
Chapter 11 "Time to look for a Job"

After hanging the painting smilingly..I started to think, I live with him for 3 days from now but still I didn't have any money yet..if I don't have work, it might let him feel embarrassed that I actually look like a little kid... Sighing I should go out and look for a job~ {Eun Woo return}


(Runs towards him) nehh oppa, do you know some work that suit me?

Eun Woo;

(Thinking) hmmm I don't know yet...but how about coming to my working place~


Your working place?

Eun Woo;

Yess, you might find out, what work suits you there.. now get dress and let's go to my company~


Mmmh okay!...(smilingly)

After getting dress, I am ready to go to his work..then the time stop when door's suddenly open~ He was wearing a very nit clothes and look so handsome in it {heart beating}⚠️

Eun Woo;

(Flicked my forehead) why are you just standing there? Come on, my car is out now~


Your car? (touches forehead)

Eun Woo;

Come on let's go~

While inside the car~

Eun Woo;

(Talking to the phone) tell everyone to be ready, cause I'm going back to work~


Who~ who are you talking to?

Eun Woo;

Wait for a while~ I'm talking to my assistant at my work and telling them to be ready~




We've arrived, and saw a very tall building..I saw a girl running towards here and open the door~ I felt kinda confused about it...but then Eun Woo held his hand for me to come out at the car, as I grab his hand and come out, I smiled at him and he let go my hand..then Eun Woo said to follow him~

Inner me;

So this is his work, everyone here seems very busy...(looking around)

Eun Woo;

( turn's around.. suddenly bump him)


I'm sorry~

Eun Woo;

Y/N this is my Assistant Ms. Huang


Uhm nice to meet you Ms Huang~

Ms Huang;

Same here (smiling)

Eun Woo;

Leave us for a while~

Ms Huang;

Yes sir...(leaving)

Eun Woo;

(Sat down on his chair) take a sit..


{Nodded} (sitting down) nehh Oppa your work place is very big..why did Ms Huang called you Sir?

Eun Woo;

It's because here in this company I am the boss, the CEO of this company...


(Nodded)...hmm okay...

Eun Woo;

So would you like working here?


The work here is very hard, I don't know anything about work's...(making sad face)

Eun Woo;

(Smiles) Ms Huang can show you around and see what things you can handle...


Ms Huang can show me around?

Eun Woo;

Yes (calling Ms Huang)

<A moment later Ms Huang is here>

Ms Huang;

What can I do sir?

Eun Woo;

Can you show Y/N around?

Ms Huang;

I can Sir..come on Ms Y/N follow me~

Eun Woo;

Take good care of her (smiling)

Ms Huang;

Yes sir...


While Ms Huang showing me around the company, suddenly someone called her and told me to wait her here for a while..I sat on the chair waiting for Ms Huang..while sitting a man approaches to me~


Uhm you are new here right..


(Startled) Uh-mm yess


Oh great what unit are you working?


No I'm not working yet, Ms Huang was just showing me around..to see what I can do here...


Ohh...by the way I'm Kim Junmyeon call me Suho for short


I'm Min Y/N nice to meet you~


What a unique name? Where do you live?


I live with~

Ms Huang;

Sorry for leaving you behind Ms Y/N..


No it's okay..I was just chatting with Oppa Suho~

Ms Huang;

Okay, should we continue roaming around~


I'm a little tired Ms Huang should I sit here for a while...

Ms Huang;

Then I'll bring you a cup of coffee..


Wow Ms Huang really tooking care of you..


(Nodded) sighing~


Hmm are you okay?


I'm fine

Another man;

Ehh who is she Hyung?


She's new here (smilingly)


Nice to meet you I'm Min Y/N


Oh hello Ms Y/N I'm Kim Jongdae, Chen for short..


Kim? Are you both?


Yes...Hyung here is my elder brother, I also have 2 more Brother


Wow who are the others?


It's Minseok and Jongin..they are working on the other unit here in the company..you might see them frequently~


Really..wow...y'all are very hard working~ (Smilingly)


Thank you for your praises Ms Y/N (smiling)

Ms Huang;

Here's your coffee Ms Y/N and As for you two please focus on your work now


Okay, We will see you around Y/N (smiling)....

After talking to the Kim brother's I felt a little relieved that finally I know someone from the company..Then suddenly while drinking coffee I got startled when Eun Woo suddenly spoke at my back..and my clothes got spill by coffee~