
Chapter one : Ambush

Oliver sat there on his ship, the Galaxy 1 the engines silent as it was hovering midair next to a tiny mountain. He takes out a burger that he had been preparing for last few moments. He sat on his favorite chair,the pilots seat with one leg over the arm rest turning off the display on the glass screen to see it it's most natural form. He looked over the horizon to the most beautiful sunset he'd ever seen. The sky and clouds illuminated by the yellow glow of sunlight almost seemed like a painter had something to do with it.

"Damn this place is beautiful," he said to himself in deep wonder.

He was on planet westros, discovered millennia ago by scientists from Earth before they developed the fission engines.Back then when they thought they were alone in the universe. Right about when Aldums potential as a fuel had been realised and deposits discovered in beta B-8058 asteroid belt. The deposits were determined to belong to beta B-8058 world C, Earth that is and the several hundreds of years of mining and selling to the galactic government gave them faster than light travel and a reputation in the galaxy.

They had learned about tge Galaxys mapping in school. The galaxy was divided into three regions, Alpha, Beta and Omega. Alpha was the area around the Galaxys central mass black hole, beta the ring around the galaxy where the blackholes gravitational pull had been halved due to the distance and omega was anything beyound beta on the outskirts of the galaxy but not interstellar.

Earths sun was the 8,058 life inhabiting sun that the galaxy had discovered and Earth was the third world. A great debate between scientists about how simplified the mapping had become after translation was perpetual and plans to make a more comprehensive map was underway.

"My sensors are picking up an armada of ships approaching,travelling faster than light. By my calculations they will be here in two minutes," said ivy the ships Artificial Intelligence.

He pressed the comms button to talk to his partner arielle ,but he called her ari for obvious reasons. "Ari ,they are here," he said as calm as could .

He couldn't afford to show her how scared he was.Ari made her way to the bridge and sat beside him.she took a deep breathe and looked keenly at Oliver and turned to look at the night sky.At first there was silence,pin drop silent. Oliver shut down all unnecessary processes in the ship to purely concentrate on the ambush .He tapped on a screen above his wrist and turned the HUD for the ship to start the ambush. The HUD had

"All targets are locked,spoiling the engines," ari said as the engines gained more power and made more humming sound .

"Put on your helmet on you are breaching the princesses ship." Oliver told her.

She looked at him so surprised. She wanted to breach the ship so bad but Oliver deemed the mission too dangerous.But the main reason he wanted to do it himself is because the mission had minimum room for errors. If they messed up,they were looking at enslavement and torture for information. The princess owned thousands of planets that mined aldum ,one of the rarest elements in the universe. She was on her way to meet the Blight. The Blight were the most technologically advanced species in the milky way. They sought to invade world's not under their rule and enforce their law on the galaxy. That was not a good combination, and got people's attention aswell as worry.

The ships dropped from faster than light speed (FTL) in what looked like a meteor shower.Oliver and Arielle had run the ambush in the simulator many times and the plan looked nearly perfect. The plan was simple. The ship had gotten new upgrades from their favorite genius lexa. She was a genius in computer programming among other things.it was weird since she always complained about how hard it was to program quantum computers. She hadn't come on the mission had over personal issues that she didn't specify. So they were going in half passed with untested light fold missiles that travelled to half the speed of light. So the plan, fire the lexa missiles at the princesse's ships and charge at them with the galaxy 1. Once the ship was above the atmosphere and well into space,Ari would deploy using their space suits(X-20)s,also made by lexa.The suits were special. Oliver regarded them as armour rather than suits. Made from aldum and powered by a reactor within the suits made it nearly impenetrable .Thrusters at the foot hands and back made the easier to operate, but the icing on the cake was lexa's programming that made the suits top tier.

Ari would breach the ship using the ship and take out anyone who posed a threat. Make her way to the princesses chambers and knock her out for captivity. In doing all that Oliver would take out any ships not obliterated by the missiles.

"Alright ,let's do this ," Oliver says as the ships drop from light speed.

"3 , 2, 1,"ivy counted down before detention was seen in the yellow sunset sky since the missiles we're too fast to be seen by the naked eye.

Oliver punched the engines and in a matter of seconds the ship was in space. He flew the ship over the princesses ship with Ari in the hull waiting to deploy.

"I can do this,"Ari tells herself before drawing the helmet on and it sticks in to place and the HUD comes online.

The HUD highlights the state of the suit as well as the body through the implant in the spine to detect any anomalies or injuries in the body. Implant also made it able to control the x-20s by mere thoughts just like moving your arms. The opened the hulls doors after being depressurised .The Thrusters lit up as she flew through the debris .She engaged full power at all Thrusters and punched a hole into the ship that immediately fixed itself using nano particles.

"I'm in ," she radioed back.

(this is my first part, more to come. Please give me feedback this is my first story. Rate)

You can rate and give constructive criticism. This is my first story, i hope you enjoy it

Oliver_Mutuacreators' thoughts