
The Majestic kingdom of Zansi

Vol 1 : A once great king is chased out of kingdom by his own brothers. One fateful day the great king goes on a hunt to seek his throne. Vol 2: A child is denied his right to the throne by an enemy when his father is killed by an intruder will he get his right. Vol 3: The king of the empire is killed and his 5 princes are exiled. Will the princes fight their enemy uncle and access the throne again but only one will be king of the dynasty either after a great battle or the other four have to bow. Vol 4: All the princes are killed living the young princess living with the invaders. Will the princess get to know the truth about the empire. Vol 5: All the kings sons and daughters are killed living the heartless tyrant sons of the kings brother to be his heirs. The king only wishes that destiny sends a noble young man to be his successor.

Evans_Dhliwayo · Fantasy
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7 Chs


In a kingdom located between two perennial rivers the Zambezi and Limpopo rivers, they lived mighty men.The kingdom was known as Zansi kingdom and it was a very vast empire larger than the Ottoman empire and Chinese empire.

A mighty king ruled the land, his name was Seth. Seth is a warrior that can fight any battle without retreating and this made the people know him as a fearsome warrior. He was tall, with black long hair and no one was

as handsome as Seth. Many princesses loved him but he only loved the princess of the Ottoman empire, their sworn enemy. The princess' name was Anita and no girl was as beautiful as her. She was tall and slim with big thin legs and very long hair

that was white in colour. She respected her elders and also she never disappointed her father. No father was proud as Anita's, he always praised and he used to always brag about her. Seth had an evil brother who was always plotting to get his throne but the king was kept in the dark. He did not know about his brother's doings. The evil tyrant's name was Joe and no one was as deceptive as him. Anita's father's name was king Adonijah and he was the ruler of the second biggest kingdom called Ottoman empire. There was a girl who really admired the king and wished to be his wife, her name was princess Mary of the Chinese empire ruled by king Hath, an invader who conquered the Chinese empire.