose you.

Scoof: (touching their shoulders) I'll always be with you, in spirit.

[Scene: Scoof prepares to leave the gang]

Nara: With a heavy heart, Scoof bid farewell to the gang he had built, the family he had come to cherish.

[Scene: The gang members, standing in silence, their eyes filled with tears]

Mark: (whispering) We'll make sure your sacrifice was not in vain.

Lisa: (nodding) The Scoofmanji Gang will carry your legacy forward.

[Scene: Scoof watching over from a distance, a lone figure]

Nara: Scoof watched from afar, a silent guardian, knowing he had given up everything for the city, his sacrifice etched into the hearts of his friends.

[End of Episode 8, with the gang members, heartbroken yet resolute, continuing

their mission in Scoof's name, his sacrifice a poignant reminder of their duty to protect the city.]