
The Majesty And The Red Dragon

In the Sunny Kingdom, Ilona Whisper , a red curly-haired women in her twenties , is struggling to keep up with her multiple jobs to support her little sister Anise , as she works undercover as a skillful thief and as a soldier .The castle is her revenge target as the king ordered her parents' execution. Ilona is the leader of four interesting youngsters that are prepared to execute whatever she says. Later she will find out that she is something more than a simple human. Her life isn't fully bustling till a boy with black curly hair appears in the bar she works at night. The young man named Victor ,same age as her (20 years old ) ,will twist her life in ways that she never imagined before nor she wanted to . His noble-like speech pisses her off the most ! Will she resist the urge to kill him after she will find the truth behind his origins ? Or she doesn't even need to find his origins to have the urge to slay him ? A dramatic love story with a touch of comedy is telling the story of Ilona and Victor . /// This novel is also available on RoyalRoad.com Discord: redlady#7181 or redlady04

redlady · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Curly hair and black eyes ....

The table is full of all sorts of fancy foods. Ilona gulps and looks at the servant who still brings food to the big table. Carl ordered the servants to put the table before the training, telling them that he was hungry, even if he ate just a few hours ago. The superior faces of the servants as they place the gold-blown plates, make her angry. She grits her teeth subtly and smiles at Carl. She knows that the boy just wants to take care of her but he is too young to see that he is putting her in an uncomfortable situation. Not all people loved her. Even if the mother of the boy and the father welcomed her the servants and other people working around the house saw her as a pain in the ass.

'What can she teach a ten-year-old? Sword? She is just eating the lord's money!'

Ilona already knows what they think but how can she ruin Carl's disposition just because of the frustrated servants?

She takes a piece of chicken and dips it in the sauce. In a bite, she swallows the tasty meat.

"Do you like it?" Carl smiles with his eyes and he is satisfied that the girl eats well.

"Is delicious! "Ilona smiles and puts in the boy's plate half peace." Help me finish it! Will you?"

Carl enjoys eating with her and they finish the meal. Ilona goes with the boy hand in hand to the training field behind the house.

She ate more than she ate in a whole week. If it weren't for the boy maybe till now she would have been skin and bones. Her shredded body was sure because of the pestering of the boy. Eat, eat, eat! Ilona is a little thankful for the generosity and love she receives from the boy.

With their sword prepared and having a posture ready to strike the girl and Carl look completely different from before. Carl pierces Ilona's eyes that glare at him. Her muscles are flexed and prepared to teach the boy a lesson. At his young age you would think that the boy will just play with his sword in the sand, but no. Carl steps back and rises his sword. His hair flies as the wind intensifies and the clouds cover the sun that just a few minutes ago could fry them. The atmosphere reflected the tension between the two.

Eugen happens to pass by and stops looking at the two. He liked to watch the battle between the two. It was like they weren't in a lesson but on a battlefield.

Ilona's height helped to make the battle on equal grounds. The boy was just a little shorter.

Carl sprints and swings his sword to hit the left side of the girl. She dodges and jumps over him. Ilona strikes at him but he turns quickly and blokes the hit. He puts the force and makes her jump back. After a few strikes are blocked by the girl he jumps and prepares to strike the top of the girl's head. She slides under him and as he lands she puts her sword at his neck, leaving him to accept defeat.

"As always, you are amazing Ilona! You are the best teacher ever! "The boy lifts her up and spins her. Did he forget that she hated that the most?

Ilona frowns and he understands what he just did. He stops and puts her down.

"Sorry …" He bows and looks like a sad puppy in her eyes, hoping that she will not be mad at him for long.

"Let's continue our training. Don't jump too much! You will lose stamina this way. "She ruffles his hair and turns to take her position.

He smiles and hugs her tight. "You are not mad anymore?"

"I am not. Let go, I will suffocate. "She can't be mad at the youngster. She is aware that the lord is watching. She pretends she doesn't see him as he closes the distance.

"I am happy to see such an interesting fight, Lady Ilona! You are a great teacher!" The lord applauds and his son compliments her along with his father.

Ilona is tired of the two looking so excitedly and decides to smile as if she appreciates their words.

After fighting a little more Ilona is ready to go to her other job.

"I will see you in two days! "Ilona waves at the boy grabbing the bars of the gate as he watches her leaving.

"I will miss you! "The boy waves sadly as if she will go to war. Hilarious is that this was his reaction whenever she left. How can he be so attached to her? She sighs and quickens her pace. Her left leg sends an electrifying sharp pain up her spine. The boy made her use her leg a little too much. She always felt like this after training. Well, what could she do? This job is paid better than all of her jobs altogether. 1500 coins for a session are an incredible sum for her. How can the lord pay so much on a simple battle with swords? She would have used the money to send the kid to a better school.

