
The Man Road to Heavenly

It all started when the gates of the other world opened on earth. The current state of society is changing rapidly where the most striking change is male superiority falling to the bottom due to the peach that only gives strength to women. Toji Zenin as the last warrior family with the family motto Live to be strong. And as a tradition passed down, men in this family are not allowed to be weak even if the world has changed. Then, at the time of his high school graduation he had a strange incident where he was dragged into the world on the side of the gate called Mato. This is the story of his journey that will face various dangers coming from the gate side world called Mato. ... Notes. The world is based on the popular fanservice manga Slave of the Magic Capital's Elite Troops.

Poponioko · Anime & Comics
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36 Chs

Chapter 1 : The Beginning

In an almost forgotten dojo, hidden deep within the woods, an elderly man with silver hair and a muscular yet still robust body practiced. His tight-fitting t-shirt revealed the dense muscle beneath it, hinting at a long history in martial arts.

The old man closed his eyes, concentrating on an egg suspended in front of him, assuming Bruce Lee's one-inch punch stance. When he opened his eyes, the sound of his bones creaking was audible as he moved, and his feet slid on the slick wooden floor. His punch struck the egg, causing it to shatter.


 A powerful explosion reverberated through the entire dojo, shaking its wooden walls and scattering egg fragments in every direction.

"Oops..." thought Izaki Zenin, the elderly man, as he covered his mouth in surprise, his face paling.

Suddenly, a child appeared at the dojo's entrance, holding a broom. It was Izaki's grandson, Toji Zenin, who looked furious.

"Hey, old man!" Toji shouted loudly, his face radiating anger. Despite being young, Toji was dedicated to their family traditions.

"Oh... Toji-ja?" mumbled Izaki, still bewildered, as he gazed at his approximately 10-year-old grandson.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" Toji yelled harshly, pointing the broom handle at his grandfather, Izaki Zenin, with an angry expression.

"W-wait, Toji. Let your grandpa explain," Izaki said, trying to explain.

"What needs explaining? You know we live in this wilderness, with only two buildings here. It's just the two of us, and you destroy one of the dojo's walls? Did you even think about the cold night wind later?" Toji didn't give his grandfather a chance to explain, expressing his anger and frustration.

After being scolded thoroughly by his grandson, Izaki Zenin looked as dejected as a scolded puppy. "Haah... Alright, I'll fix it later," Toji said, resignedly.

Seeing his grandfather in this state, Toji felt pity and decided to let the matter go. His grandfather then reverted to his usual cheerful self. "Ahahaha! That's my grandson! It doesn't matter what we break; we can always fix it," Izaki said cheerfully.

However, Toji couldn't hold back any longer and raised his broom, ready to strike his grandfather's cheek.


"Yaa~ What a mess..." Izaki said, sitting cross-legged on the wooden floor of the dojo's terrace, enjoying a fresh slice of watermelon. "Isn't that right, my grandson?" he added, glancing at Toji, who was busy patching a hole in the wall with a wooden board.

"Tch..." Toji hissed, regretting his failed attempt to hit Izaki with the broom and receiving a blow himself. A small bump had formed on his head.

"Kahahahaha... Too quick for you, young one~" Izaki teased while savoring the watermelon.

After finishing the wall repair, Toji sat down beside his grandfather and started eating a piece of watermelon. His eyes were drawn to the artificial fishpond in front of them.

"So, what's bothering you, Toji?" Izaki asked after popping the last piece of watermelon into his mouth and wiping the remaining juice off his lips.

"Kek... Isn't it pointless for me to train in martial arts this hard? I mean, the world is now dominated by women due to those power-granting peach fruits," Toji replied.

A few years ago, the world changed when a gateway to another dimension was discovered. This world, named Mato, was as large as the city of Tokyo, and it grew peach fruits that granted power to anyone who consumed them, except men. Furthermore, this world was inhabited by mysterious creatures known as Shuuki.

With only women possessing these powers, they were the only ones able to combat the Shuuki threats that came to Earth. Consequently, men had lost their social status.

"Umm... It's understandable if you feel doubtful, my grandson," Izaki said, rubbing his chin. "The world has changed in unexpected ways, and humans always adapt. However, the situation we're facing now is incredibly hard to accept. A man should be a protector of women, leading his family. That's a man's pride... It's what I've believed in for so long. Regardless of how much the heavens have diminished the honor of men, as long as I'm walking on this Earth, I will prove to those stubborn people. We, men, are worthy to fight against those monsters!" he continued, his spirit burning.

Toji glanced at his grandfather, who was passionately explaining his beliefs about the current world.

"True, but isn't it futile if our martial arts can't match the seemingly unreasonable power of those peach fruits and Shuuki monsters?" Toji replied with a question.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk... Such misguided thinking," Izaki said, shaking his head. "Toji, my grandson, you need to see the world more deeply. Listen, maybe we're at a disadvantage when it comes to the power of those peach fruits, but it doesn't mean we're inferior in other ways. A man has many advantages over women, like wisdom and often greater fighting spirit, because of our instincts as men."

Izaki turned to Toji, who was listening with vacant eyes, focused on the fishpond. He patted Toji on the head, making him startle and look at his grandfather with a curious gaze.

