
The Making Of A Man

In a world where evil thrives and crimes are largely perpetrated and accepted, Pisces sees himself caught up between a choice that is conflicted with his principle and ideology, but because of his strong belief in God, principles, and philosophy about life, he tries to be good and live an honourable life, but he soon realized that the world does not reward good neither does it reward righteousness. This is the story of Pisces, an ambitious and proficient man whose dreams keep slipping away the closer he thinks he's getting. And when nothing seems to be working out for him, his whole world fell apart as he loses hope and started questioning his moral values, purpose, and existence. He then thought to himself, would he eventually choose the evil he has long been running away from, or keep chasing the good that has always been running away from him? He knew once he chooses evil, there was no going back. Because he's going to be unimaginably evil as he would have been unbelievably good.

Adalusan · Realistic
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8 Chs

Chapter 2

<p>Kyrios called Lore repeatedly with the hope that she would pick up, but the phone rang several times, and Lore refused to pick his call. He was disappointed and became sad. <br/>"She's not picking up, maybe I shouldn't have called her, he said."<br/><br/>"Then what should you have done? Pisces responded forthwith.<br/>" I don't know! I don't know!! Kyrios exclaimed as he shook his head and poured himself a drink, his eyes were filled with tears. Pisces told him that he was not surprised that Lore didn't pick up the call and that he would have done the same if he was in her position. He told Kyrios how to make things right. <br/><br/>"Lore may have refused to pick up your call and deliberately ignored it, but there's one thing she can't ignore. Pisces said as Kyrios asked with intense curiosity what it was.<br/>Pisces smiled and told him a text message.<br/>That no matter how angry people get, they will always read a text message.<br/><br/>"Pisces! I cannot possibly think of anything to send to her right now, I'm extremely sad and demoralized, my thought is blank and void, and my mind is plagued with worries. <br/>Kyrios lamented<br/><br/>Pisces told him his mind is plagued with worries because of his demoralized state as a result of the emotional sadness he's experiencing, which is a good thing because the best time for someone to be genuinely expressive is when he's either sad or happy. <br/>"Reflect on everything you have wrongly done to her in the past and be sincere in your words. Own up to your mistakes and be accountable. Be emotional and romantic, and tell her things you knew you should have been doing, but haven't been doing, but will start doing and will continue to do and not stop doing."<br/>There's nothing women want to hear better than I am going to change, I will change. And also words of affirmation and assurance. Tell her she meant everything to you, that you can not imagine your life without her in it.<br/><br/>Kyrios immediately brought out his phone from his pocket, his fingers were moving like greased lightning, it was obvious that he was typing something as he was moving his lips and reading inaudibly. <br/>After he was done, he slides the phone towards Pisces that sat across from him, Pisces obliquely skidded the phone back to him and ask him to read it out, but before he does, he should serve him another drink.<br/><br/>Kyrios released an unexpected cachinnation, "you are crazy", he said as they both laughed. Kyrios did as Pisces wanted, not that he had a choice. <br/>And besides, Pisces has been a great friend of his, although, things are presently rough with him, but regardless, that's his friend, his brother.<br/>Having served him another drink, Kyrios picked up the phone and read what he wrote loudly to Pisces.<br/><br/> "Hi baby, I am sorry…"<br/><br/>Pisces interrupted him and asked him what he meant by "Hi Baby" and who he was referring to. He told Kyrios to desist from using a term of endearment for now. <br/>He told Kyrios to replace the baby with her name, that way, it will show a form of seriousness and attract her attention.<br/>"How many times have you used the term baby in your apology whenever you wronged her? <br/>She's already used to it and perhaps even fed up with your "Hi baby, I am sorry" every time. It's too ordinary and conventional. <br/>Try something more unique and serendipitous. And see if she won't be the one to call you back. Pisces said<br/><br/>As soon as Pisces was done talking, he took the phone from him and put down a few ideas that came to him, immediately he was done typing, he handed the phone back to Kyrios and asked him to add a few things that came to his mind, "But there isn't anything that came to Kyrios mind other than "Hi Baby, I am sorry, I promise I will make it up to you". And by making it up to you, it's her waking up to a new iPhone.