

"Right through here sir." A voice was heard throughout the cold, hard walls of Alcatraz prison, now rebuilt, and in Japan.

As a giant steel door at the end of the hallway opened, revealing an entire foot of steel, concrete, and highly advanced plastic like materials.The light was blinding to the usually jet black corridor."What corridor?" You ask.The other prisoners have named it the 10th circle of hell.It held only the most deadly and strongest villains in the world.

As the door finished opening, it revealed a man and a small furry creature.This was the warden of the prison and the principle of U.A. the most prestigious high school in the world.It was known for creating the strongest hero's.

"This here is himari yamamoto.Codename inferno.His quirk is a simple one, but fairly powerful nonetheless.He can shoot jets of white hot flame from anywhere on his body.Only drawback is he overheats easily." As the warden says this, himari walked over to the eye hole."Yum, i cant wait to see what you taste like rat."

"Uhh, moving on this is yuto tanaka.Codename shockwave.He is able to create massive, powerful shockwaves from his hands.Only drawback is he gets numb after wards.And he only has one hand, due to an incident with a building he collapsed." The two heard no movement from yuto other than a huff of breath.

"I apologize sir but im not exactly finding what I'm looking for." Nezu said before hearing a groaning sound that seemed to reverberate around them.The very metal in the walls seemed to want to rip out and destroy the building."THATS ENOUGH OUT OF YOU!" The warden yells pulling out a remote and hitting the button.Suddenly the door at the end of the hallway lit up and the sounds stopped, replaced by screams of pain and whimpering after it was over.

"Im sorry about that sir, now then lets continue." The warden says."What about him?" Nezu asks pointing at the door."Are you sure sir?" The warden asked as nezu nodded."Very well."

"Izuku midoriya, no living relatives.Codename lodestar.Hes able to control every type of metal however he wants.No seeming weaknesses so far.Due to his abilities, he is considered an omega level." Hearing this caused nezu to think.'Omega?That would mean hes on the same level as all might.interesting.'

His thoughts were interrupted by the warden."He's in here because shortly after obtaining his quirk, he lost control and nearly destroyed half of Musutafu.He killed hundreds and ripped skyscrappers out of the ground.The only reason we are able to control him is anti quirk cuffs and the occasional electric blast.To disrupt his control over electrical fields." Hearing this surprised nezu."Your able to do that?" He asked as the warden smiled."Yeah, though it takes a couple million volts to disrupt them.Causes some pain as well."

"Ill take him." This startled the warden."Are you sure sir? Theres a reason people call him the number 2 villain." "Im sure.Hes only a kid, how bad can he be."

3 hours later

Izuku was currently running down an alleyway, muzzle still covering his mouth, not allowing him to talk, only grunt, and quirk cancelling bracelets on both hands and ankles and even one on his neck.Suddenly a foot slammed into his back, shoving his face into the ground."This is edgeshot......I got him." Was all he heard before being knocked out by another kick.

Waking up to a light in his face, izuku blinked a few times to get his vision back.He wished he hadn't.He was in an interrogation room with all might, edgeshot, nezu, and a detective."Good to see your awake." Nezu said gaining izukus attention."Im principle nezu of U.A. im here to offer you a spot at my school.What do you say?" He said watching izuku intently.

Izuku only grunted like an animal and drooled onto the table."Oh i almost forgot, it's probably kind of hard to talk with that muzzle." Nezu said reaching over with a key to unlock it when izuku started freaking out.He started jerking his head back and pulling at the cuffs that held him to the table.Small pieces of metal like the key, the buttons on the detectives shirt, and a few loose screws started pulling towards him.All might and edgeshot got ready to fight when Nezu yelled."WAIT." They both stood down, but looked wary.

Izuku eventually calmed down enough to listen.Nezu slowly started to reach for his neck, and izuku started to pull away before nezu spoke."Its gonna be ok.Im not going to hurt you." Hearing this calmed izuku down enough for nezu to pull the collar of his shirt down enough to see a horrifying sight.

The muzzle was drilled into his neck.There were four spikes going into his neck on the sides and six longer thinner spikes going to the back holding it in place.One of the thinner spikes was broken off and pulled out, but the wound had been infected.There could've been more spikes but Nezu couldn't see past the mouth piece.He moved the collar further to see long lichtenberg scars the wrapped around his whole body, especially the area around his heart.

"If you come with us, we can help you.We can take this muzzle off.We can heal you." Nezu said in a reassuring voice.Izuku looked at him for a moment with sadness in his eyes.Suddenly he slammed his head into the table causing everyone to jump back.He slammed his head A few more times, before slamming the muzzle onto the table and dragging the edge of it along it cutting a groove into the table.He dragged it a few more times, pulling harder every time, as if he was trying to pry it off.