"Toji, we are heroes for women. When the time comes for you to descend from this mountain and encounter women in distress, step forward. Even if it's difficult, persevere. And if it's dangerous, fight. Believe that you have the strength to do it."

Toji asked again, his eyes shining, "Can I do it?"

"Um... Because you have the power to do it," Izaki said with a bright and gentle smile.

At that moment, Toji felt more motivated and began to take his training more seriously. He believed that he had the strength to become a hero for women and change the world in his unique way.


Several years later, at Kaminoge High School, a public school with special rules that male students had to adhere to. One of those rules was to clean the auditorium before the female students arrived, who often ran late from their designated schedule.

"Alright, kids, remember, the cleaning must be done before the bell rings!" a male teacher instructed, indicating that there was little time left before the bell was due to ring.

A reluctantly spirited male student, who was usually in charge of the duty, began his tasks, from sweeping to wiping windows. Yuki Wakura, already in his third year, couldn't hide his frustration with this strange tradition.

"Damn it," Yuki Wakura grumbled. "They always treat us like slaves!"

"But thanks to you, Wakura, we get to relax earlier!" His friends were very appreciative, as he did all the work.

Yuki Wakura stared at his friends with a blank expression, as if they were relying too much on him.

A moment later, the female students rushed in through the school gates, still nonchalant despite the bell ringing a few moments ago.

"And as usual, the ladies arrive late," said a blonde friend, looking out from the second-floor window.

"What can you do, right?" Yuki replied sadly. "We men can't gain power from peach fruits." He glanced out the window with a downtrodden look. "So, we get treated like slaves..."

Suddenly, the female students screamed hysterically.

"Kyaaa! Daddy!"

"Aaah, a real eye-candy..."

"Even though he looks older than a regular teenager, I can't contain this thrilling feeling!"

Most of the girls stopped in their tracks upon seeing a tall, muscular man with long, straight black hair down to his ears, green eyes, thin eyebrows, and a scar at the corner of his lip. He was Toji Zenin, clearing a pile of fallen leaves from a lush tree.

"Tch... Look at him. What's so great about that rugged-faced guy!" said a friend with a big build and thick lips, sneering at Toji.

"Yeah, even though he's not super handsome, but..." Yuki glanced at Toji's muscular and tall body, surpassing the average teenager. His muscles were still visible even when he was wearing a shirt. "Uh... Are women nowadays more into muscular body types than handsome faces?" Yuki asked in wonder.

"I don't know, bro. I mean, if I were to start working out, it'd take a long time to get a body like that. He's already in the late stages of body development," a friend with blonde hair responded.

The three of them were genuinely curious about how hard Toji Zenin had been training to achieve his perfect body and become popular among women, even though he had a fierce-looking face.


"Haaah..." Toji sighed deeply after dealing with those girls. "What a hassle, having to deal with them every day. Are they always this rowdy? I mean, look at my face. Does it still look handsome? I don't think so! My face looks more like that of an unemployed guy!" Toji said in front of the mirror in the restroom.

That's why the girls called him "Daddy." Since entering high school, Toji had always been the center of attention, not only among the girls but also among the boys. This was due to his achievement as one of the Japanese teenagers who had earned a championship belt in MMA.

Toji had even won the championship belt quite easily. His physique was that of a full-grown adult when competing, and some participants even filed protests with the organizers because he appeared to be breaking the age rules due to his physical appearance not matching his actual age. Nonetheless, he was still a teenager, and because this was a world-class competition, he had to undergo rigorous age verification tests before being cleared.

It was a comical incident in hindsight, seeing his opponents trembling when facing him made Toji uncomfortable continuing the matches, but in competition, he had no choice but to proceed even if it meant injuring his opponents.

However, at school, with his great physical strength, muscular body, and fierce face, his classmates' reactions were quite different. He had even become popular among the girls because his muscular body was the dream of many of them. Not only men admired women's bodies, but women also idolized the male body, especially with strong muscles and a mature face. Thus, the "Daddy" character stuck with Toji, and he was known by that nickname at school.

"Oh right, I should get to class. Besides, I'll be graduating soon, so let's bear with it a bit longer," he mumbled after wiping his hands with tissue.


The world had changed since the gateway to another world called Mato had opened. Peach fruits from that world could grant power to women, and fierce monsters called Shuuki also roamed there.

Superiority among men had been lost.

"Ugh... Riding such a crowded train is quite exhausting," Toji said while massaging his shoulders.

Looking back, his reason for coming to the city was to gain life experience and socialize with modern people, as he had grown up in the forest as a child and felt isolated from urban life.

For 3 years, Toji lived in the city, and one conclusion he had reached was that it was better to live in the forest than in this cramped city!

Not because of anything, he was truly fed up with the dirty city air and the many hypocritical behaviors of people.

"Haah... I miss my grandpa," he muttered as he walked through an alley, feeling empty.

Suddenly, a fog began to envelop the area.

//Author Notes//

Hay! I'm Author dan now working on my second fanfic project, yeay!

I also still have 3 chapters saved on [Patreon] if you are curious, please join. 

I also don't know if this fanfic will go fast or slow. Let's see how my schedule goes in the future.

Join to [Patreon.com/Poponioko]