<br/><br/> Kyrios collected the phone with eagerness and scrolled through the entire written text, he was grinning while reading it, do you still want me to read it out? he asked <br/><br/>"If you feel like doing so." Pisces said as Kyrios cleared his throat and adjusted his sitting position. <br/><br/>"Don't be ridiculous man, this is not a poetry recitation. Just read it out and listen to yourself. Feel every word and every sentence." Pisces said.<br/><br/>Kyrios read the text out loudly, "Lore, there's no excuse for what I did, how could I have forgotten about your birthday and our anniversary. How could I have failed to come pick you up at the airport, when I could have been there waiting 24 hours prior? And buy thousands of Roses and Tulips flowers to depict all the wonderful days we have spent together, and the many more to come, even in the afterlife.<br/>As funny and exaggerated as that sounds, but that's true…<br/><br/>Pisces interrupted him again and told him he can now you use a term of endearment, as Lore's anger would have been mitigated when she got to that part and told him to start all over. Kyrios became furious with him, "why are you doing this to me, you are now deliberately backbreaking me, mentally and physically, this is not fair". <br/><br/>"Sorry for backbreaking you my friend, but this is for your own benefit, I'm only trying to help you because of my love for you. And it doesn't make me happy to see you being miserable." He winks at him and asks him to continue. He has never seen him in such demoralized state. But he wants the best for both him and Lore, and most importantly, he wants their marriage to work.<br/><br/>Kyrios start again, "Lore, there's no excuse for what I did, how could I have forgotten about your birthday and our anniversary? <br/>How could I have failed to come pick you up at the airport, when I could have been there waiting 24 hours prior?<br/>And buy thousands of Roses and Tulips flowers to depicts all the wonderful days we have spent together, and the many more to come, even in afterlife.<br/>As funny and exaggerated as that sounds, it's true baby. I should be doing the extraordinary. And why not? True love is unbelievable and preposterous, it is a phenomenon of what is impossible and possible, what is incomprehensible and comprehensible, what is unimaginable yet imaginable, and what is real and unreal.<br/>I have been miserable. I hate my life right now, and I hate myself. <br/>I know I am no better and that I am no good. But I can be better and change because you deserve the best. You deserve endless love and affection.<br/>I have just realized that I have been hurting myself by hurting you, and the happier I make you, the happier I become. <br/>You are my world, my delight and my heart's desire. The source of my happiness, and the inspiration for my creativity and ideation. You are everything to me. <br/>Baby! For every hurt and pain I have put you through in our marriage, I am truly and deeply sorry. I hope you find a place in your godly heart to forgive me. Love Kyrios. <br/><br/>(Tears dropped from his face as he placed his phone on the table)<br/><br/>How do you always come up with these words, Kyrios asked Pisces who told him<br/>that he's a wordist, a litterateur and a poet. "These words come naturally to me like how the night comes to day, and I to them as the day recedes into the night. And like the stars to the sky, and the birds to their nests."<br/>He said as he applauded Kyrios, noting that it's good to see this emotional side of him. "I've seen a man cry many times and it was not a good sight to behold. But I think the only thing that is more touching and heartbreaking to see about a crying man, is a man that is in love. <br/>This is a great discovery.( Pisces joked)<br/>"Lore would be happy to see this, she will be more than pacified and placated.<br/><br/>"Well, she's not here, after reflecting on what Pisces has just said, he looked at him suspiciously as he reiterated, "Lore would be happy to see this, she would be more than pacified and placated", Did you video-record me? He asked Pisces who released a wild giggle like a cackling Hyena. <br/><br/>"I should have known. That was why you asked me to start all over again, it wasn't about the insertion of the endearment term. That's a sneaking move Pisces, you are deceptive, cunning and mischievous."<br/>Kyrios looks livid and exasperated, he asks Pisces to give him his phone but Pisces refuses, he however demands that the video be immediately deleted, "What exactly do you plan to do with the video? Kyrios asked<br/><br/>As they both went back and forth, Kyrios's phone rang, he stood agape with wonder and could not believe who was calling.<br/>"Lore has called back! Lore has called back! <br/>He exclaimed excitedly. <br/><br/>Apparently, Pisces has sent the video recording to Lore. Kyrios was filled with excitement as he ran inside his office to take the call. Some minutes after Kyrios retreated into his office. Pisces sighted a car that drove in and parked out front of the Gusty Bar, he's always observant. Theodore alighted, he was shocked to see him, not because of anything else, other than the fact that he came with another car, a Maybach S Class this time.<br/>How many cars does this guy has? <br/>How many does he drive in a day? <br/>He thought to himself.