
2640 kinds of postures?!!

Just as the old lady expected, the bodies of those aquatic animals were made by the night braze!

The demon kills!

One of the strongest death skills of Demon Emperor!

Fight, everything that can be killed!

"Unfortunately, the life energy of those aquatic animals is too weak, even if it absorbs a river! It just gives me a little self-protection!"

"It looks like it has to speed up!"

Night braze shook his fist, sighed, and stepped into another river.


三 Three days in a row!

In a flash!

Early in the morning, a figure slowly came out of the Weishui River.

Night braze's complexion was pale, her hair was messy, and her clothes were thoroughly wet.

Only, when he just stepped out of the river, a mist of water emerged. In the blink of an eye, his clothes seemed to be steamed by the sun, and there was no trace of water stains. It was weird.

"Three days! My strength is enough to be side by side! Now, it's time to go back!"

Although night braze has the soul of the demon emperor, after all, this body's memory of life is fused.

to him,

There is something else that needs to be done!

There are still some people who need to be killed!

He thought about it, night braze flickered, and ran away in the direction of Jiangshi.

For twenty minutes, night braze came to the gate of ,parimal Mitra smriti mahavidyalaya.

Night braze, now in her current status, is still a third-year student.

When seeing the night braze, the students entering the school around dodged like a plague, especially each student's gaze toward the night braze was full of thick drama and ridicule.

Not only that, a series of sadistic and sarcastic sounds came into night braze's ears.

In the eyes of students, night braze's a joke.

Seeing this scene, night braze frowned. He knew that the old master of this body would not be seen, but did not expect that the situation was so bad.

However, night braze didn't pay much attention, and walked towards the school gate.

"!! Isn't this the rumor that the night braze opened with the CEO of First Beauty? Why, after hiding for three days, finally dared to show up?"

At this moment, a strange sound of fire and water came, letting night braze footsteps slightly stop.

I looked around and saw a man and a woman come hand in hand.

The boy was tall and handsome, with a jacket on the upper body and a pair of white casual pants on the lower body. The whole thing was awesome, but he had a pair of triangular eyes with a gloomy color.

It looks like a poisonous snake, giving a cold feeling.

The girl was pretty, long, tall, and charming, with a touch of spring.

Especially at this moment, the girl looked a little unnaturally in the sight of night braze, until she clenched the palms of the tall boys, and then she had some confidence. The sight of night braze was full of hate. .

Ye Zhongqiang! YuFei!

Seeing the two men, two names came to night braze's mind, making his eyes narrow for a moment.

According to the memory of previous life, this girl named Yu Fei, who was originally night braze's girlfriend, later Zhong Qiang, and then he breakup herself.

The previous night braze was extremely obsessed with Fei and was heartbroken for a time.

It's just a pity that the night braze in front of me is not the night breeze before!

"Hey ... night braze, I really didn't expect that you illegitimate child would dare to come back?" Zhong Qiang stared at night braze with a pair of eyes, his mouth full of thick drama:

"Now, you are our celebrity in Jiangshi! Not only the palace family is looking for you, but even your family is looking for you! Hey, it seems your life is not guaranteed!"

In Zhong Qiang's expression, there was endless pleasure.

He likes the feeling of stepping night braze at his feet, so he used all means to **** Yu Fei from night braze.

Every time when seeing night braze's sadness and being bullied, Zhong Qiang felt happy.

Listening to Zhong Qiang's words, the night braze looks extremely indifferent, as if looking at a smol ant:

"You Done? Then I'm going!"

As a generation of demons, night braze did not have the habit of arguing with ants at all.


This scene, let Zhong Qiang and Yu Fei sock😮.

In their impression, night braze has always been a weak and timid person. Even if he was pointed at his nose and scolded, he was afraid to refute it.

And now, ignore!

Ignorance of red fruit!

Zhong Qiang directly into the air!


I thought that I was ignored by a wasteful bastard, Zhong Qiang brushed in to fire and pulled down, his eyes appeared a touch of fierce color, one stopped the night braze, and asked eeriely:

"Oh? Boy, you have a good temper! How dare you ignore me !!!"

