

"Fuck! What alarm did you trigger, you bitch?!" Travis screams at Jordan as a high pitched noise blares in the speakers.

"Ashley has a tracking chip in her arm. It's mandatory to do that with our 'experiments' in the lab," Jordan replied.

"Damnit all to hell!" I yell.

The intercom come on with a lot of static. The alarm abruptly turn off as a woman's voice speaks.

"This is Lillian, general of this base. We have you surrounded. Surrender and come quietly or die trying to save your worthless lives. You have three minutes to decide."

"Fuck you!" I yell at the nearest speaker.

"Jack... Let it go. It's me they want, just... please, Jack." Ashley says with finality.

"No. We've got to get home. I promised you that we were going to be able to go back. I will hold that promise until it is fulfilled or I die."

"One minute left. Made your choice yet?" Lillian's voice fills the hall with satisfaction of knowing she will win this battle.

"We will fight," I say.

"Your funeral, you ignorant little shit." She replies.

Then the world goes black.




I wake up in the forest. Cuddling Ashley like the night before. Was that a nightmare? I get up and realized I needed to take a serious shit.

"Oh shit." I mutter under my breath.

As I take a shit by a tree I see movement in front of me. I see Jordan with Travis making out in a nearby bush. I couldn't help myself and said, "What are the other lovebirds doing?"

The jumped and came in a good enough view to know they were getting undressed. I looked away before I saw anything.