<br/><br/>Theodore came down and went to the trunk, he opened it as he was approached by the doorman who he ask to retrieved the paintings and took them to Kyrios office. <br/>As Theodore walked towards Pisces, they both exchanged pleasantries. All this while, Kyrios was still in his office talking to Lore on the phone.<br/><br/> Good afternoon, Theodore greeted, afternoon, Pisces replied him.<br/><br/>Kyrios sighted Theodore and quickly came outside. The Big and Biggest Theo, he hailed and showered praises on him.<br/>Theodore smiled and told him that the only time he call him Theo is when he's happy. He remarked that he is glad to see the warm smile on your face and believes he have sorted things out with Lore.<br/><br/>"Yes I have, we were actually talking on the phone before I saw you came in. I had to plead with her so I can come attend to you."<br/><br/>"I'm happy to hear that", Theodore said<br/><br/>Kyrios told him to have a sit and ask if he's still still going to Abuja. "My departure time has been extended to 11 p.m. because my Pilot called in sick. But he has recommended his friend to me who unfortunately wasn't in Lagos. I had to run a background check on him and book him a flight, he's on his way to Lagos as we speak." Theodore told Kyrios who asked him to stay for Lore's surprise birthday party and introduced him to Pisces. <br/>"Meet my friend Pisces, Pisces meet my dearest Theodore", he said as he familiarized them and went to get Theodore's usual.<br/><br/>Pisces smiled, and reiterated Kyrios introductory words, "meet my friend Pisces, meet my dearest Theo", he wondered why there wasn't a designative adjective attributed to his name. <br/>"Well, I am not rich, neither do I have a range rover and a maybach S Class." he thought to himself as he smiled and told Theodore that it was a pleasure to meet him, and jokingly referred to him as the Big and Biggest Theo. <br/>"The comparative degree of adjectives isn't necessary, just can me Theo or Theodore". He said as his phone rang and excused himself to privately receive his call.<br/><br/>Kyrios came back with Theodore's usual, but Pisces is rather too concerned with the outcome of his private conversation with Lore. "So how did it go with Lore? He asked<br/><br/>"It went well". He's reminded to ask Pisces why he said that the best time to be genuinely expressive is when one is either sad or happy. But he doesn't understand why he would record him if his initial was to have him express himself through text message. So he needed clarification.<br/><br/>Pisces told him that as a poet, that is the best time to spontaneously express himself, "the period of emotional sadness that is characterized by dysphoric feelings and depressive mood, and the moment of emotional happiness that is characterized by exhilarating feelings and cheerfulness." <br/><br/>"Okay! And you weren't surprised Lore didn't pick my call, and there was only one thing she wouldn't ignore?" <br/><br/>Affirmative! Pisces said with a perky face.<br/><br/>"So why then did you make me read out the apology, and surreptitiously video-record me?"<br/><br/>Pisces told him never thought of that until he started reading out the emotive texts. <br/>So he realized the only thing she wouldn't ignore and would be eager to see is an unfeigned apologetic video of her teary grown-up husband that went to his friend's house to drink a medical herbal tea or whatever that made him lose his mind for several hours. In which he did not only passed out, but was unable to go pick up his wife at the airport as a result. <br/>And also forgot about her birthday and their anniversary. "She might have ignored your message still, but not a message from me, or a video for that matter that she doesn't even know the content." Pisces said and chuckled as he admitted that the video is a good content. And suggested he should set up a TikTok account for both him and Lore with a caption, "How to apologize to my wife after forgetting about her birthday and our anniversary".<br/><br/>You are crazy! Kyrios said as he looked at him grating and thought of what he could say to get to him. "What if I told you that I knew you were recording me and just decided to play along?<br/><br/>Pisces replied him decorously. "What if I told you that I knew you didn't mean those words and was faking those simulated tears and I am still recording you?<br/><br/>Oh my goodness (Kyrios screamed) I was only joking, what is wrong with you? <br/>Are you recording me again?<br/><br/>Pisces told him to relax, that he was not recording him, and that he was only joking as well. Kyrios expressed his gratitude and told him he's glad that the idea worked out perfectly. <br/><br/>Pisces told that his welcome and referred to him as his dearest. "Dearest? Kyrios asked with so much interest. <br/>"The Big Biggest Theo is your dearest, you are my dearest, I am nobody dearest, he jokes as they both laugh.<br/><br/>Theodore came back in, he has been inside the car making a phone call and waiting to receive a guest. They both came in immediately after she arrived. He introduced the lady to Kyrios and Pisces.