
Reviews of The Magnificent System of the Multiverse


The Magnificent System of the Multiverse


  • Overall Rate
  • Writing Quality
  • Updating Stability
  • Story Development
  • Character Design
  • world background



If you like mc with degenerate personality with a superiority complex, this is for you. MC thinks he is the centre of the universe, thinks he's perfect, thinks he's the best and all that shit. He's a harem-seeking protagonist that wants to **** is own mother. Language is readable, grammar is fine, punctuations are present, no long ass paragraphs. Chapter is shorter than I would like. Character is very irritating, but does not suddenly change his attitude, which is good. Personality is consistent, he wants to be the 'perfect existence' in the multiverse. He rages easily when things aren't going his way because, once again, he thinks he's always the best. Personally, not my cup of tea, but even after reading everything above and you still like it, go ahead and give this a try. This rating is only 4.0 cause stability of updates is 5 star, which would definitely decrease over time so every time a month passes from now on, just minus 0.1 star off this review.

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