
The man named the Apocalypse

In the world of fantasy, heroes are common. One such hero inspired a young man named Gryph, but instead of wanting to become a hero in his stead, Gryph wants to tear the idea down. Because in his eyes, how a hero acts, is only a shard of their true face. Heroes are still vulnerable people behind their heroics and they all have their dreams. Dreams that are easily manipulated because of their desperate nature. Because of this, they only become heroes in title, but slaves in reality.

Kaz_Sensei · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Chapter 6 - Enrolment Final part (Part V)

Kala POV:

I watched on as Ray started turning the tables on Professor Windrow. At this point, he had released his emblem's ability and he had been dominating the fight, with no worries in the slightest. The professor was now on the floor trying to slowly get back on her feet, after she was kicked into the air and sent back down crashing. For some reason, the professors twisted face of ecstasy remained unchanged even as she was on the losing side, thoroughly enjoying fighting a strong opponent.

It looks like Ray has things under control. As long as he doesn't let his guard down, he should be okay.

Ray now also knew the gimmicks of how Professors' ability worked, so in theory this fight should've been over. However, as luck would have it, Ray let his guard down and professor capitalised on his mistake by releasing what I assume to be her final trump card. She spat on his face. Coincidentally, it seemed she was after this from the very get go. She knew she wouldn't be able to touch his forehead just like that, and therefore opted to play the sheep to eat the wolf. Her spit had the ability to incapacitate her opponent for three minutes.

Damn it, Ray! I knew you'd get caught off guard! Why do you have to be so overconfident and not cautious one bit?

The students around me, that sat in the stands, started to squeal at the sight unfolding in front of their very own eyes. The scene of Professor Windrow, brutalising Ray and continuously hitting his face, until blood poured from it. He was no longer in any position to fight back. The students, no longer able to bear witness to the sight, had turned away all but me as I now watched Ray slowly being stomped on.

Rage started to boil in my blood as I clenched my fist and bit my lip, the arena now gone all but silent, apart from Ray's disgruntled voice leaking out in pain and agony and his eyes now rolling back, as he slowly fell unconscious.

This is gone far enough! I need to step in now before this gets any worse. I can't bear to look at this scene any further or look at the person who claims to be a Professor yet is brutal to their students. This wasn't tough love; this was just taking their emotions out on their student!

I had now activated my emblem ready to jump down and break up the Professor and Ray, but all of a sudden, all my movements were rendered completely useless. My body refused to move, and my breathing became extremely shallow, almost suffocating and an intense, overbearing feeling squeezed on my very soul and body, slowly compressing it.

My eyes shoot open, as whispers emerge in my head.


I grabbed my head in panic trying to figure out who's whispers these are. I tried to look around, my necks movement being heavily oppressed by an incredible amount of force, my body in complete jitters as the killing intent grows fiercer and more violent by the second, now becoming so overbearing that the students around me passed out like flies on a hot summer's day. Netherless, even with my movements possessing so much gravity, I desperately tried to look for the source of this unstable aura, until my eyes scanned past Gryph. He still stood in the same plays as when he was placed under that seal by Professor Windrow, completely still, yet now his lips no longer moved. His head tilted back, as I noticed the vast amount of crazed killing intent flooding out of him, practically his existence gaping with it. The aura dashed out from his body, drowning the whole school in its thick, black, darkness. Not even a single light colour came from him as his face slowly tilted back to looking forwards.

I tried peering into his eyes, only to see them grown consumed by the darkness that violently span around him in a vortex, releasing it's might over the arena. His sharp features now looked villainous and ominous, rather than handsome, his azure blue eyes no longer azure in colour, but instead a deep black, with parts of aura dripping down his eyes in the azure colour, but that azure colour had now seemed to burst into flames as it became an intense mix of orange, yellow and red. A wildfire. Gryph then slowly looked towards the direction of the Professor, who had now become so shaken she had dropped her dagger and started looking down, unable to face this demon into his eyes.

He then slowly walked over to her, carrying his intense pressure with him that suffocated everyone in the colosseum, his stride seemingly was followed by multiple vengeful spirits that were spat out of his pitch-black aura and left an almost red like carpet, but instead black with tinges of wildfire that kept spreading around, illuminating the path remained in his wake.

He was now standing tall in front of the Professor, who's eyes were sill glued to the floor unable to look at its conqueror, only getting a slight glimpse of his shoe in her downwards vision. No longer able to bear his presence, she falls back from standing upright and now sat on the floor, but her head now was tilted up drawn to the deep abyss that was his eye.

As a great man once said, "If you gaze long enough into the abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you." Is this what they meant?

The Professors eyes now started releasing an incense of smoke, slowly bleeding as the abyss began gazing back into her. His eyes releasing that small wildfire shrouded in that pitch black night barely visible, but visible enough to be noticed. His lips began moving, however, I was unable to make out what he said, but it must have been something, as the Professors face turned into one of complete agony and fear before she shouted out, "PLEASE NO! SPARE ME!"

Gryph simply ignored her frantic scream for help and placed his right arms open palm in front of her face. And for the first time since he awoke, he smiled devilishly, before his right arm enveloped in a swirling, wild flame climbing down his arm into his palm and releasing its force upon the Professor. Point. Blank. Range.

The shock and the force of the attack made me fall back, even when I was all the way in the stands and when I scrambled myself back up onto my feet to see the outcome. There wasn't much of anything to see. Half of the colosseum was now wiped out, completely incinerated and the Professors body, nowhere in sight. The state of mass destruction left an ominous smell on this place that lingered with the scent of death and the apocalypse. That man. Gryph, he still remained in the same position looking at his work of art he produced, with the same face that was all too cold compared to the heat of his flames. His face devoid of emotion and his eyes seemed to retain the abyss that was produced from the killing intent he held. H now slightly smiled at the sight before turning around and heading in Ray' direction. His surge of killing intent slowly died down and just as he was about to pick up Ray, four spears thrust at his throat, one coming so close that it had pierced his skin and drawn blood. His face remained stoic and cold.

School faculty had now burst into the underground colosseum even along with the headmaster. The headmaster slowly approached Gryph, with a smile on his wrinkly face aged with a scruffy sliver beard. Gryph still showed no signs of retaliation as the headmaster spoke to him and whist he got cuffed. Gryph simply nodded at the words of the headmaster but never moving his lips once, resorting to a tight-lipped approach. He then was escorted out by the four people and the headmaster personally, out of the colosseum.

As for us students, we were taken care of and made sure to be alright by the rest of the faculty that came.

Ray. What kind of man did you meet at this school? That thought prioritised in my mind as his demonic image remained in my mind. He was like a natural disaster. An Apocalypse.

Hi, hello, how are you feeling today? I hope you are feeling good and welcome to chapter 6 of the man named the Apocalypse. I know, yet again another unexpected update, but I will most likely not update this novel any further until after wednesday as I have an exam on that day so I wanted to push out some extra content. Thank you for 2k viewers on this series, it has been fun writing it and I have a lot more ideas for this, so please stick around to read and possibly drop a review of how you think I'm doing so far, or even a comment on what I could improve on. Also this is the end of the Enrolment arc and the next update will be the beginning of another short arc, the Detained / Detainance arc, which will explain the rules of the school more as well as dive into a bit of Gryph's past as well as circumstances!

Thank you for reading and I hope you have a good day / night!

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