

The Moon Godess shed a tear as she watched another innocent die such a horrible death at the hands of those she had named 'the archfiends'. However, her spirits rose at the pure joy she felt blooming within her as the Mahani were in the middle of a mating ceremony. This was one of the few werewolf packs that had no archfiends. They cared deeply for all the people on their seven islands, wolves and humans alike. She watched the Mahani for a bit longer, reveling in the love they shared for their fellow man. She then turned back to the young wolf who was killed by her Blood Alpha during her first shift. She was an Omega - smart and loyal. She was also his son's mate. The Blood Alpha wanted better for his son. He took the poor girl's innocence before beating her to death. As the Moon Goddess turned back to the Mahani, a plan formed. Her people needed a champion to protect them from these evil, corrupted beings - wolves and human. All it would take is a little magic and some wolves with big hearts. She had plenty of both. And so it begins... *********************** AN: The books will eventually go to Wattpad once they are completed, but you get to see them here first!

April_Jester · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Chapter 9 - Kayla

My anxiety was high and I was starting to snap at people. I decided to remove myself from others before a fight happened.

"Amber, take over for the day," I said tightly. "I'm making a mess out of it."

"Kayla, how about you go for a run? The feel of the wind and scents of the forest should help." She suggested.

Amber arrived a few years ago, a fated mate to one of our warriors. Her skills in the kitchen made her one of my top people within months. She is also smart and had asked to streamline the schedules of all the staff, making my job easier as head of the castle. I also consider her a good friend.

"That is a good idea. Maybe if I let her free for a bit, she will calm down. I'm nervous enough about meeting my mate but she is making me crazy."

"How are you feeling about the Mate Meet?" she asked softly.

"I've been assured he won't reject me, but I just..." My voice drifted off as I could not put my feelings into words.

"I know. Even though it's evening, tomorrow feels a long way away. Go breathe and run. You will feel better after, or at least tired enough to sleep."

I nodded to her and left the kitchen, towards my room. If I'm going to have an instant family, I'm going to need to move to another wing. Maybe I could use the rooms we grew up in. My wolf was excited to create a den for its young.

"Not yet," I told her.

Lachlan and Keith were entering the main staircase from the third floor as I was just starting up.

"Where are you headed?" Lachlan asked.

"I'm going for a run." Wait for it...

"I'll join you. We can talk while our wolves enjoy themselves." Always the protector.

"I don't need a babysitter, Brother." I sighed.

"Keith and I just spent hours in the old library. You may want to hear some of the information we found on the Mahani."

He had my attention as well as my wolf's. "Give me time to change," I said as I hurried my steps.

My brothers had no issue with stripping naked before shifting, even in public, but I did. I have robes made with closures that will pull apart when I shift, without ripping. If I return to them after, I can step behind a tree and put them back on.

After what happened to me, I refuse to be naked in public. Most she-wolves don't care as another male in our pack would never touch them, but I just can't trust anyone again.

We met at a side entrance, as it faces the forest. As we walked towards it, I found myself staring at my brother. He looked like his mind was moving rapidly and possibly in circles.

"Talk," I said. He turned to me and then looked to the sky.

"Most of the information we found is sad. They are mistreated and hunted. Their children are kidnapped, tortured, and sold before being killed. The Wolf world was given these protectors by the Moon Goddess to keep us safe yet we fight them and treat them lower than an insect on the ground."

His words hurt me to know and I noticed he brought his hand up and rubbed his chest. His mate is being treated this way too.

In the last few hours, I had gone through many emotions and all my old fears are letting me know they are alive, even though I had attempted to smother them over the past 8 years.

I had also spent some of that time thinking of my brothers and how they are taking this turn of events. Keith may finally get the answers that have plagued him over the mysterious Holly, but Lachlan - he will have to come to terms with his mate being stronger than him. His wolf is the ultimate protector, which is how he got the position of second in command. I'm not sure if he will accept his mate.

"What are your thoughts on your mate?" I asked tentatively. If he didn't answer, I would leave it alone, for now.

"I want to protect her!" he yelled, making me jump. "How can she be treated like this?! She is being hunted and tortured for doing her job. A job the Moon Goddess gave her - not even one she chose!"

I can honestly say, I never saw that coming.

"How will you feel if she is of the higher ranks?" I pushed.

"My wolf does not want to become a dog. So while we want to protect her... I just hope she's a lower rank than me. I don't want to reject her."

Sensing his misery, I changed the topic just as we reached the treeline.

"Did you find out anything about their powers?"

He took a big breath before answering. He looked at my robe and smirked.

"You won't need those anymore."

"What do you mean? Even with a mate, I'm not stripping in front of anyone."

"Mahani shift with their clothes on. It's one of their powers. They also keep anything they are holding, like a backpack or weapon. From what we read, it's the power most used by mates of the Mahani."

My eyes went wide at this information.

"What else?" I asked as he started to strip.

"Get into your wolf form. We can talk more as we run."

We did just that. Lachlan and I ran for several hours as he told me everything they found out about the Mahani.

He was correct about most of it being sad. By the time we returned, it was dark and I was exhausted. My wolf was determined to keep her mate and children safe, while I was still concerned he would reject me.

I know what the Blood Alpha said as well as what Lachlan found out. They only reject their mates if they're evil.

I just can't let go of my fears. I've had them too long.