
The Mysterious Island

We saw an island on the horizon. We were filled with joy as we rowed over to it. But things weren't as they seemed to be. There was war on the island but what really surprised us is when a tank flew. We met a fellow soldier named Travis Hubbard, and he was brutally injured. If it wasn't for Jordan Foreman, the medical surgeon, he would've lost his right arm.

We traveled as a group to find an ally or a military base. We traveled for three days before the food rations ran out. Luckily, Jordan learned what was safe to eat in the island so we never died of hunger. As I watched the sunset I thought of my family. I almost forgot about them. Almost. I went to sleep in my area but it was impossible to sleep.


"Yes Jack?"

"Can't sleep."

"Me either."

It was an unspoken agreement that we needed to be near each other to sleep so I got up to take a piss before laying down next to Ashley. We fell asleep the next few seconds.

"Rise and shine, love birds!" Travis yells in my ear.

"Fuck you, asshole."

He grins at that. He gave us some breakfast fruit. I noticed that Jordan was missing.

"Where's Jordan?"

Travis just shrugs as he says, "I don't know, she likes to explore the island. She explores, finds edible food, and we survive as I provide protection to her."

We waited all day for her though. Travis seemed to mask his worry by a neutral face. Jordan appeared after dusk as the moon seemed to brighten in the night. Travis practically exploded on her but quickly apologized to her. We weren't as forward with our worriedness but we let her know how much we worried.

That night me and Ashley were laying together on a makeshift bedroll. We held each other tight because it was colder than usual. Jordan and Travis did the same thing. We needed to get to base quickly.we fell asleep soon after the small fire went out.