
The Man who doesn't love me

An unrequited love that has never got it way back life revolving around a man who does not care enough . Trying to break through the stigma but Janice can't help but fall in love with him harder as Noah has always been a part of her small Little world . Can Janice set her free from this unrequited love while a guy has his eyes set on her . Can love interest truly change her life ???

Asther_ · Urban
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6 Chs

Chapter 3

Hey Dumbo what are you doing there a voice which was so familiar and irritating it was Jacob he came towards me and put his hands around my shoulders and teased me by messing up my hairs with his hands . This guy how can he piss me off so much and how am I able to stand his irritating ass for last 18 years I thought . Only if he wasn't my mother's friend's son i wouldn't even look at him and never would have befriended him .

I kicked his long legs whom he is proud of so much and said stop messing around we have to go back . He was in pain and annoyed with me . The only joy I had is teasing him and beating him I chuckled and said stop over reacting we have to go back follow me . We were neighbours we lived in the same building and had apartments in the same block . Unfortunately unlike other stories I didn't had a gentle guy living beside me well I omitted the word handsome cause I hate to admit it he is good looking but annoying as well so yeah for me he isn't even a man .

This misfortune of living beside each other started when my mom and his mom became best friends .They loved each other so much that they wanted to stay together even after getting married and that is how we ended up living beside each other and he became my next door neighbour . We reached our home I went to my apartment and changed my clothes . It was still empty just like other days it has been 6 years since my parents died in a car accident . Just like other days I was holding and staring at their photograph . Tears rolled down my cheeks. In the admist of this I heard the knocking on my door .

Hey Dumbo food is ready mom is calling you said Jacob . 'I am coming ' I replied .I went to his house to have my lunch . When I sat on their dining table Jacob's mom Rihana Auntie was standing at the corner smiling at me and looking at me with her affectionate eyes . She was serving me hot food and asked me whether it was tasty or not She hasn't changed a bit I still remember after losing my parents I was still in shock I couldn't even cry . I didn't had any one to rely on I kept staring at their photo blankly which was kept in the funeral hall . All the relatives were looking at me with pity .

Auntie rushed back from her business trip after hearing about my parent's death. She heard my relatives arguing among themselves and deciding who would take my responsibility and auntie couldn't stand their ignorant and hurtful remarks which were directed towards me . She covered my ears smiled at me and hugged me . I have always remembered her as a strong woman who would not break at any cost but when I saw her face which was smiling at me I could see her eyes were swollen and red as if she cried alot . I could feel her hands trembling and shaking while patting my head . I could feel that she was suffering from a great shock after losing her best friend

She looked at me and said 'would you like to live with Auntie as I love you so much that I doesn't want you to be apart from me even for a minute ' . Her words were so warm so comforting that I melted and cried while hugging her .