
The Majestic Ancient Tales.

it is a story about a man of valour who was chased from his palace to live a poverty stricken life along side his mother. one fateful Day, he sets out on a journey to seek vengeance for all the sufferings he had to endure through out his life.

Aditi_Dhliwayo · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Chapter 4: Evan's POV

Years and years passed and each day was a special one. I never stopped training since I needed to avenge my warrior father's death. After that epic battle David conquered ,the big Great Zimbabwe and became a fearsome detector ruler that no human ever challenged . He spread terror and havoc where ever he went. His presence evoked fear, panic and unhappiness.

In an island, two wanderers by the names Mary and Prince Ken wondered on the land. The death of the Great emperor Sam had destroyed many lives. Everyone's lives was in danger of falling prey to the bloody tyrant's claws. A kingdom of peace and happiness had become a palace of destruction. The kingdom requested that a mighty man of valour arose and saved them from David's clutches.

Only destiny could save them from the kings torture and wrath. One question bothered me was the savior yet to be born or was he already born? Two princes were denied of their luxury by destiny itself. The two had to live in poverty, and their journey to ascend the thrown was next to impossible yet they learnt different things and had to adjust their way of living. The two had the same objective but yet different in their ways of fulfilling it. I had to rise and conquer the kingdom, freeing it from the heartless tyrant , David's clutches.