Zhong Zhongqiang is extremely angry!

But night braze's looks like an idiot, looks at Zhong Qiang, and shrugs slightly:

"I didn't ignore you! I just ..."

Speaking, night braze's mouth emerged with a touch of drama:

"I just don't have the habit of listening to farting!"


The words of night braze are not only Zhong Qiang and Yu Fei, but also the students around them.

Everyone didn't expect that the timid night braze's dare to call Zhong Qiang farting!

"Little miscellaneous, you ... how dare you scold me?" Zhong Qiang at this moment even suspected that he had heard it wrong, and his face was startled and angry.

He was not only him, but even Fei was stunned, looking at the night breeze, full of contempt and disdain.

She was with night braze before because night braze was an illegitimate child, but she could receive a living allowance from ni family every month.

Almost all the living expenses of the night braze were completely squandered by Yu Fei.

Until she met Zhong Qiang, who was richer, she kicked the night braze into the arms of Zhong Qiang.

Now, when he heard the crap, he dared to scold the Prince Charming in his heart. At the moment, Yu Fei was furious and pointed at Yefeng's nose and cursed:

"Night braze! What are you! What qualifications do you have for calling Zhong Qiang! You now admit Zhong Qiang wrong, I can look at the situation in the past and let Zhong Qiang spare you this time!"

Have you ever spared?

When I heard this, a sneer emerged from the corner of night braze's mouth:

"What are you again!"

Boom! 💥😮! !

The arrogance of the night braze immediately blasted all the students around.

They never dreamed of it. Jiang Shi's famous waste illegitimate child drank Zhong Qiang and Yu Fei repeatedly.

At the moment, all the students around are excited.

One by one looking at night braze, full of drama, they felt that this guy was miserable.

"You ..." Yu Fei almost crooked her nose.

She never dreamed that this guy who used to think of herself as a goddess now dares to scold herself.

For a moment, Yu Fei was so white and angry, pointing at the night braze, that she was speechless.

There was a sneer on Zhong Qiang's face, and he would hold Fei in his arms, then said with abusive and scornful expression on his face:

"Hey ... I see! Night braze, have you been robbed by Yu Fei because of love, all hate because of love! I understand! However, your **** waste child is not worthy of Fei!"

Zhong Qiang's words clearly put shame on the night wind.

But his words, he is always enjoying the night braze:

"Hate because of love? Haha ... is she worth it?"

After Xun said, a look of mischief appeared in the corner of Yefeng's mouth, and a pair of eyes glanced at Fei's body:

".. have to say Zhong Qiang, your teeth are so good, even if I don't want the garbage, you are a treasure!"


With a word of night braze, everyone stunned again.

Unwanted garbage?

This is obviously talking about Yu Fei!

Not only that, everyone saw at this moment that night braze slaps his fingers and counts seriously:

"Yu Fei and I have been together for four months, a total of about 120 days! Among them, we slept 88 nig..! Three times a nig.., I shared her 264 times! Each time it will unlock 10 postu..! Unlocked on her 2640 post..! "

Huh! ! !

Ye Feng is calculating seriously, but all the people around him are aggressive!

2640 kinds of postures?


At this moment, almost all the students around looked at Zhong Qiang with a strange look, one by one with a flushed face, almost smiling.

Zhong Qiang's face became increasingly ugly, especially the '88 nights', '264 times',' 2640 postures', which seemed to hit him with 100 million points of damage and made him almost vomit blood!

Hey, it's not over yet!

Night braze's next words let Zhong Qiang spit out old blood!

"In the past four months, Yu Fei spent a total of 18 thousand yuan. On average, each time I asked for 68 yuan and 80 cents! And each posture was 6.818 yuan! Emma is even more than the hair salon around the bus station. Cheap! "

He said, night braze looked at Zhong Qiang with a smile on his face, with a mean face:

"Hello! Dude, thank you for taking the plate! But this plate is a bit dirty!"

Huh! ! !

I heard this, Zhong Qiang's old blood spit out completely.

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