"We're taking him to U.A to get that thing off him.Then he can decide if he wants to accept.Thank you very much for your assistance edgeshot.Always a pleasure working with you." Nezu said turning to the others.

At U.A the next day

As recovery girl pulled out the final pin holding the muzzle on, she finally took it off, revealing izukus face.There had been 25 thin pins going into his cheeks and jaw, holding it in place.15 screws that went into his bone, 10 spikes holding it onto his neck and throat, and one spike with the width of a pencil through his tongue and bottom jaw, making it impossible to talk.Recovery girl hadnt even gotten to the lichtenberg scars, the deep cuts and whip marks, or the horrible scars along his face.

After talking with nezu for an hour, izuku finally replied to him via pencil and paper."What If i say no?" To whick nezu replied."You'll be sent back to prison.Not the same one, but prison nonetheless." Hearing this made izuku go pale and fear appeared in his eyes.He began to think before finally writing his answer down and showing It to Nezu.


"Wonderful." Nezu said clapping.As he was about to leave he turned around."Oh and you'll be monitored closely.Meet your new guard." He said as they walked in.Izukus eyes widened at the sight of a 7'2 walking mass of muscle.The number 1 hero himself all might.

And he didnt look happy.

All might didnt look happy at all, and nezu noticed."Calm down now toshinori." Before he could continue he heard a noise and turned around.He saw izuku standing with a furious look in his eyes.Suddenly metal from around the room started to shake.The scalpels, medical equipment, and extra metal items started to float and melt together as if they were melted.The liquid like metal suddenly formed into razor sharp jagged pieces of metal, and they pointed right at all might.The room was quiet, as one of the only people to ever be on the same power of all might was squaring up to him."Everybody calm down.NOW." Nezu said with authority, which did fuck all to be honest.After a few minutes the two had calmed down enough for nezu to ask."What was that about?" The two sat silently before izukus metal began floating again.It started to shift and melt into letters spelling out."He knows what he did.I want to hear him admit it." Reading this all might stood up, knocking over a tray on wheels." I already told you long ago, it wasnt my fault." Hearing this caused izuku yo look away from all might, still angry.

"Ok, message received.Ill get a new guard." Nezu said pulling out his phone.30 minutes later a man with long shaggy black hair and a black outfit walked in."Ah aizawa your here.This is your new......student?I trust you can help him." Nezu said while aizawa just walked over and pulled up izuku."Yup.See you tomorrow." He said walking out the door with izuku close behind him."Hmm." Nezu hummed."Dadzawa." He mumbled to himself before leaving as well.

Timeskip to aizawas house

"Thats your room, this is mine.Thats the kitchen.Help yourself." Aizawa said handing izuku a pair of clothes.They were a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie that had a grey scarf design around the neck.After izuku put them on aizawa continued."Tomorrow we are going to start your training.Get plenty of sleep."

As izuku was in his room he started towards the window but stopped when he found it had metal bars covering it.Normally this wouldnt be a problem but the 5 quirk cancelling bracelets made it a bit harder.The locked door did too but izuku had an idea.He quickly ran to the bathroom and broke 2 tiny pieces of metal of of the screws holding the shower curtain and put them in his mouth and bit down forcing them into his gums.It hurt but it would later give him a chance to escape.Maybe then he could finally be free.

Time Skip a week

Izuku was dripping with sweat.Aizawa had been training him with his quirk and fighting styles.He also had to go to therapy and many other psychologists to Help him mentally.After the first couple days, izuku began thinking.Would this really be so bad?He finally had a chance to be a hero.But if he was going to be a hero, he was going to be a better hero than all might.After the 3rd week, he had dropped the escape idea and pulled the metal screws out from his mouth.He was going to be a hero, not for fame, glory, or even rank.He was going to be a hero for the kids that were like him.Seen as villains for things they couldn't control.

Time Skip one more week

There was a few hours left until the U.A entrance exam began and izuku was ready for anything.Aizawa had finally cleared him as moderately safe enough so they could remove the bracelets but he had to have a guard, which was fine by him.As he walked into the entrance building he noticed a girl.She was a little on the shorter side, but the way she walked made it seem as if she was the tallest person there.She walked with confidence and everyone knew.She had tan skin, but snow white hair, with bunny ears and a puffy little tail.Her eyes brushed over his and he quickly lowered his gaze, but she locked on.She stomped over and grabbed him by this shirt."Were you just checking me out?" She asked with a tone that dared him to say yes."n-no." He croaked out as he had only begun fully talking a few days ago.As she looked him up and down she huffed and stomped away as quick as she arrived.

