
The man I met under the moon

Every night I would go outside and sit by my favorite tree that stands under the moon and gaze at the beautiful night sky to get away from all the sadness for a while.

Preston_364646 · Fantasy
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2 Chs


"Wow. The sky sure is beautiful at night…Don't you think?..." "Yeah, and peaceful.." I responded while breathing in the fresh air.

We sat and closed our eyes listing to the soft sounds of nature as the warm breeze brushed upon our skin. "You know sometimes I wish this moment could last forever…" "Yeah…So do I.." I responded while lying my head on his shoulder.

The beautiful moonlight gazed apon the two of us as he laid his head on top of mine,and I felt my eyelids growing heavy, as I slowly started to drift off to sleep while I looked up at the shining night sky..