
The Majestic Ancient Tales.

it is a story about a man of valour who was chased from his palace to live a poverty stricken life along side his mother. one fateful Day, he sets out on a journey to seek vengeance for all the sufferings he had to endure through out his life.

Aditi_Dhliwayo · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Chapter 1

Samantha the queen of the north was busy romancing the king. She was lost in his arms and only thought of him. Sam could not believe the fierce commander was a Cinderella. He could not do anything but cherish the queen. He was acting like a roadside Romeo who was desperate .He was cherishing her with too much love. The mighty king was acting like a typical husband. He needed to act like a violent, bloody tyrant or was he overdoing it. He could only enjoy the night with her. Early in the morning they woke up in each others arms he could only blush and say " good morning" babe s. She responded with a big smile good morning. Suddenly a knock was heard on the door. Servant: "We are being attacked emperor it is your sworn enemy." "He has a big army we need to retreat he has outnumbered our soldiers". "King hurry up we will all die if we do not retreat." Emperor Sam :"Arrange the army we are not retreating we will fight until we die". "This land was given to us by our ancestors we shall fight for it". "If today we retreat the people will lose faith in me and my ancestors shall be angry." This was now a do or die situation, the Emperor and all his subordinates were all prepared to die for their land.