
Chapter 21 "Dinner"

After meeting that man..I decided to went back to my room and lay on the bed with frustrated face~

Eun Woo;

Hmmm what's wrong Jagiyaa, you look upset?


Nothing Oppa I just met a very annoying man, who is like my elder brother's attitude...

Eun Woo;

Did something happen with the both of you...(very curious)


Nothing special..I just Kindly bumped into him...for such a good-looking guy having a very cold heart..such a waste... anyway Jagiyaa I should sleep now..wake me up if dinner will be ready~

Eun Woo;

I will, just take a wonderful rest~ (left the room)

Inner Eun Woo;

Did she actually met Ms Huang son on the way back?...I guess Ms Huang's son might have a very bad temper..so maybe she did bump into him...


Phone Ringing~

Eun Woo;

Oh hey Bro, How are you doing there in states?

On the phone;

I'm fine Bro, anyway I heard you were in Jeju with your employees and your Girlfriend..(man's chuckling)

Eun Woo;

(Laugh) who told you that? Could it be Jimin?

On the phone;

Yeahh bro, who's the lucky girl?

Eun Woo;

You'll know her when you got back...our company really missed you~

On the Phone;

Oh really (giggles) anyway don't worry, will be back in soul, just a few more months...I can't talk to you more Bro mom is calling~

Eun Woo;

Okay, we'll talk again Mr Jeon Jungkook~

Call Ended~


Looks like you're very happy Mr Cha Eun Woo...

Eun Woo;

(Turns around..smirk) Yes I am and it was nice to see you again Mr Huang Zi Tao..How are you this past weekend~


(Smirk) here still alive...

Eun Woo;

(Chuckles) your mom been looking for you, where did you go again?


Just somewhere I like to go... anyway who is this Girlfriend of yours?

Eun Woo;

You won't like it if I told you...also Dinner will be ready in just a few minutes..so I'll go back to my room for a while~ talk to you later Eye bag boy~


Don't call me that!! I told you I'm a panda!! (Furious) this guy's always call me that..but what does he mean?

Ms Huang;

There you are, where were you? I've been looking for you...


I'm just here mom.. anyway I'm hungry can I eat now?

Ms Huang;

The dinner should be ready soon, just wait a few minutes...


Okay...anyway mom where's my Personal Assistant Ehla?

Ms Huang;

She just went out for a walk, I guess..and dear just give her a vacation here too, and let her enjoy~


What do you think I bring her here for? To assist me?..No mom I brought her here to enjoy too...Her parents didn't agree, but then I tried to talk to her parents so she can come with me here...

Ms Huang;

You are very kind and very thoughtful dear.. anyway I guess Dinner is ready...Smell that~


(Nodded) smells delicious mom~


Eun Woo's room~

Eun Woo;

Jagiyaa...wake up dinner is ready~


Mm-mmh dinner is ready?

Eun Woo;

Yes dear...


(Sat down) give me a minute Oppa~

Eun Woo;

(pinching cheeks) don't ever go near other men it get me Jelous okay...


Okay, okay I'm sorry...

Eun Woo;

Okay now let's go~...

Dining room~

{Everyone sitting}

Eun Woo;

Hello guyss...how's your day here?


It was great sir ~

Eun Woo;

Okay now...enjoy your dinner...(waiter bringing the foods on the table)


Wow there's so many food to eat...yummy~

Eun Woo;

Close your mouth your drooling (giggling)

Ms Huang;

Am I and my son late?

Eun Woo;

Nope Your just in time, anyway everyone meet Ms Huang Son...Huang Zi Tao~


How do you do? (Saw me) Your here too seriously...(furious)


Hmmp I can't believe he's here...(Angry tone)

Eun Woo;

Calm down guys, and let's just enjoy our dinner..by the way Bro (referring to Kai) where's Jimin Hyung?


And also Ehla?


I guess he'll be here in a minute.....

Meanwhile Jimin;


Yowning, I can't believe Kai forget to wake me up..it's already dinner time..and he didn't wake me..(yown again and bump into someone) {girl fell on the ground} uhmm Are you okay Ms? (Reaching his hand)


I'm fine...(holds his hand, and stand up)


I'm so sorry for bumping you.. anyway are you one of Eun Woo's employees?


Uhmm no... I'm Ms Huang son's Personal Assistant...Uhmm I'm Ehla Padilla and you are?


Ohh I'm Park Jimin, you have such a lovely name (smilingly)


Uhmm thank you...uhmm I think we should go to the dining room, everyone is waiting For you Mr Park..


(Giggles) don't call me Mr Park, just call me Jimin


(Blushes) uhh-hmmm okay Ji-min..


(Smiles and Pat her head) very good now let's go..I'm hungry though...


Eun Woo;

(Saw me eating in a hurry) eat slowly, you might choke down...


Kai bro! I told you to wake me up but~


Relax bro, I already put yours on a plate..just take a sit and eat~


(Sitting down) thanks bro your the best~


Ehla take a sit, and join our dinner..


Yes sir I will..(sitting down and started to put some food on the plate)


(Put some on her plate and smile) eat a lot Ms Ehla your to skinny...


I- I will~ (blushing) {eating}

After eating dinner, with so many delicious foods on the table made me so full..anyway I went to the pool again and relax there for a while, since I'm not sleepy...and I know all of them are asleep too..so I just sat down there and started to humming~