
The Man Who Made Me Into A Woman

YOLO! You only live once. That is my motto in life. I don't care about what other people would say and think about me. I am me. And others opinions won't matter. I am Alexa Lopez, Alex for short. Everyone calls me by that name, including my parents. I am a proud lesbian and I am lucky that my parents accept me for who I am but sometimes my mom still wishes that I will wake up to my senses one day and meet a man. Me? Meeting a man? Yuck! I'd rather die than meet a man. Eeeew! I heard many times from my friends and some relatives that I look pretty. They said I have a good body and they are sure that if I am a straight girl, many boys will chase after me. But that will never happen. I am not pretty, I am handsome. I am 17 years old, still a teenager and young as they say but I am already mature. I already had 3 girlfriends in the past and all of them were head over heals with me. I can't blame them, I treated them nicely and I did my best to be a good partner for them, giving them gifts in every occasion, accompanying them when they go shopping and help them with their studies. I sometimes even do their homework and their projects. I am the only child in my family and I must say we are kinda okay financially. My dad is a lawyer and my mom is a dermatologist, maybe that is the reason why I have a good skin. I am currently a senior high school student in Mary Poppins International School and I am also one of the varsity players of the women's basketball team. I am quite famous I must say. It may seem that I have everything, but inside this tough person is a fragile lady.

alwayshopeful · Urban
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17 Chs

The Announcement

Carlos and Alex spent the night sleeping in the sofa on both ends. Alex made sure to keep an acceptable distance between the two of them. She doesn't want to give Carlos even a slight chance of being near to him.

They are alreay awake when Alex's parents arrived. They brought breakfast for the two which they shared immediately. They are both hungry even though they ate cake last night.

"Will your parents not look for you, Carlos? You've been staying here for two nights now. Did you inform them that you would be staying here with us?" Mr. Lopez asked Carlos. As a parent, he doesn't want his parents to get worried at him like what he would feel if Alex doesn't go home for two nights.

"Granny asked grandpa for me to stay here until tomorrow sir so I'm sure they are not looking for me there." Carlos answered.

"That's good. We are happy that you are keeping our daughter company. We feel more relieved knowing that she is not alone." Mr. Lopez said sincerely. Even though Alex is a lesbian, for him, she is still a lady that should be taken care of.

"I am willing to accompany her anytime she needs me sir." Carlos said.

Mr. Lopez is so satisfied hearing Carlos' answers. He knows that with Carlos, his daughter is in good hands. He was at first against the planned marriage of him and his daughter but now that he sees the possibility of Alex becoming a straight woman, he thinks this marriage is not bad at all.

"We have something to tell you, sir and ma'am." Carlos said. He looked at Alex to signal her that it is the right time for them to announce their decision. Alex stood up beside Carlos. "I and Alex decided to get married after her high school graduation. We are asking for your blessings." Carlos continued.

Mr. Lopex can't hide the excitement on his face. He was very happy to see Alex not disapproving of what Carlos just said. Mrs. Lopex on the other hand looks very worried.

"Are you sure about your decision? If you're only doing this for your granny, then you'd better think about it again. I don't want you to rush into things. The two of you are still young. I don't want you to regret it later." This is the first time Mrs. Lopez voiced out her opinion. She normally remains quiet and supports whatever her husband or granny Isabela's decision is but this time, it is her daughter's future at stake. She doesn't want Alex to be like her in this family. She doesn't want Alex to be a yes-woman like what she does all the time.

"Don't worry mom. I and Carlos talked about it the whole night and we agreed that it is the right thing to do. And maybe it is a good start for the two of us. We are both immature and getting married would make us better people." Alex was touched with what her mom said but her decision is already final.

Granny Isabela of course is listening to their conversation. She is pretending to sleep. She is so happy with what she heard. Her main reason on why she wants Alex to get married early is for her to become a real woman. She thinks her plan is now working thanks to Carlos.

"Are you sure about this, Alex?" Mrs. Lopez asked. She wants to make sure that Alex really knows what she is talking about.

"Of course, mom. Don't worry about me. I know Carlos would always help me." Alex assured her.

Mrs. Lopez hugged Alex. She can't help but be worried at her daughter. She feels sorry for not speaking up and standing for her in the past. Now, she had to make a decision on her own. She is sure it is against Alex's will but she will do everything for her granny.

Mr. Lopez hugged the two ladies. He then smiled at Carlos. "Welcome to the family, my future son-in-law."

Alex can't help crying. She is happy and scared at the same time and there is no more turning back. She will really get married after her high school graduation and that will be three months later.

Carlos and Alex explained about their decision to have their wedding civil which was agreed by their parents. Mr. Lopez promised that they will respect their decisions but they will have another wedding ceremony after Alex's graduation from university. Granny Isabela can't be against their decision. Having them married no matter how simple it is is already enough for her.

Granny Isabela went home the next day after her doctor said that her condition is now stable. She still needs to take some rest and shouldn't be stressed. Alex's parents decided that Granny Isabela would stay with them so that someone can look after her. Carlos also went back to his home that day.

Sunday night was a bit boring for Alex. She decided to stay in her room and take a rest. Normally, she doesn't stay home on weekends. On Saturdays, she goes to their basketball practice and on Sundays, she goes out on a date with her girlfriend. But since her granny was hospitalized, she decided to stay with her.

She was just playing with her phone when she received a message from an unsaved phone number.

"Hey there, missing me? I bet you do. I have to admit, I miss you too."

She remembered she didn't contact her gf since the call she got from her last Friday night. She was so sure the message came from her.

"I guess mental telepathy really works. How did you know I was thinking about you. I can't wait to see you, baby."

Actually she already forgot about her. She even forgot that she has a gf recently. She was so preoccupied with her granny and the upcoming wedding.

She got a reply immediately.

"Do you want to meet me tomorrow? I can pick you up after your class."

"No need. We might be having a practice tomorrow. I will meet you after that. What do you want to do tomorrow?"

She doesn't have a practice tomorrow. She just wants to spend some time with her team mates first before spending time with anyone. She is also starting to feel bored having dates with her current gf. She wants to have a break having a relationship. She became excited when she received the next message.

"I am planning to book a hotel downtown. Do you want to meet me there instead? We can enjoy watching a movie and have some private time, just the two of us."

Her gf was never aggressive before. All her gfs in the past were quite conservative and she never forced them to do anything with her.

"That's a good idea. I think we can meet earlier. I can skip our team practice tomorrow for you. Let me know the address and I will be there right after my class. Wear something sexy, baby."

She had never felt so excited meeting her before. She felt bored sometimes having a date with her. The only things they did were to study, eat in restaurants, watch movies in cinemas or walk in parks. She wants to do more than that.

"Haha. Why would I wear something sexy when I can be naked."

She can't believe what she read but it makes her feel more excited.

"Can't wait to see you. Call me tomorrow for the address."

After she replied, she looked for presents she would buy for her gf. Tomorrow is a very special day. She can finally make a goal with her gf, something she has never done to anyone in the past.