
7 Light Of Anarchy.

Byung and Kwan would be seen sitting in his room, the hot shower had helped him cool off and he was feeling slightly better. The hand-print on his shoulder had disappeared but the thoughts lingered, he could not shake off the feeling that this was somehow related to his dream.

Kwan, who was busy reading a novel, would occasionally look over his shoulder to see how Byung was doing but Byung seemed to be spaced out, lost in thought, returning his gaze to his book.

"You good?" Kwan asked him, flipping a page over.

"Do you believe in demons?" Byung replied to him with a question as if he was waiting for Kwan to ask him this question.

"Umm…. No?" Kwan replied, the confusion was clear in the tone of his voice, it was too random a question but he quickly followed it up with a question, "Why?".

"Nothing, nothing. I guess it has been on my mind lately." Byung replied to him, staring at the ceiling.

"Did you see someone uglier than you and assume the person was a demon?" Kwan asked, trying to lighten up Byung's mood with a quick joke but got no response in return.

"What is the problem? You have been acting weird ever since you came back home from the Police Station." Kwan said, shutting his book and focusing his attention on Byung.

"I guess I was shaken, being arrested took its toll on me," Byung responded and silence soon followed.

"Does this, in any way, have to do with A-Yeong," Kwan asked, and the surprised reaction from Byung made it clear he had made contact with A-Yeong. They had lived together for so long that facial expressions had been mastered, alongside their meaning and Kwan translated his as "Damn! How did he know?"

"Man, it is fine if you do not want to tell me, but don't lie to me," Kwan said as he heaved a loud sigh. Reopening his book.

Byung knew he just wanted to help but this was a secret he had to keep hidden. Then, it donned on him, what if he said the truth but not the truth?

"You are aware of the murder that happened last week, right?" Byung quickly continued the conversation.

"Yeah, it was not carried by any major station but I read it on some few smaller sites. What of it?" Kwan asked, his eyes scanning the words in his book.

"I was the last person to see him, he was a homeless man. He was the one that I gave that meal." Byung replied and just then, Kwan's mind shot back to the battle they had had with themselves only to find out that there was no extra meal.

"Oh, I see. So there was an extra meal, why did you not tell us sooner. That whole situation could have been avoided".

"Would you have believed at that moment if I said I fed a homeless man?" Byung quickly asked with a raised brow which made Kwan chuckle lightly.

"Even Buddha would not believe you at that moment. Now, this explains everything. A lot must have been weighing on your mind. Don't you feel better now that you have spoken to someone?" Kwan asked him and Byung would nod with a smile.

Soon, his phone would ring. It was Hayoon and a creepy smile crept on his face unknowingly, prompting Kwan to sneak a peak.

"Officer Hayoon? You probably should take that." Kwan advised but the smile on Byung's face would tell Kwan that this was much more than a phone call.

"Hello? Good day Ha-! I mean, Officer Hayoon." Byung said, almost fumbling in his greeting, and Kwan could hear the voice of the person on the other end.

"Hello Byung, sorry to call you so suddenly but something came up. Are you free to meet up when I get off from work?" Hayoon could be heard saying from the phone. Byung's eyes would light up with excitement as a thousand things went through his head at that very moment.

"Let me check my schedule real quick.." This was followed with a pause that lasted approximately 3 seconds but a loud sneeze would follow soon after ruining the suspense he had wanted to create.

"Bless you!" She said, and this embarrassed Byung but another sneeze soon followed.

"You do not seem well, what if I came over to your place? This is really urgent." She asked.

"T-Thank. Yeah, I caught a bit of a cold but it is nothing. I would prefer that actually, I will text you the address." Byung replied to her as the conversation ended and he noticed Kwan had on a goofy expression.

"Don't! Just Don't!" Byung would warn Kwan but this fell on deaf ears.

"Awww, the beast has found a beauty!" Kwan teased with a cheeky smile.

