
The Man Who Loves Me

Just as I was reeling myself back from the brink, he slowly opened his eyes. Those hazel-brown orbs gazed at me with a longing that sent a shiver down my spine. In a soft, imploring voice, he uttered, "Stay."His hands wrapped around my neck, drawing me closer,and his warm breath caressed my lips. Our lips met in a slow, gentle dance, and I could taste the warmth of his kiss, sweet yet tinged with a hint of bitterness. I was startled by the suddenness of it all, torn between resisting and succumbing to the allure of his soft, trembling lips. But as quickly as the kiss had ignited, he pushed me away abruptly, and the moment was shattered as he began to retch and vomit onto the floor.

TheLeeVilQueen · LGBT+
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2 Chs


I walked aimlessly through the street when I came across a bar and decided to drown my sorrows in alcohol. The night was supposed to end on a happy note. I was planning to confess my feelings for him, but it resulted in me waking up in someone else's bed.

I am one of the most renowned architects and interior designers in the architecture and construction industry. I, Arm Saeng-Arun, the CEO of Haven Designs, am sought after by major construction companies for his flawless designs that are renowned worldwide. A winner of the Dezeen Award since 2017. I have been representing the country at various international interior design conferences. My designs have been featured and have graced the covers of various magazines such as Vogue, Elle Decor, and House Beautiful. However, despite all of these achievements, I am still single. Why? Because I have been secretly in love with my childhood friend for as long as I can remember.

When I was 8 years old, my father, who is an engineer, was assigned to supervise a project in this city. We relocated here, and I also continued my education here. I'm not the outgoing type, so I have been alone at school since I transferred. Then one day, a boy came to me and asked if I would like to share his snack because his lunch pack was too much for him. I found out that we were also neighbors. From then on, we were inseparable. He was Kinn. The eldest son of a distinguished family of doctors. We would walk home together from school and sometimes stop by the playground until the sun started to set. He was my best friend, up until now.

I called him earlier today, "Hey Kinn, I have something to tell you."

"What is it?" "I have something to tell you as well." - Kinn

"Then, let's meet up at Artemis for dinner later." "Is that fine?"

"Sure, let's meet at 7. See you later, bud!" (click) - Kinn

I never thought the day would come when I'd summon the courage to bare my feelings to Kinn. It was a mix of excitement and nervousness that coursed through me. For our meeting, I chose to wear a simple white shirt paired with fitted jeans to complement my newly purchased jacket. Arriving early, I took the opportunity to reserve our table and review the menu.

A few minutes later, Kinn called to inform me that he'd be running a bit late, so I ordered a coffee and settled in to wait. However, my anticipation turned into surprise when Kinn walked in through the entrance, but he wasn't alone.

"Arm! Sorry I'm late. This is Wyn, my fiance." Kinn said excitedly as they sat across the table.

I nearly spilled my coffee upon hearing the news. My hand felt cold and my chest felt tight but I forced a smile.

"Congratulations! It's about time, Kinn! I was already thinking that you were into me since we always hang out together!"

"He never told me that he was seeing someone. So, this is great news. When is the wedding?". I said, as I gently put down my cup of coffee with my trembling hand.

" Thank you. It's still too early to announce, but we'll probably have it next year once Kinn becomes the Medical Director at his father's hospital," Wyn enthusiastically said.

"So, what were you going to tell me?" Kinn asked, holding Wyn's hand and kissing it.

" Oh, it's nothing important. "I just want to show off the new jacket I bought overseas," I muttered as I tried to hold back my tears.

"I forgot that I had some work to check, so I'll be taking my leave now," I said as I scurried away, unable to prevent my tears from falling.

My tears blurred my vision behind my glasses as I left Artemis, the weight of heartbreak pressing down on me like an anchor. With each step I took through the city's dimly lit streets, I felt the world around me grow colder and more distant.

In my aimless wanderings, I stumbled upon a small, cozy bar tucked away in a quiet corner. Its unassuming entrance beckoned to me like a beacon of solace amidst the storm of my emotions. I entered the establishment and made my way directly to the sleek bar counter.

