
The Majesty And The Red Dragon

In the Sunny Kingdom, Ilona Whisper , a red curly-haired women in her twenties , is struggling to keep up with her multiple jobs to support her little sister Anise , as she works undercover as a skillful thief and as a soldier .The castle is her revenge target as the king ordered her parents' execution. Ilona is the leader of four interesting youngsters that are prepared to execute whatever she says. Later she will find out that she is something more than a simple human. Her life isn't fully bustling till a boy with black curly hair appears in the bar she works at night. The young man named Victor ,same age as her (20 years old ) ,will twist her life in ways that she never imagined before nor she wanted to . His noble-like speech pisses her off the most ! Will she resist the urge to kill him after she will find the truth behind his origins ? Or she doesn't even need to find his origins to have the urge to slay him ? A dramatic love story with a touch of comedy is telling the story of Ilona and Victor . /// This novel is also available on RoyalRoad.com Discord: redlady#7181 or redlady04

redlady · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Hard times ahead

The palace is in hustle since the prince steps in a hurry having his wavy hair attract the eyes of the servants. He used to have his hair straight and his always stern expression was the reason they never looked in his direction. Now he looked like someone else. His changed hairstyle and his angry look make him look wilder and hot, different from his cold and dictatorial look.

His face has a scar on his left cheek going above his eye. A small fine scar is covering also his white neck. As if the wounds and his wild look weren't enough, his shirt is a little bit off him and is showing his chest through the v-line slit. He has in his right hand a whip as he just dismounted his horse.

With fast and heavy steps having his posture straight he passes through the servers that line on one side and the other. Everyone is even more scared of him and the girls enjoy slightly the way the boy revealed his wild side.

Victor grits his teeth and opens the big door that will lead him to the throne. With determined steps, he crosses the big room and now he is in front of his father and mother.

His mom's face shows how shocked she is while his father frowns and rises from his throne as he stops his wife from rising, lifting his hand. With his hands at his back, he goes down the stairs while his eyes scrutinize the face of his son.

"Where have you got such a fine cut?" The man has a low and scary voice. Victor knows that if he is going to lie his father will find anyways the truth, but he decides to lie.

"I was ambushed in the forest and I had to run. The cabin was in the direction I wasn't chasing. "Victor looks his father in the eyes.

The king Silas Callisto smirks and lets out a giggle. He lets his head down as if he had a good laugh just now.

"You are not good at lying. Have you noticed how you bite your lower lip always? You can lie but I will find out. Remember that you are here for a reason. "Silas comes closer and keeps the eyes contact that makes Victor feel intimidated enough to break free.

"Look in my eyes!" Silas grabs his face and pressures him to meet his eyes. "You will do exactly how I say if you want to have the girl in one piece."

Victor gulps. It was his only weakness and his father seemed to have fun using it against him.

Silas kept Ilona and Anise under his surveillance from the moment the girl's parents were killed. He wanted to know if one of the girls had the power of their mom. Till now his men never found anything, the older girl seemed to work hard and the youngster was going to school regularly without showing any abnormalities.

The king was thinking of marrying one of his sons with the beautiful Anise. Silas refused to do it revealing that he liked Ilona. His father uses this against him from the age of fifteen to make his son follow his orders. It was more worth it than having a wedding. An obedient son was a lot better!

Victor gathers his breath and responds to his father that acts like a villain.

"Yes, my king!" If he only would have more power to protect Ilona! This is the way he can be sure that she will be safe. Even if he will have to be seen as an enemy by her he is ready to face that.

"That's a good boy! Tomorrow you will go and take Anise. Your brother Albert will marry her. This is your fault for lying to me. Now go!"

Victor feels his knees go weak when he heard that.

"No way …."

"Do you have something to say?" Silas is already up and sits on his throne looking down at the boy that is not yet leaving.

"Nothing…my king!" Victor decides to go by doing a reverence. With fast steps, he is out of sight of his so-called parents.

He sweats and starts to think desperately about how he can save Anise. His twin brother wasn't a bad guy. Victor fears that let her be so close to his father while Ilona will know about this. The girl will act rushed when it came to Anise. Thinking how protective she was not letting him sleep in the house, she will try to kill Silas for sure if she knew that Anise is married to Albert without her consent.