"YOU! YOU SON OF A B*TCH!" Byung would shout as he chased Kwan around once more.

Ki-Tae had arrived at a certain location with Jinwoo, where they would disembark from the car and walk into what looked like a mansion, this surprised Jinwoo as he admired the scenery.

"M-Master, what are we doing here?" Jinwoo would ask.

"This? This is one of my properties. This is where the Guild's HQ will be for now. And this will serve as bait too." Ki-Tae replied but Jinwoo had no idea what he meant by bait and did not want to know either.

Soon, the door burst open and a teary A-Yeong would rush out, reaching maximum speed and once she hugged Jinwoo, both went tumbling with the rest of the guild coming out, all relieved and Jinwoo tried his best to maintain a tough guy exterior.

"Welcome home! I missed you!" A-Yeong said and began snuggling him. This would make Jinwoo burst into tears as he hugged her tightly.

"I missed you all!" Jinwoo said, sniffling as Ki-tae stood with a content smile. This was the morale boost they needed and he was not about to let it go to waste.

"I guess it is time to pay the new member a welcome visit." Ki-Tae said, drawing the attention of A-Yeong.

"You don't mean…!" She muttered, tightening her hug around Jinwoo.

"Yes, it is time to see just who this Byung is," Ki-Tae said in a gentle tone.

"I-I-I c-can't b-breathe…" Jinwoo could be seen, struggling to say.

"Oh! My bad." She responded, loosening her grip as everyone would laugh.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't the one that went missing." A voice could be heard saying at the entrance of the fenced mansion, and everyone's head would turn, it was Woojin.

"You bastar-!" Geun would be interrupted by the tossed bag that would tumble on the ground and halt at the feet of Ki-Tae.

"What is the meaning of this?" Ki-Tae asked, he knew what was inside but the others did not. Dohyun reached for the bag to check what was inside and immediately vomited once he saw it.

"Hey, what is wrong Dohyun?" A-Yeong asked, letting go of Jinwoo to see for herself and she would look disgusted.

"W-What have you done, you sick bastard!?" She asked Woojin, clenching her fist. The severed head of Jin-Hyuk was revealed to be in this bag but the eyes had been gouged out and placed inside his nostril, with his tongue ripped out, acting as makeshift sleeping goggles.

"Hey, that is harsh coming from you, babe. I may not be artistic, but give me a break, can't you see the beauty?" Woojin asked, with a flirty smile.

An awkward silence followed as each of the members in the Guild had a disgusted face.

"Hey, what is with that look? I don't even get a welcome back? That is not cool, even from my sweet A-Yeong." Woojin teased her. Face creasing into a flirty grin.

"D-DON'T YOU EVER ADDRESS ME IN SUCH A WAY EVER AGAIN!" A-Yeong warned him. She was boiling with rage.

"Hahaha! What is with that reaction? I like it when you are angry," Woojin teased further.

Out of the blue, Geun would charge at him and Woojin braced to engage. Just when things were about to get chaotic, Ki-Tae would ask but a question.

"Such arrogance in my presence?" The voice would prompt both boys to halt, simultaneously wiping the smile from the face of Woojin as fear replaced it. His method might have been extreme but he got the job done and had avenged Jin.

"Thank you, Woojin. You have done an excellent job. Jin can finally rest." This shocked the entire Guild, including Woojin.

"N-No need to thank me, Master Ki-Tae. I just came here to report that I have dealt with one of the murderers of your brother. Since the rest...are incompetent." Woojin responded, bowing his head in respect.

"What was that!? You piece of-!" Geun cursed but one particular person had had enough.

"Enough!" Dohyun warned him, his voice drowning out the last word of Geun. But Ki-Tae was quiet, lost in thought.

"Now then, what's your next move?" He muttered to himself, in reference to The Prophet. This drew the attention of everyone, as Woojin used this opportunity to slip away. However, Dohyun saw this and trailed him quietly.

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