
The Man With 3 Faces

An unknown stalker appears to four teenagers at different places, sending messages while trying to murder them. Later they knew those messages included a crime and guilt covered their own family. Ever one of those teenagers were best pals and wanted to recover the past crimes of their own family together but then suddenly they found themselves in rooms full of puzzles created by that stalker. The only way was to play the prowler game and be a survivor either than having a strong friendship together Answer Hint: A silence however brief is all the answer they need.                             ×   GAME ON  × One of each four characters was: A coward A liar A betrayal A killer Hope you will enjoy!!! Story written by: Baysan Amir

Baysan_Amir · Teen
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6 Chs

¤CHP4¤: Follow My Rules

I slightly opened my eyes seeing unknown dozens of visitors sobbing around me; I didn't talk nor dared to face anyone as I tried to recollect my memory, but mum wasn't helping me though; her anxiety is difficult to understand, either than crying she kept yelling at me affront of everyone, which really lacked on my nerves.


I tried to explicate that the driver made up all that to me and it wasn't my fault from not taking my medicine, but it was difficult to convenes mum and the others, because their entrust was on the man with red eyes, as they say he brought me up to the hospital and was the one who called my mum for help; they were saying he was scared from beginning ostracize from his job but mum told him it wasn't his fault and it going to be fine.

They never believed me, what I was saying was just nonsense to them as I felt from there looks that I'm supposed to shut up, but they're consideration that I was just little tired.

I sat up probably on bed, pressing ache of confusion; time passed and mum told everyone to go home safely.

Five minutes later, I was alone as it took me a while to realise that I was on PDP hospital where mum's workplace.

A knocking on the door distracted my consideration as it entered the room, it's Simon and Natalie an old best friends of mine; abruptly my heart skipped a beat when I saw light blue eyes glancing at me all worried with a dark black curly hair, hard jawline and cochlear on both ears...it was Tony.


Natalie went running touching Emily fist "Emily, are you alright, do you need anything", fearful cried her friend.

am fine Natalie"

"See, see i told you're just being overreacted for nothing, i knew my little beastie can handle it",said Simon.

Natalie laughed saying,"then can you explain the person who was just distressed a minute ago was who..me?!!"

Snickered Emily,"Aww i have never seen the worried side of you buddy"

Simon blushed as he rolled his eyes.

"Sorry for distraction but are you feeling better now Emily",excused Tony.

"Yea am fine,so hey how are you doing?"asked Emily

"Great i guess, mum is just strict and over caring about everything i try to do, she wouldn't even let me to use a knife to cut a tomato" complained


"heh that opposite to my mum, she would shout on me if i just fell on the ground" replied Emily.

"Ohh that explains the noise that came out of your room a few minutes ago" smirked Tony.

All three of them laughed at me as i tauted my lips in anger raising my pillow directly to Tony's face, making him to fall.

Simon laughed saying," Wait am Tony's mother"

"Guys that not funny!" Natlie stated.

"Shshsh you're disturbing my moment" Emily shut her.

Simon looked at me in the eyes until he was crying from laughter as for Natalie, she was glaring at me while her hands on her hips, Tony was still at the ground looking at us in amusement not understanding what we are even talking about.

Simon continue what he wanted to do, he kneel to the ground toward tony hugging him,"Tony my little bunny are you fine, are you hurt anywhere!" Kissing his forehead

Tony mind was loading until he realised that was his mother doings, he escaped from his hug and took the pillow on the ground throwing directly on him, amazingly Simon dodgy it, but went to the direction of the vase making it break into pieces on the ground.

The nurses and the doctor went running to Emily's room finding both boys at the ground, the broken vase and a pillow!!!

The doctor pressed his lips,eyes on fire," OUT ALL THREE OF YOU RIGHT NOW!"

"But i haven't done something" Natalie trying to defend herself.

"Time visiting is over my lady" angerly said the doctor.

Natalie looked at her watch," No we still have 20 minutes."

All of us looked at Natalie in amusement.

