
The man named the Apocalypse

In the world of fantasy, heroes are common. One such hero inspired a young man named Gryph, but instead of wanting to become a hero in his stead, Gryph wants to tear the idea down. Because in his eyes, how a hero acts, is only a shard of their true face. Heroes are still vulnerable people behind their heroics and they all have their dreams. Dreams that are easily manipulated because of their desperate nature. Because of this, they only become heroes in title, but slaves in reality.

Kaz_Sensei · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Chapter 14 - Released

Gryph Note POV:

"God, what's with all your grunting!?" The guard, irritated, called out to me. I chose to ignore his question and continue the pressing matter that I was taking care of. Sweat trickled down my face down to my chest then to my abs and finally fell to the floor. My breathing steady and composed and my form perfectly maintained. It's what grants me my physique. Out of boredom, these past few days I have just been working out, constantly doing push-ups and sit-ups as a way to distract myself and elevate my mind and body.


The guard finally walked up to my cell with my tray of food in one of his hands and banged on the metallic bars with the other. "Can you not just sit the fuck down and be quiet!?" He shouts once more, venting to the cause of his irritation. Me. He then proceeds to slide the tray of food under the small gap of my door making my food spill to the floor. "Here you go you filthy shit!" He taunted me with a psychotic grin on his twisted face.

I however maintain my level head, simply smiling at him genuinely and thanking him for the food. "Soooo~, you like your job here?" I ask innocently trying to strike up some conversation to ease the negative vibe that circled us.

"Shut up and don't talk to me with your filthy mouth!" He replied, snorting at my question as he leaned in closer to the bars that separated us.

My smile quickly faded at his comment and instead flipped into a stone cold face as my eyes glared at his back. I lift myself up of the ground and walk towards the only barrier that stood between me and him. "You know, I overheard from the other guards that I'm supposed to be getting released today." I started talking before I slipped my hand through the slim openings in the bar and grabbed the guard, pulling him towards me and slamming him into the cell denting the bars that seemed so secure before. "So since it's my last day, entertain me in some chat or something may happen to you once I'm out of this cage. They probably won't send me back here just for beating you to the brink of death, they'll just issue me a warning and a suspension. So think twice before you act up." His eyes erratically tried to avoid making eye contact with me as he tried to pull away, but to no avail as I tensed my grip even more and even started choking him, till his eyes turned red.

I then let go and chuck him to the floor before my previous smile slipped on my face again whilst I pushed my hair upwards out of my eyes. "So how much longer do you reckon I'll have to wait to get released?"

The guard finally looked at me. He was clearly angry, and it showed, but his fear overwhelmed any other emotion he held. His knees wobbled as he kept looking at me as I eventually got tired of his silence and sent a piercing glare his way. "I-it's supposed to be another two hours before your final hearing and your release."

I remove the pressure I focused on him and nod. "Bring me my hair bobble so I can tie up my hair." I ordered him and like a loyal dog, he went running to retrieve my bobble for me.

Two massive doors with an arc design opened wide in front of me as my feet paced alongst the clod marble floor. Five figures sat in the hearing room but only one was recognisable. The man sat in the jury's seat was none other than Headmaster Kaiser. His gold eyes focused in on me as I approached with a calm look on my face. I get escorted all the way to the front, directly in the vision of Headmaster Kaiser ready for my final hearing, fortunately pants were given to me meaning that I wasn't as cold as I would have been in this draughty hall. The chains tightly sat on my wrists digging into my skin uncomfortably as I awaited the beginning.

Kaiser's eyes sternly scolded me so in reply a cocky grin surfaced on my face as I threw up my arms, spreading them like a showman on stage.

The hollow sound of the hall now sounded with Kaisers raspy voice. "Student Gryph, you have been summoned here as you are being released today as no conclusive evidence nor claims stand against your claim to freedom."

"I see."

"However, do not forget this," he continued, "you are still very much walking on a tightrope, and I suggest you watch your back."

"I assume you wouldn't threaten a student so I will thank you for your warning." I answered back.

"The school has issued an announcement for your class that you need to hear before you leave. You are to return home for a month until your class resumes."

Why for a month? Surely it wouldn't take them long to find a replacement. What else will they be doing in that month? I thought to myself.

"That is rather unfortunate. I was quite looking forward to roaming around the school."

Kaiser did not reply to my confession and then ordered the guards to remove the chains off of my hands. "There's no need Headmaster." I call out to him, interrupting the guards and breaking the chains by force without so much as any resistance from the metal binds.

The whole room went silent, before I began walking out of the room. As I walked out, facing now to the door and not the headmaster, I warn him. "Remember this, Headmaster Kaiser. What goes around, comes around. And for the rest of you here, when the time arrives, don't forget, the journey of a thousand miles begins with one step." I then walk out the room and to the outside for the first time in a while. I take a deep breath and then see a carriage awaiting someone. A man wearing the Fang emblem walks up to me and says, "We need you to come with us." I don't question it and accept his request, as I get handed a white shirt and some sock and shoes upon entering.

"Are you ready?"

"Indeed I am." I reply as I'm putting on the white shirt.

"Then we shall be off."

Hi, Hello! Welcome to The man named the Apocalypse chapter 14! This is my last update for most likely another month or two but I promise that once I am back, I will be posting chapter daily so please be patient with me. Gryph is finally released from his cell and is now more focused on his goals than ever. I hope to see you look forward to the next chapters which will have even more fights and more development between characters!

Yet again, thank you for reading thos chapter and have a good day / night!!

Kaz_Senseicreators' thoughts