

Alan went back to relaxing, just surfing the Internet and playing video games. However, little did he know it but he wasn't going to get much relaxing done, because Suzanne also had plans for him.

Suzanne thought as she walked a short stretch of sidewalk from her house to the Plummer house, I may have gone too far with the sabotage of the scoutmaster's van, but the fact is, what's done is done, and there's no turning back. Everything is in place for me to fuck my Sweetie, and come hell or high water, I'm going to do it today!

Not only that, but there's no doubt in my mind that I deserve it. I'm damn proud of myself for engineering the whole fake psychologist thing. I put in a lot of hard work and staved off the potential disaster of Susan causing trouble with a real psychologist. I think I deserve a great, big reward. Practically everyone else has fucked him already. He and Amy may do it tonight, and I'll be damned if I let my daughter fuck him before I do!

The only question is how to arrange the secrecy. Even though Susan has reached the point of no return thanks to all my work with Xania, it still would be better if she doesn't know what I'm doing with my Sweetie, especially if I'm going to try to keep them apart a little bit longer. There's no choice but to do it somewhere else.

Around 2:30 in the afternoon, Suzanne went to Alan's room. She was wearing rather conservative clothing, with the expectation of leaving the house in a few minutes.

She asked Alan as he played a video game on his computer, "Sweetie, I'm planning on buying a new computer. I don't know much about computers and you know so much more. Would you like to help me go shop for one this afternoon?"

"Well, I was going to take a nap in a little while."

"Sweetie, according to your mother, you've slept a good sixteen hours since yesterday afternoon. I could really use your help."

There was no denying he was feeling pretty good after that much sleep. "I guess you're right. I'm not doing a whole lot anyways. Just let me finish this game I'm working on."

"Okay. Thanks. By the way, as a completely unrelated aside, how is your penis doing? Is it fully recovered yet?"

"Thanks for asking. It's much better than yesterday, I'd just about reached the end of the line, but today, to be honest, I almost feel 100 percent, penis and otherwise." Suddenly the way she emphasized "completely unrelated aside" hit home with him. "Waaaiiit a minute. You're not planning on me and you..."

"Hey, who says we have to limit ourselves to strictly buying a computer? Are you game for something new?" Suzanne wasn't too discreet because no one else was within hearing distance.

"You know I always am when it comes to you," Alan said.

"I hope you are, 'cos I've got a very special surprise for you today."

That sounded very good to Alan. He figured as long as he was going to have a little more sexual fun today, what would be better than trying something new with Suzanne? He quickly readied himself to leave.

Suzanne drove, and took the two of them clear out of Orange County, towards Los Angeles. She explained that there was a used computer for sale she wanted to check out first.

As they got near her destination, Alan asked, "Aunt Suzy, I've been meaning to bring something up. You've all but promised that we could go all the way, like, days ago. Yet we still haven't. Why is that? I think it's time."

"The reason we haven't is because of the secrecy problem. Once we start I'm going to want to do it every day, and how could we do that without getting caught? It's not like you and I could sneak off to a hotel whenever we'd want to fuck. Not only that, but we'd have to go to a far off hotel to make sure no one would recognize us. If we truly wanted to fuck for hours on end, we'd have to go to some anonymous hotel by a busy highway. Some place like, oh, I don't know, this hotel right here."

Suzanne was very delighted with herself, because she'd managed to drag out her answer to perfectly time her last sentence as she drove into the parking lot of a Motel 6. She couldn't help but giggle with glee.

It took a few seconds for everything to fully dawn on Alan. "Hey! THIS is just that kind of hotel! ... HEY!"

Suzanne laughed out loud. "You're so cute when you're naïve," she said, bursting with pleasure. "The fact is, I don't have any computer to buy. You and I have all afternoon to fuck like bunnies. Are you okay with that?"

"Oh. ... Wow..." Alan said as realization slowly dawned on him. "We're finally going to fuck?!"

"Yes. Even with the secrecy problem, I just can't hold back anymore. You just sit here while I check in. Sorry to ruin your plans for a sexually mellow weekend, ha-ha!" Suzanne crowed. She kissed him on the cheek and then rushed off to check in to the hotel.

Within minutes, Alan and Suzanne were running hand in hand to their allotted hotel room. They wasted no time on foreplay. Alan didn't need to put a condom on, either, since Suzanne had her tubes tied. She'd had two children and didn't want any more.

Alan closed the door as Suzanne whipped off her skirt. She didn't have the patience to unbutton her blouse, but just ripped it open. As usual when she was around her "Sweetie," she was unhindered by underwear.

He still had his T-shirt on but he didn't care. He came up behind her and pushed her face down onto the bed. He positioned his penis head just a little bit into Suzanne's pussy lips. He paused, and said, "Before we do this, Aunt Suzy, I just want you to know how much I love you."

"Oh Sweetie, you're so kind. I love you too. So much! Now show me your love by making love." She spread her legs as wide as she could and urgently yelled, "Hurry up and push it in!"

Alan loved the sight of Suzanne with her legs spread, topped by her ivory white bubble butt. He took a mental picture to remember this pivotal moment forever. This is it! Those other chances didn't really count, but there's nothing stopping us now! ... It's so unbelievable that it's about to really happen. My heart's pounding like crazy. I need to calm down so I can do a good job and live up to my overblown reputation.

He slowly rode his erection down into Suzanne. Inch by inch it went in until he was in as deep as he could go. "I'm in! I'm in!"

She laughed. "I know! Believe me, I know! Oh, Sweetie! It's like a dream come true!"

"You're telling me?! Good God! This feels... Jesus H. Christ! What the fuck was that?!"

Since he was impaled all the in but not moving, she took advantage of the moment to try out one of her pussy squeezing moves on him. She considered herself sexually talented in all ways, but the two things she stood out the most for were what she could do with her extra long tongue and what she could do with her pussy.

She squeezed again. "Holy crap! How do you do that?! Don't make me cum already, please!"

She snickered with glee, happy to be pleasantly surprising him. "Well, if you can't take that little thrust of mine, start thrusting already!"

He got the massage. He pulled back until his penis head was nearly out, and then pushed all the way back in. "Yes!" he cried. "I'm fucking you, Suzanne! For real! It feels sooooo good!" He wiped his brow because he was sweating already, more from excitement than actual exertion.

"Do it!" she yelled. "Give it to me! Don't mess around - give me a fast fuck!"

Alan pumped in and out, over and over. "Oh Jesus! Jesus! Suzanne!"



"Alan!" It was corny, but they were desperately crying each other's names with as much passion as they could possibly muster.

The two went at it like dogs in heat, thrusting and grinding. Even though the hotel room was cool and air conditioned, within minutes they were sweating like they'd run a marathon. Before long, they took off the last of their clothes.

"I've wanted this so long!" Alan panted.

Suzanne cried out. "You're fucking telling me?! I've been dying! Dying to do this for ever! Now that you've started, you've got to give it to me every day!"

The pace built up relentlessly. Alan was so excited that he couldn't manage his usual PC muscle control and pausing techniques for long. He just wanted to fill Suzanne's vagina to the brim with his cum. He yelled back, "I will! I'll give it to you! It's coming right now! I can't hold it - I'm gonna cum right now! Too fast! Get ready!"

Deep inside Suzanne, Alan felt the head of his penis expand with intense pleasure. They both yelled at the top of their lungs. The explosion of his semen coated the walls of her vagina until he felt completely drained not only of all his cum but also all of his life force.

The fuck was over in less than five minutes, but it had been a really great five minutes that both of them would remember for the rest of their lives.