Ilona is wearing her gloves as she starts a new day. The people are glancing at her as if she was an animal on display. She bets that the grandpa didn't let the situation escape and told everyone what he knew with exaggeration.

"Old people always exaggerate …." She is in front of the noble family's mansion. Carl is in front of the door with a frown. His little hands tighten around the sword he has pinned in the ground. The pose made the girl giggle in her mind.

She doesn't have time to say anything while Carl runs towards her ready to fight. His teeth are gritted as he moves like a bull towards her.

She frowns and takes the boy easy, to not hurt him. His speed is not a joke nor his powerful swings that are a copy of hers. She steps back and blocks the hit. Ilona spars giving him sloppy blows so that she can dodge the ones that were to strong to block without hurting him back. When he is preparing to land a downward blow, she slides to her left dogging it , and as he touches the ground with the sword the dust rises as he brushes rashly his sword against it .

His mind is not sane as his energy is running out from his overtiring powerful swings. Not smart . Not what she thought him .

"How dare you have a boyfriend! I am the only one who loves you!" His voice is heard but the dust makes his body vanish in the cloud formed.The sweat drips down his forehead on his cheeks as his hair is wet.

'This kid …..I can't hurt him …' Ilona is closing her eyes and focuses on the sound of Carl's steps. She wipes the sweat that is on her neck as she catches her breath. After finding the pattern she opens her eyes slowly. Her thin eyes and the frown that covers her forehead is making her look like some warrior. She grips her sword and with insane precision, she hits behind her with a full swing. The sound of clashing swords proves that her prediction was correct.

"Why did you take a boyfriend …I could feed you and take care of you!" Carl's voice is expressing to well his rage toward her by yelling and starting to get more serious about beating Ilona.

Ilona is trying to put an end to this but she knows that Carl can be hard to stop.

'You are just like others …. assuming what others say ….so annoying ..'

"Say that you will be mine and I will stop!" Carl is stopping and looks at her with a serious look. His sweat is dripping on his neck and his hair is ruffled. His chest moves up and down as he catches his breath.

"I don't need a man, kid." Ilona steps forward as he moves his sword in a slow motion movement from Ilona's perspective. He is targeting her side , easy to predict. She lets herself down in a split and as the sword passes above her head , she sprints towards him. Her look in the eyes express focus and a dark pitch is seen. Carl is stiffening as he curls waiting to feel the hit. He lets the air out and falls back.

"You don't follow my instructions at all , i see . You are bound to die if you can't control your rage." Ilona looks down on him with rage.She hits the ground near his side. He closes his eyes.

"NO! "The mother of the boy is having a panicked face and she is running towards the two worriers.

After a second of not being careful the boy that is now opening his eyes swings his sword and she gets back quickly , just not enough speed. The tip of the sword scratches her cheek and the blood drips tracing her neck. She touches and looks at the red liquid on her gloves.

'Damn …'

She wipes the blood with her sleeve as she stands up. The madam of the house is in front of her, helping the youngster get the dust off his noble clothes.

"How dare you try to hurt my son? We fed you! You ungrateful bitch!" The lady that is no more aware of the words that leave her mouth, slaps Ilona.

Carl is watched shocked grabs his mother's hand.

"It was my fault! Why did you hit her?" He is crying as he keeps his mother wiping his tears.

Ilona sighs and grips her fists. She can handle the beating but her words hit her. It wasn't that she was starving or she ate on purpose with the young boy. As if she was a beggar!

Ilona can't let it slide. The humiliation is too much and not fair.

With small steps, she approaches the madam and looks into her eyes.

The woman is having Carl clinging to her waist and looks at Ilona.

"Get out of here till …" She didn't finish talking as Ilona closed her mouth with a god damned slap.

She is having her face covered by strands of hair and her head is bent down to the side. Carl looks worried at his mom and frowns while he glances at the lady that just managed to slap his dear mom.

"I ate because I didn't want to offend you. Your son is already proficient in swordsmanship. What right do you have to slap me?" Ilona glares at the woman that just rose her face is swollen. She has her hand over her cheek.

The master of the household, Eugen the Rose steps outside and with a cold look, he comes closer to Ilona and his wife.

"I will not take any payment for this lesson. "Ilona looks straight at him and her glare is making the man shiver.

'Like I will let you hit me too …' She grits her teeth.