
Chapter 8 by the drink

"hello," she said.

"a bloody mary," she told the tender.

"what brings you to this part of this rock," she asked oliver.

He picked up his can with alcohol and swirls it at her. He smiled weakly not that he could do it any other way given how drunk he was getting.

"the thing about having a good time is getting so hammered since the nano bots get rid of the high insanely first, its depressing," oliver tells her.

"you say fun and you describe how to go unconscious," she replied.

"pshhhtttttt," oliver shrugs.

"i take it you work nearby," oliver seem certain on his deduction.

"All the soldiers are in the war, what are you doing back here, luitenent?" oliver nonchalantly ignorant of boundaries of having just met her.

"names pvii rivers." the woman finally revealed her name to Oliver.

"i really hate how little i can actually drink," pvii sighs.

The bloody mary, crimson than blood itself was ready was done, she grabbed it and drunk it with a straw From the plastic cup.

Oliver swore on all the life that has ever existed in the universe that woth the red drink and red lips illuminated by the neon lights moved her from a 6 to a 9 out of ten. He was also pretty drunk at the moment.

"so I'm guessing you haven't bought the new coding for the nanobots, seeing as you are already tipsy," pvii observed.

" They making updates on the bots coding annually, at this point and its nuts," Oliver sluring his words in a way answered.

"what update is the coding on your bots?" oliver curiously asked her.

"the latest, so this week." she replied as she handed the tender the can back. She did not mess around with the bloody mary.

"lets do shots," pvii asks with a smile.

Oliver looks around to see lexa and Arielle dancing having a time of their life. He sees no reason to remain gloomy.

"lets, do this," oliver replies.

The bartender is serving other people, and this give oliver a chance to down his drink.

Whoever it is that controls the music suddenly decides they want all the heartbeats kite high and to move their waists and ankles to the drop of the beat.

"so how long have you liv.." Oliver was cut off from what he wanted to say. A scream that seemed to resonate in the entire establishment.

"Come bust a move," pvii dragged him from his seat to the dance floor.

He stood there not legs turned to jelly, he could feel every vibration from the speakers from the bass of the music. He was hot, comfortable clothes began to itch all of a sudden. His skin, was frog moist, from all the sweat.

"oh fuck!" under his breathe.

He began to immitate her movements, which was kind of difficult as he had the agility of a cow. She had her hands over her head swaying her hips from side to side in a rhythmic way.

Lexa and Ari climp on the counter table of the bar and try and succeed to do splits on the tables. The crowd around the area cheer to a harmonious melody, but Oliver is pretty sure they aren't an opera singing choir.

A waiter with walked by as if summoned by fate to keep them as drunk as possible. As soon as the two tiny cups their bottoms were up.

Pvii came closer to him nad their bodies were in contact. Their hands on each other they moved slow. The music might have slowed down or they were just to drunk to concentrate on the vibration on their chest. Oliver was sure he couldn't last a second in one if he was sober.

Pvii reached into her pocket for a pill. With all the chaos in the background, noise yet he could only see her and she could only see him. This is the last thing of the night Oliver remembers. A tongue out with a white ashy pill and their lips touching.

Of course lexa was a bat and never seemed to be swayed either way. Topless on the counter twirling her shirt on her index finger. Most people had realized she was hammered and left to continue with their dances.

All night club parties have a climax at the middle of the night that never seem to be lived up to by anything else in the night and this was it.

Few minutes later people started to leave, those not drunk enough atleast. Lexa went back to where they were initially seated to figure out what to do next. Not a major decision or anything of significance just when they were going to the ship since they preferred living there.

"Arielle mahn, you are a goooodddd," oliver bellowed from the depths of his lungs, strapped to pviis shoulder, who was equally reliant on his support to stand up as he was to her.

They had the occasional watership sway and stagger whenever they walked to do anything or stood for long bits.

They did stand and move around alot as Pvii seemed to know every single person around. The smiles and laughs from her friends and aquintances blurred into a singular laughing sequence to them.

"what makes you say I'm a god?" Ari shouts back.

"You cut and move like a cosmic being," oliver gestured with is hands as if to show the scale of a cosmic being.

"who is your friend?" Lexa was curious.

He looked at her and smiled because he had the faintest clue what her name was even after she had told him. To be fair, he was intoxicated to say the least.

"You don't know, now do you," added lexa laughing.

"Heeeeyyyyyy," it was so slurred from him.

The music was low enough he didn't have to shout.

"i know, i knooowwwww, its vee," as he was looking at her for a hint of her name, hoping she'd show a sign if he said her real name.


"shiv," he smiled weakly.

"phil?" she laughed at the thought of it being phil.

"oooh i got it," oliver with confidence.

Lexa laughed even harder.

"i am willing to bet a thousand credits that its not it." lexa said to the three of them.

Oliver looked at her straight in the eyes and pointed at Ari,

"you do see and witness this by the ancient laws of betting." Oliver said to Ari eyes locked on lexa.

"so, for a thousand credits, is your name philip?" Oliver asked her.

she laughed harder than she had laughed the entire night. She wiped tears off her eyes while still laughing.

"Thats a years rent right here." Lexa said still amused.

"My name is pvii, pvii rivers." she said after they waited akwardly for her to get done laughing.

Moments of conversation went on before an interruption from Ivy.

From his contact lens he could see that she wanted to talk.

He put her through.

"Boss thousands of ships have dropped from FTL speeds into the planets orbit. They appear to be affiliated with the aldumi Kingdom." she spoke in her computerized voice.

"We have to go!" Oliver tells them