
The Man who doesn't love me

An unrequited love that has never got it way back life revolving around a man who does not care enough . Trying to break through the stigma but Janice can't help but fall in love with him harder as Noah has always been a part of her small Little world . Can Janice set her free from this unrequited love while a guy has his eyes set on her . Can love interest truly change her life ???

Asther_ · Urban
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6 Chs

Chapter .1

I saw that dream again the dream where he was leaving me where I was crazily screaming and telling him not to leave me . He has always been a man who does the opposite of whatever I am telling him not to do . Am I not important for him am I not the one for him such questions are always on my mind . Tears rolled down my cheeks I could feel the warmth of my tears on my face

I opened my eyes and found myself lying on the desk of my office . It has already been 5 years maybe he is not coming back now maybe he has decided to cut off ties with me or has he found someone . These thoughts will never leave me I guess I thought .

Hey Janice are you done with the presentation this week you will be the one giving presentation said Jacob my friend who has always been by my side . Yeah yeah she is definitely going to become a team leader at this rate said Linda my college friend . Just looking at them felt how can the time fly by so quickly we all were in university just a few years ago and now we all are big enough to be the breadwinner of our family . Stop being this lame okay I am still trying to do my best I chuckled maybe you two have to be serious about your work .

They were always the one who would make me laugh from time to time or make me feel less lonely but the fact that I am still alone stabs my heart . I was so thankful for them because unlike others they never left me . I had tears in my eyes Linda knew it that I had that dream again apart from being my friend Linda has been my roommate she lived with me for three years it was given that she knew I was not in a great mood

Ammm I think we should go out for clubbing tonight said Linda . I knew it that she knows me too well and that was the reason she would never leave me alone at such times

I was going to suggest to go for bowling Dumbo said Jacob while scorning . It has always been like this Linda and Jacob has never been on a same page they have always argued but who knew that these two would end up marrying each other . Seeing them bicker reminds me how they used to bicker during my college years everyone around me said that I should make a choice and choose to be with one of them as a friend or they would end up killing each other . Well those people were the one who got shocked when they announced that they were going to get married .

Dear husband do you want to eat you dinner quietly while relaxing at home or would you like to have some street food on street said Linda with a deathly smile on her face . To be honest she wasn't like this before but I guess Jacob turned her like this i never imagined that a guy like Jacob who never even listened to his parents would be listening to his wife obediently .

Everything remains unchanged except for him . I have always been like this waiting for him wanting him to hold my hands and tell me that I am with you . These useless thoughts of being a normal couple has always troubled me .

Now that I think of our old times He has always been unpredictable , aloof and living in his own world I couldn't guess what was going on his mind or does he want from this world . The very first time I met him was 16 years back I just started my high school life I thought that finally I would be living a peaceful life pursuing my dream but i never new that he would become my dream one day .