<br/>Pisces knew the lady, she was one of the Instagram celebrities who has been widely featured as vixen in musical videos.<br/>He told them the Sun in Lagos was getting out of hand, and expressed his dissatisfaction and inability to enjoy fresh air as he had to stay in the car, keep it running and turn on the AC". He complains about the heatwave in Lagos and also acknowledges the extreme weather condition in Sokoto and Niger states, and how the torridity in Borno State is not often talked about. <br/><br/>Pisces explained that the immediacy of Northern Nigeria to the Sahara Desert is the reason why it's predisposed to extreme and abnormal weather conditions, "so the phenomenon of extreme heat and cold is understandable." He said as he reminisces about his official visit to Borno State, and how the torridity there is not often talked about. He hates the fact that the only thing Borno State is known for today is Boko Haram terrorism. And not for its diverse culture, gorgeous Shuwa Arab, breathtaking Mountains and exquisite landscapes that are perfect for hiking and surreal photography.<br/><br/>Pisces has lived in the North and travelled to twenty-seven states in Nigeria, and visited three countries in Africa and seven outside the mainland of Africa.<br/>But he's not well travelled and exposed to Thoedore who have been to all the states in Nigeria, and one hundred and seven countries in the world as a diplomat who's <br/>national duty is visit and work in foreign countries, and explore different cultures while learning various languages.<br/><br/>White London immediately stood up and excused herself to use the restroom.<br/>Pisces could not take his eyes off her, she was not only beautiful and attractive, but her curvacious figure and sonsy physique were the reason why most men pivot their heads backwards for a breakneck rear view driven by lustful feelings even when they are with their girlfriends or wives. <br/>He wonder if her body was real, or if it was the magic of cosmetic surgery and Brazilian Butt Lift, which is also known as BBL as it's been generally called. As it's now a common trend among celebrities and popular Instagram influencers.<br/>BBL is an enhancement surgery that is often called liposuction. It's a process where fat is extracted from another part of the body and redistributed to the buttocks and hips. And there have been a lot of reports about people losing their lives, why some ended up getting botched.<br/>He often wonders why ladies stress themselves and spend so much money to surgically transform their body into an hourglass, when in fact it doesn't stop them from getting cheated.<br/>He has heard in the past of those that went as far as taking a loan and repaying it in instalments. Some even travel to countries such as Turkey, Mexico, Poland, Croatia, South Korea and India for the procedure as it is relatively cheaper over there, as opposed to the United Kingdom and the United States. They would often travel to those country for vacation, and come back with a sophisticated, voluptuous and miracle-working body. Then start working out at the gym, while posting workout tips for their thousands of followers and fans on how to naturally get a thick, plumpy, curvier and big butt in four weeks.<br/><br/>kyrios stood up and went back to his office to attend to family matters. He promises to join Theodore and Pisces in a very short time as he heads back to his office.<br/><br/>"I overheard your discussion with Mr. Kyrios earlier and I was quite impressed with your viewpoint. I love discussions like that. You seem to be a learned person." Theodore said as he told Pisces that he look forward to having a discussion with him.<br/><br/>Theodore admires Pisces train of thought and his mental capacity to think critically.<br/>Pisces perception of Theordore is someone with a high-browed personality, who is studios and well-informed as an influential diplomat who represents his government. <br/><br/>"Thank you Mr Theodore, I also look forward to having a cerebral discussion with you". Pisces said <br/><br/>Pisces is usually quiet whenever he met someone for the first time, or when he's with a group of friends. He would normally observe people and listen to what they say, offer proverbial words or an aphorism, or choose to say nothing at all. He is always in his element. People who don't know him personally sometimes refer to him as being insignificantly weird. And those that are close to him often allude to him as being mysterious. But in his defense, he would say, " I do not want to think of myself as being insignificantly weird, that is quite undefinitive since I'm a genius irrespective of my bizarre nature, neither am I ordinarily mysterious, I'd rather substitute for a more pleasant phrase. Maybe pertinently mysterious."<br/><br/>Kyrios came out of his office and ask Pisces to come over, he stood up and went to meet him. They both went in to exchange ideas on how to plan Lore's surprise birthday and their anniversary party. They have dated for five years, and have been married for two.<br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/></p>