"I SAID OUT, NOW!!" Furiously yelled the doctor.

"Ok fine, gosh"

She turned around kissed my cheek and all three of them waved to me as they leave my room.

A few minutes, the same doctor knocked the door and entered, i covered my mouth with the blanket hoping not laugh or smile as i am remembering what has happened.

"And you be ready cuz your mum is taking you home; make sure not to step on the glass pieces."

He went out shutting the door furiously.


I entered the car with mum; i took my phone from the bag and noticed my diary, i wanted to pick it up as a message popped on my notification; it was Simon.


SALMON: hey 👋, i wanna apologise if we were annoying u 😭💔

EMILY: No, not at all😅

SALMON: I Knew it but that stupid Natalie forced me to apologise 🙄

EMILY: for a second i thought u went kind and all worried about me 😒

SALMON: 😑...

EMILY: Anyway I haven't know u r friends with tony???

SALMON: mehhh his just an online friend😐 his Natalie's cousin😑...


SALMON: don't tell me, she didn't told u🤣🤣🤣🤭


SALMON: woh woh woh calm down!!!

Do u even knew who he is🤨????

I thought to myself," right i haven't told them about the scarred stalker who attacked me and tony.....

SALMON: HELLLLLLOOOO???? r u there😶😕

EMILY: OH sorry am just little tried 😞

SALMON: Anyway if u don't mind i gave tony ur number cuz he asked so😃

EMILY: It's fine bye salmon 🙉🍣🐟


EMILY: 😁😁😁


However, I entered the house took out my diary and dropped my bag at the floor; I settled down on the sofa and started reading it.

I really want to continue writing on the diary but don't know why it just felt so....

"MUM!"i yelled


"Yes girl, stopping yelling at me as if am your kid!, replied her mother.

"Mum can you please stop using my diary as your writing notes we have discussed about this already!",stated Emily.

"And who told you i have done so?" Questioned mum

"Cuz that your terrible handwriting!"

"WATCH YOUR MOUTH KID" her mum ranted.

"Sorry!!! but who could it be, it's even hard to read it handwriting"

"I don't know and i don't care,bye" Diana ignored her.

(A/N: Emily's mother name is Diana)

But when i got a clear look at the condition of the handwriting my heart went cold....

Follow without hesitation

1.don't trust anyone...

2.don't go outside on mondays.....

3.don't be so friendly to anyone....

4.don't search for me cuz am already following you everywhere.....


*your lovers are your haters....

*you know me ...

*you don't have time for wavering!

I was humiliated and scared turning the pages of my diary until i came to the end paper, finding more scratchy terrible handwriting and that was it continuation.

1...neither do they?!

2....cuz that when you meet him sometimes.

I was stopped by the word him;

Does he mean the scarred eyes man if that so then who wrote this?

A knocking on the door and mum called me to open it; a blind man with a stick and white hair asked for help ordering for him a taxi.

Diana served him with hot chocolate as it started to rain.

While I was waiting for a taxi an unknown number messaged me.


UNKNOWN: Hey Emily 👋, it's me Tony, srry 4 sending late am just curious about smth

EMILY: hi tony!, wait.... y haven't u told me that Natalie is ur cousin.

UNKNOWN: Idk she's ur friend until she told me about u & the hospital 😥

UNKNOWN: whatever, i couldn't speak 2 u about the bold man while Simon & Natalie were there....

UNKNOWN: oh and yea i found a man in the hospital throwing a diary

in the bin turning 2 b yours!?

EMILY: but how?? It wiz me rn

UNKNOWN:Ik i returned it 2 ur mum

EMILY: can u somehow rmbr how the man looks like ×-×

UNKNOWN: a youthful man but with white hair, a crocked nose and yea... he was holding a stick i think he is blind.

I stopped a taxi and saw tony last message; a panic seized me,i was humiliated, scared, eyes shaking, my heart went cold, i wrongly left my phone to fall from my hand making a scratch on the screen; that time all i could think was ....

"MUM!!!" I screamed.

Rule number 3

don't be so friendly to anyone....