
The Malevolent Ascendant

「In a realm where immortal cultivation is pursued, our protagonist, Liu Feng, embarks on a twisted and dark journey driven by his eccentric and evil pursuit of perfection. Liu Feng is a prodigious cultivator known for his brilliant mind and unorthodox methods. He possesses an insatiable hunger for power and an unyielding desire to reshape the world in his own malevolent image.」 「Liu Feng begins his path as a recluse, isolating himself from society to delve into forbidden arts and dark secrets. His ultimate goal is to achieve immortality, not merely in the form of eternal youth, but to possess an undying body that defies both time and decay. He believes that immortality can only be truly attained through embracing darkness and transcending the limitations of conventional cultivation.」 「Guided by his sinister ambitions, Liu Feng uncovers forbidden knowledge, practices forbidden cultivation techniques, and delves into the darkest corners of the cultivation world. He harnesses dark mind arts to manipulate and control the thoughts and actions of others, seeking to dominate all lifeforms and bend them to his will.」 「What Will Happen to The Malevolent Ascendant as the world seems to reject him to its deepest core.」 "The Malevolent Ascendant" is a captivating and morally complex cultivation story that explores the depths of evil, the pursuit of power, and the consequences of unrestrained ambition being an exact copy of Reverend but also not at the same time. It delves into the philosophical themes of morality, the corrupting nature of power, and the inherent struggle between light and darkness. hey this is my first work and pretty cliche I'd say, its inspired from Reverend Insanity and i will only be continuing this after waiting for a month and seeing the feedback for 3 chapters. the chapter's gonna be short and if the novel goes viral guess I'd make longer chapters lol. amateur writer btw. the main goal for the mc Liu Feng is Pursuit of perfection in a evil way, and sub-goals are to Dominate all Lifeforms (Through manipulation), having Unparalleled Charisma to captivate people and manipulate them, thirst for Omniscient Knowledge

eccentric_flame_4 · Action
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3 Chs

Clash Of Wills

Chapter 1 : Clash of Wills.

The world quivered with unease as Liu Feng's malevolent presence spread like a poisonous miasma. It sensed the darkness that had taken root within him, an abomination that threatened the delicate balance of existence. The world's will, a sentient force that governed the laws of nature and upheld harmony, rallied against this newfound evil.

In a bid to preserve its equilibrium, the world's will surged forth, attempting to purge Liu Feng from its realm. The very fabric of reality trembled as cosmic energy coalesced into a colossal entity, an embodiment of the world's will, standing in defiance against the malevolent ascendant.

Liu Feng, aware of the world's attempt to erase him, reveled in the challenge. His eyes blazed with a sickening joy as he summoned his dark powers to confront the planetary will. Forbidden energies crackled around him, intertwining with his essence, as he prepared for the impending clash.

A tempest of energy engulfed the battlefield, raging winds tearing at the landscape, while dark tendrils of power lashed out against the luminous brilliance of the world's will. Liu Feng laughed maniacally, relishing the confrontation as he deflected the world's desperate attempts to expel him.

For days, the titanic struggle continued. Liu Feng's malevolent aura clashed with the world's will, each force exerting its dominance over the other. The skies blazed with otherworldly lights and the earth convulsed under the weight of their powers. It seemed an eternal stalemate had been reached.

But just as the scales began to tip in favor of the forbidden being, the world's will sent out a desperate plea to the galactical will of the universe. It implored the higher cosmic forces for aid, beseeching them to eradicate the malevolent presence that threatened its very existence.

In response, a profound cosmic energy descended, its presence overwhelming even the clash between Liu Feng and the world's will. The galactical will, an entity transcending individual realms, surveyed the scene with an inscrutable gaze. It recognized the dire situation but, to the world's dismay, revealed it could not grant the world's request.

With a resonating voice that reverberated through space and time, the galactical will spoke, "The threads of fate interweave in mysterious ways, and the malevolent presence must face its own reckoning. However, I shall grant it a chance for redemption and growth in a world where its power will be tested."

In an instant, Liu Feng found himself engulfed in a blinding light, whisked away from the realm that had rejected him. The cosmic forces, driven by an unknown purpose, had transported him to a new world, a realm where he would not be the apex predator, but a formidable entity nonetheless.

As Liu Feng materialized in this unfamiliar realm, he found himself surrounded by towering mountains, radiant landscapes, and cultivators more powerful than he had ever encountered. The world's will had succeeded in removing him from its grasp, but at what cost? And what purpose did the galactical will have in store for him?

A sinister smile curled upon Liu Feng's lips as he surveyed his surroundings. The malevolent ascendant had been granted a fresh canvas upon which to paint his dark ambitions. He would rise once more, seizing power, and bending this new world to his will.

And so, Liu Feng stepped forth into this uncharted realm, a realm that would test his resolve, his malevolence, and his forbidden powers. Little did he know that he had embarked on a path far more treacherous than he had ever imagined, where ancient secrets, formidable adversaries, and his own twisted pursuit of perfection would push.