"Whiskey on the rocks, please," I requested, my voice quivering with the weight of sorrow that threatened to consume me. The bartender nodded silently, understanding that I sought refuge in the amber embrace of strong liquor.

My first drink was almost an instant blur, a desperate attempt to drown the overwhelming sadness that had taken hold of me. I immediately ordered another, my eyes fixated on my phone as I awaited a call from Kinn. My heart ached for him to reach out, to reassure me that everything was just a cruel joke, a prank gone too far.

In that dimly lit bar, amidst the soft murmur of conversations and the faint strains of melancholic music, I clung to the fragile hope that the world would right itself, that the pain tearing through me would be alleviated by a simple message or a familiar voice on the other end of the line.

As I lost myself in a sea of drinks and despair, the passage of time became a blur, and my surroundings morphed into a disjointed kaleidoscope of emotions. Seeking refuge from the turmoil inside me, I rested my heavy head upon the cool, polished bar counter, hoping to find some respite from the relentless whirlwind of thoughts.

In that hazy moment, a gentle yet determined tug at my shoulder roused me from my stupor. Blinking back the alcohol-induced fog, I hastily adjusted my glasses, allowing me to discern the figure that stood before me. To my amazement and relief, it was Kinn. The sight of him, in that dimly lit bar, felt like an unexpected lifeline thrown to a drowning soul.

As Kinn's strong arms enveloped me, lifting me from my wobbly perch on the barstool, I clung to him as if he were my anchor in the turbulent sea of my emotions. The alcohol had rendered my limbs heavy and uncooperative, leaving me utterly dependent on his support.

With my head resting on his shoulder, I struggled to form coherent words. My voice emerged as a slurred whisper, the alcohol-infused haze making articulation a herculean task. "Kinn... you came for me... take me home," I managed to utter, my words a fragile plea.

Kinn, ever the pillar of support, didn't hesitate. He hoisted me onto his back, and I clung to him, feeling the reassuring strength of his chiseled frame pressing against me.I wished, oh how I wished, I could tell him then and there that I loved him, that my heart had silently yearned for him for far too long. But the alcohol had bound my tongue, leaving my confession locked in the depths of my intoxicated soul.

He laid me down on the couch, and a warm towel touched my face. His warm breath brushed against my skin, carrying a faint scent of sweetness mixed with a hint of sweat as if he had just finished work. I couldn't recognize if this was the same perfume he was wearing earlier at the restaurant.

My words stumbled out, slurred by the alcohol that clouded my senses. "Kinn, I like you," I confessed, desperation and longing mixed in my voice. My eyes struggled to open, searching for a sign that he hadn't meant what he'd said earlier. "You were just joking, right? You're not going to marry that girl, right?" My pleas were desperate, fueled by the fear of losing him. "Don't leave me. We've been together for so long. Please, don't leave me. Stay."

In my drunken haze, I clung to him, wrapping my arm around his neck and pulling him closer. Our faces were inches apart, the scent of whiskey heavy in the air. I couldn't resist the temptation any longer, and I kissed him deeply, pouring all the longing and hidden emotions into that stolen moment. It was a kiss that had been a long time coming, but the whiskey churned in my stomach, threatening to betray me.

Unable to hold on any longer, I released him, the world spinning around me, and darkness claimed me as I passed out, my heart heavy with the weight of my unspoken feelings.

The warm morning sun cast gentle rays on my face, and a soothing breeze fluttered the curtains through the open window. Despite the comfortable surroundings, I didn't want to move. My head throbbed, and my throat felt parched. As I turned to my side, I noticed my glasses resting beside a glass of warm honey water on the bedside table. I sat up slowly, taking a sip of the soothing drink, and glanced around the room, realizing that I was in an unfamiliar place.

"Where am I?" I murmured to myself.

"Aaaargh!" I gasped, panic rising as I suddenly became aware that my shirt was missing. Just then, a man, half-dressed and wearing an apron, rushed into the bedroom to check on me.

"You're awake. How do you feel?" he inquired, with concern in his voice. "I washed your shirt. You can wear one from the closet in the meantime. Come out whenever you're ready," he added before returning to the kitchen.

I was left alone in the room, my mind racing to piece together the events of the previous night, desperately trying to recall how I had ended up in this unfamiliar place.