
The Man who doesn't love me

An unrequited love that has never got it way back life revolving around a man who does not care enough . Trying to break through the stigma but Janice can't help but fall in love with him harder as Noah has always been a part of her small Little world . Can Janice set her free from this unrequited love while a guy has his eyes set on her . Can love interest truly change her life ???

Asther_ · Urban
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6 Chs

Chapter 2

I clearly remember the very first day I saw him . It was an ordinary day as usual . But suddenly that ordinary day became the most unforgettable one . I was lying down quietly on my table . I could hear the chair's dragging sound I knew it that it was Jacob despite being my friend this guy is of no use I thought . Unlike other days I decided to avoid him and continue to take a nap .

Suddenly girls of our class started to make a commotion they started to scream out of excitement and looked at the door as if some celebrity was visiting our school . Slowly the door of our class opened and I saw a boy . A boy so handsome that even I couldn't take my eyes off he had a good height of 6ft a face which had unmatched visuals and eyes that were deep well it wasn't a celebrity but yeah He would definitely be our school's celebrity I thought . I would be lying if I said that I wasn't attracted to him first because of his face but his eyes captured my heart maybe because despite that deep look in his eyes I could see the loneliness that I had in my eyes .

Our class teacher introduced him to us as a new transfer student and then asked him to say a few words about himself . I guess all the girls were dying to hear his voice including me . "Hi ! my name is Noah and I would be your classmate from today . " He ended his introduction with just two sentences but why was my heart racing so fast was it because of his deep voice that just made my heart beat crazily or was it because he is different from others .

I didn't even realised that I was lost in my thoughts and suddenly I heard a knock at my table . "Can you just shift over I have to sit " said Noah with a blank face . I literally didn't knew how to react to this impossible situation I mean I had never been lucky in anything especially if it's about crushes but how come he is sitting beside me I wondered . Soon the time flew by and school hours ended . For the very first time in my life I wished that school could run for more than 7 hours , as it was fun watching him doing different things be it him writing notes in his beautiful writing or reciting poem in his deep voice .

For the very first time I thought that school wasn't boring at all . But why haven't I talked to him yet !!!! I screamed of course in my mind . I was already a weirdo in My class I didn't wanted to attract any kind of unwanted attention towards me . He stood up and went outside the door I could see girls swarming around him and trying to talk to him and yeah obviously a guy like him avoided it perfectly . The distance between him and me was too much I have always been a girl who knew her place but for the first time I wanted to cross this line which I had made around myself in order to not get hurt by someone .