
The Man who doesn't love me

An unrequited love that has never got it way back life revolving around a man who does not care enough . Trying to break through the stigma but Janice can't help but fall in love with him harder as Noah has always been a part of her small Little world . Can Janice set her free from this unrequited love while a guy has his eyes set on her . Can love interest truly change her life ???

Asther_ · Urban
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6 Chs

Chapter 4

After having dinner I was helping aunt to wash dishes and as usual she started to ask me how was my school going and am I able to cope up with my studies . I liked it that she was concerned about me but she worried about me alot . 'Mom why don't you ask such things to me am I really your son 'Jacob asked with a pout .' Why would I worry about you when you can even sell a human for your survival ' aunt said sarcastically . I couldn't control my laughter as aunt had such serious expressions while saying this and Jacob's face had the funniest reaction to it . Mom look at her she is laughing at me this is all because of you why do you have to say this infront of her said Jacob . Let her laugh atleast you are good at making others laugh said aunt .

Aunt has always been like that sweet and gentle for me and savage and sarcastic towards Jacob . I loved seeing them bicker and hearing them giggle I felt like I was laughing with my family even though i didn't had one . I came back to my room and crashed on my bed . The thing which I did before going to sleep was recall the things which I did today while staring at the roof . I would be lying if I say that I don't miss my family but living with them makes me feel a bit warm . I started thinking about my day and while thinking suddenly Noah's face popped up in my mind I could feel my heartbeat but why is it beating so hard I thought and why was my face burning as if I had fever . While thoughts running on my mind I became sleepy and slept .

At morning after having breakfast Jacob and I were walking towards school . Jacob suddenly stopped and came in front of me and started to come closer to me and leaned towards my face and started staring it . I could feel his breath on my lips . I was irritated hey what are you doing I asked while pushing him back . Have you applied makeup ? he asked . Yes I said but you never do so he replied . Well it's true I don't even try to do such things like making beautiful hairstyles or wearing good shoes or applying makeup . I never felt that i should do such things but today I don't know why I wanted to try it . Is it because he will be sitting next to me so I want to look good I asked my self .

This was the first time I got excited while going to the school which was like a prison to me . I went to my seat and sat on it and took out a book and started reading it . Well you know I am really not a girl who is studious but yaa I was waiting for him because instead of it if i seriously stared at the door and he felt that I was waiting for him it would became a problem . After a while I could hear girls screaming from the corridor and I knew it he came and my heart started to beat again so badly that it actually made me feel that it would jump out of my chest . He came and sat next to me without saying anything . I know why would he say hi to me it's not like we know each other and we're friendly .

But gosh I could smell his cologne it smelled so refreshing and sweet . I have really lost my mind I thought. Should I say hello to him or should I ask him whether he has completed his homework or should I ask him for extra pen so many thing strucked in my mind and i didn't even notice that i was unintentionally staring at him . Hey why are you staring at me it's annoying do you want to ask something ? Ahh yes you smell good . Oh shit I said and then covered my mouth why the hell did I tell him that was running on my mind I screamed ofcourse internally . He was staring at me with his blank yet deep eyes . I could tell that he was thinking that what type of a girl could be this shameless ahh what should I do ? I asked myself and bluttered it's just that I wanted to ask what cologne do you use I mean ahh I am sorry I need to go to washroom I excused myself and while I was moving out of my seat i literally tripped but gained my balance then I hit my head on the door after coming out of the class I literally ran for my life it was so embarrassing how can I act so stupidly and reached to washroom I could see my face which became red due to embarrassment . How am I going to face him He will sitting next to me for 2 years . I told myself that it wasn't a big deal and went back to the classroom.

But i couldn't step inside the classroom I was literally banging my head on the door outside the class and suddenly I could feel a hand between my head and the door . It was Jacob hey what are you doing have you finally gone crazy he asked with a chuckle . Yes I am seriously the craziest I think . He continued laughing at me well I think you have done something that is making you feel embarresed I guess . This guy he seriously knew me just like the back of his own hand . But i can't be caught especially if he is the one catching me i would rather die out of embarrassment than letting him find and tease me . No I said and kicked at his feet just mind you own buisness okay stupid I said and rushed inside the classroom .