What is she to think like this? Rich people will never think like poor people.

She passes a few streets and in front of a shop, a young woman has her arms crossed. She is definitely waiting for her.

"Sorry, madam Alice!" Ilona lowers her head and tries to butter up the madam with her manners.

"Did the little lord put you to eat like a pig again? You look all fatten up!" She laughs and nudges the girl as they go inside the bar.

"Don't say that. You know I can't refuse him…." They go behind the counter and prepare drinks after Ilona changes her clothes. She can't dress like a man here. A black dress and an apron are her new attire. This is the only place she could were a dress without feeling frustrated. The truth is that the dress was comfortable and the absence of her boobs made her not were a corset. It was a simple dress. A dress for a night when no one is awake to laugh at her.

Men are sitting at the tables and the beer is not missing from noon of their hands. After working a beer is just what could refresh their senses and have fun playing cards. Ilona puts a mug of beer on the counter as a boy approaches. She doesn't seem to acknowledge his presence as she turns to put more beer in the mugs on the counter. He taps to attract her attention.

"Yes, sir! "She turns and looks absently at the man who is a boy around her age. The absence of a beard and his toned-up muscles give the impression that he was young. He is taller than her with two heads. She looks up at him, making her neck throb. His face is somewhat familiar to her. The black curls falling near his cheeks, his jet-black eyes, and his thin lips remind her of the boy in the forest. Maybe she just has her head full with that boy that now everyone having black eyes and curly hair is the kid. Ilona shakes the thought that the boy might be the kid and waits for his answer.

"Do you know a lady that has a hair color like yours around here? "His voice is deep and his eyes pierce her as he gazes at her braided red hair. Few girls had red hair, although there were few girls in the village that had red hair.

"There are many girls with red hair around here." She flinches and drops her eyes looking for more alcohol as she turns. Her smile also fades. Ilona feels his gaze on her back.

'What now? Is he going to stare at me because I have red hair? He is sure a perverted man.'

She turns and meets his eyes. He is sited on a chair having his hands resting on the counter. He sips from the mug and continues to follow her with his eyes as she tries to escape from his eye lock.

'Why is he sipping the beer as if it is tea? He sure is a weird …' She serves men coming for more drinks and the night shows the moon. The boy is still at the counter watching her.

Alice comes and drags Ilona into a corner.

"Who is the beauty? Do you know him?" The lady has a real weakness for pretty boys. Her eyes sparkle even if she is a married woman.

"I don't know him. Can I serve the customers at the table? "Ilona looks uncomfortable as the boy still looks at her. Alice understands the situation.

"I will stay at the counter. You go serve! "She pushes her gently to go. The woman approaches the young man with a blush on. Poor thing that the boy turns with his back at the counter leaning on it as he watches the redhead serving bears.

Ilona takes the mugs from the counter and can't contain her frustrations anymore. She glares at the boy and slides next to him.

"Look! I am working. Can you refrain from staring at me?" She looks into his eyes after finishing her sentence. She wouldn't cause a ruckus in the shop for a mere guy staring at her.

The boy doesn't say anything and takes another sip. She angers and snaps.

"Can you not sip the beer? It is disrespectful. This is how you should drink it." She takes a mug and shoves all the beer in one go. She slams the beer on the counter and frowns at the boy.

"Do girls drink beer? I think this is more disrespectful. As a fellow girl, you should were a corset and stop drinking beer. You will never marry if you wear yourself this way. "He frowns back and smirks.

There is no way the sweet boy with curly hair, from back then, is this asshole.

Ilona grips the mug and feels her blood boiling. How can he dare diss her when he is a puss?

He sips and grabs her tail letting it fall as he feels the braids bumps in his palm.

Ilona loses her mind when he touches the hair her sister braided for her. How dare he touch her?

She slams his head with the mug that she has in her hand. The boy falls from the chair and blood falls from his temple. Everyone seems to sober up as they realize that the girl might have killed the boy.

They knew her to be calm and a sweet girl. Now they look at her with judging eyes as the fear and condemnation are on their lips.

Alice is shocked and looks at her with fear.

Ilona breathes and takes the boy over her shoulder carrying him. She can't let others take care of her mess. She will clean up her mistake. More or less the guilt is present in her heart.

'You ruined the reputation that I tried to maintain in these past years! Stupid…..'

What will she do ? Her perfect friendly facade is crumbling.

Curious to see a picture of the boy ?

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