
The man named the Apocalypse

In the world of fantasy, heroes are common. One such hero inspired a young man named Gryph, but instead of wanting to become a hero in his stead, Gryph wants to tear the idea down. Because in his eyes, how a hero acts, is only a shard of their true face. Heroes are still vulnerable people behind their heroics and they all have their dreams. Dreams that are easily manipulated because of their desperate nature. Because of this, they only become heroes in title, but slaves in reality.

Kaz_Sensei · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Chapter 9 - Detained part III

~ 2 days after the colosseum incident and the confinement of Gryph Note ~

Kala Fang POV:

Images harassed my mind from the very second, I woke up. Vividly at that to. The scene of the colosseum after that incident left a clear imprint of my mind that wouldn't easily let my mind rest. The massacre and devastation that was left behind there 2 days ago, has still not been touched and no single word has been spoken about a possible rebuild or anything of the sorts.

My mind removed itself from the current time and drifted back to that day. Once Gryph had been removed by the 4 guards and the headmaster, I instantly rushed to Ray's side, who was being taken care of by the medical department of the academy. I tried to get to his side but was stopped by one of the members of the medical department, who wore the same minty green uniform as the rest of the medical department, still bearing the crest of the school on the left side of their chest. I was told that Ray would be okay as he was being taken care of by the best the department could offer, so I should not get involved any further as it will only delay their assistance to the weakened Ray. Instead, the man told me to get checked up myself and then to return to my dorm room and await further news for your class.

My mind now focused back on the present rather than the past. I slowly got up from my bed. After that scene that occurred 2 days ago, our classes class, has been temporarily placed on halt until we can get a replacement professor. This has allowed the students of our class to try and relax and recuperate from that incident, whilst they deal with the physically injured and the mentally scarred, and whilst they review Gryph's involvement and further measurements that may need to be taken.

I let out a small and brief sigh. "Guess I should go and check on Ray today, again."

I had now full stood up from my bed and began getting changed into the school's attire. I place my garter belts on along with my black tights and skirt. Then equipped the bleak white shirt and the obsidian uniform, with its outline tinted gold. The same applied to the skirt I dawned. For the finishing touch, I tied a gold bow round my collar. It was an optional piece of uniform that the girls could wear, just like the boys had the option of wearing a tie or not. I Looked out the window, which was directed to the front entrance of the school gates.

"Seems like they haven't caught wind of it yet... No. They're probably just a little delayed in disturbing their message, but I'm sure it'll soon come."

I then head to the door of my room, and before leaving I glance at my appearance in the mirror checking to see if I had missed anything. I then proceeded to head out, leaving the girls dorm and navigating to the bottom left sector of the school grounds, where the medial department was located at. I enter through the double doors, centred at the entrance, and head straight towards the receptionist. I politely ask for Ray's room number and make my way over, opening the door.

"What do you think you are doing?" I asked before placing even a single step into the room, my mouth gaping at the idiot I was looking at, who was out of his bed stretching.

Ray innocently asked, "What do you mean?" A wide grin spread throughout his face, his cheeks slightly red and sweat slowly dripped from his forehead.

I look at him sternly before walking over to him, picking him up into a princess carry and wasting no time by throwing him back onto his bed. "Now rest. The nurse already mentioned to me that you shouldn't be moving yet. Your injuries are not so light for you to be able to get away just like that after 2 days of medical attention and rest."

Ray then looked down at his covers, breaking eye contact with me, then proceeding to grasp his covers firmly. "I know. But it's my fault. If only I had been more on guard, cautious... If I hadn't acted so cocky, maybe Gryph wouldn't have been placed in this position now."

I take a moment and think to myself. My mind refreshing itself and reminding me once more of the message we have received from the school yesterday. Yesterday morning, our class had been told that Gryph's situation is being looked into after his improper conduct and that he will be kept in confinement for a week until a further decision has been made.

I then reply to Ray, who had still continued grasping the covers unable to look me in the eye. "It's not your fault. With Gryph's strength, I'm sure he could have handled things in a different way. Whilst I'm not saying that you are to blame, I am neither pushing the fault of the situation onto Gryph. If anything, I think he did what was necessary. Unfortunately, we can no longer help him. All we can do is wait and pray for a lenient judgment from the headmaster."

Ray's scowl finally broke, and he lightly smiled. "I guess so. Anyway, any news on what new professor, we'll be receiving?"

I reply with no delay. "No such news as of yet."

Ray then asks in a whisper, barely audible, but audible enough for me to still hear his question. "And our family. Have they asked to report back to them?"

I pause for a second time during this conversation. "No. Not yet. But I'm sure soon they will. They always do."


Gryph POV:

I whistled away a tune whilst sitting on the cold floor, stripped completely naked and my hands chained to a mossy brick walls that were the only things that surrounded me. The guard that sat just on the other side of the iron bars, got up and banged on them. "SHUT UP, PRISONER! OR NO FOOD WILL BE GIVEN TO YOU TODAY AND YOU'LL GET A SPECIAL BONUS BEATING!"

I sigh at his warning and look up to the ceiling. Or at least what I think is the ceiling. I was practically unable to see anything with only a couple of small candles scattered around the walls, lighting this pitch-black dungeon, held underground beneath the middle watch tower, which also happened to be the personal office of the headmaster.

I closed my eyes and clenched my fist tightly, as if I was truly grasping onto something, before whispering to myself. "I'll push through all of this. For you, father."

The guard once again banged on my cell bars and proceeded to shout at me. "Mealtime, princess!" Chucking an unappetising gruel, slapped onto a dirty plastic tray with some of the gruel spilling on the floor.

I then speak up, "What a waste. I guess I'll dig in. Thank you for the food, and as usual, my compliments go out to the chef for the time he put into preparing this meal for someone like me."

I then continue to scarf down all the gruel that was given to me on the tray and all the gruel that had spilled on the dirty, blood-stained floor of the cee that I was held in. The guard looked down at me in disgust and spoke very clearly so I would definitely hear him. "Disgusting little shit! And to think a kid like you also had a tattoo like that."

I then smile after finishing my meal, rubbing my belly with a satisfied and relaxed posture. I slide back the empty tray through the bars after I had licked it clean, so the kitchen staff wouldn't have to even waste any soap on it. But at the same time, they probably would have to use even more of it.

The Guard then walks up to my cell and announces, "Get up, it's time for your favourite interrogations", as he unlocked the door.

Hi, hello! Welcome to The man named the Apocalypse chapter 9!! I hope you enjoyed reading it and I hoped you enjoyed seeing how Ray and Kala were doing. I will be doing more and more of these POV's so be prepared. Also, in the coming chapters, we will get to meet more of the Fang family!

I thank you for reading today's chapter and I hope you have a wonderful day / night!!

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