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As izuku sat down in the stadium he thought back to the encounter.He couldnt help but think about that girl.He didnt know what it was, but he was drawn to her for reasons only the author knows.He never even got her name.It was only when a blue haired kid yelled at him for not listening when he started paying attention."AND YOU THERE.IF YOUR NOT HERE TO TAKE THIS SERIOUSLY THEN YOU MIGHT AS LEAVE, AND NOT DISTRACT THE OTHER STUDENTS." hearing this made him sink down a little in his seat before standing up to leave, when an arm grabbed his and slammed him back in the seat."HEY FOUR EYES, HE HAS EVERY RIGHT TO BE HERE.AND YOUR THE ONE DISTRACTING EVERYONE." a familiar voice yelled at the boy.Izuku turned around to see the tan girl with her hand on his shoulder and an angry look on her face."And what do you think your looking at greeny?" She said quieter to izuku which made him squeak and sink down farther.This made her smirk and lean back in her chair.

As izuku was stretching, he saw the girl warming uo as well and went to go talk to her when the blue haired boy stopped him."If you plan on distracting her to make her fail you should leave now." He said.As he was talking, izuku got the familiar tug in his gut that told him metal was close.He sent out a pulse and found It in the boys legs?Figuring it must be his quirk, he sent out another pulse that pushed the boy back a few feet.He continued towards the girl.As he got closer he saw what she was wearing.Black leggings with a sports bra (use your imagination perverts.) With weird shoes that seemed to be reinforced with iron."Hey, uhmm, I just wanted to say thanks for standing up for me.I'm izuku." He said holding out his hand."Heh, no problem greeny.Names rumi." She said before the buzzer rang and they both started running.Rumi shot ahead due to her quirk but izuku was keeping a brisk pace.Seeing 3 2 pointers and 4 1 pointers he made a motion with his hands as if he was pulling something apart and ripped the robots apart.Using the scrap metal he made jagged spikes and used them to destroy other robots.

In the spectator box

"We have a good batch this year." Said a woman with dark hair and a dominatrix outfit on."Yes we do.Whos in first?" Said nezu sipping his tea."A girl named rumi usagiyama.Her quirk gives her all the abilities of a rabbit." Said present mic."Hmm.I think its time to just out the big guns." Nezu said hitting a red button.

Izuku had collect a good few points, 83 to be exact, when the ground started to rumble.He looked to see a big robot pushing over buildings.'So thats the 0 pointer.I should avoid it, its not worth the trouble.' He thought watching everyone run from it.Suddenly he heard a scream which made him turn and look.He saw rumi holding her leg, about to be crushed.Before he could even process what he saw he was already running.Right when she was about to be crushed by the leg of the robot izuku ran under it and held up his hands and sent a pulse through the robot causing it to stumble back."Can you walk?" He said looking over his shoulder."No.DAMN IT.I sprained my leg." Rumi said in pain.Hearing this he looked back to the robot."Looks like its just you and me tin can." Izuku said as the robot charged again.Right when the robot was 50 feet away he held out his hands and did the same motion as earlier, only this one had a lot more power.The entire robot was ripped apart with a matter of milliseconds.Scrap metal and circuitry fell from the sky around the two.Rumi watched in awe as the seemingly shy boy, destroyed a robot that took her down in one kick.

Izuku walked over to rumi and picked her up and started to carry her to recovery girl."What do you think your doing greeny?" She asked weakly."Helping." He answered lowering her for recovery girl to heal.After she was done healing she told izuku."Alright sweety I'm done.You know where my office is, take her there.Its nice to see you found yourself a girlfriend." She said making izuku blush."Shes not my girlfriend." He said walking towards recovery girls office.

Rumi's pov

Rumi awoke to see a white ceiling and a weird sensation on her hand.As she looked down she realized someone was holding her hand.She was about to explode and start yelling at whatever poor fool dared hold her hand when she saw izuku asleep.As he stirred awake he realized what he did."I'm so sorry about that.I didnt mean to." He said bowing to her."Its fine greeny.I suppose i owe you one for helping against that robot." She said taking a piece of paper and a pencil from her bag and writing down her number and giving it to izuku."Id love to hang out some time.You seem pretty strong and it love to fight sometime." She said hopping out of bed and checking out of the infirmary leaving izuku there still holding the paper."Not bad problem child, got a girls phone number the first day." Aizawa said from his chair to the side."Yeah." Izuku said still staring into the distance with a slight smile on his face.

"Wait, did she say fight?"

Izuku walked through the halls of U.A trying to find 1-a when he bumped into someone."Sorry about that." He muttered, barley sparing a glance."Well hello there cutie.Going somewhere?" A sultry woman's voice replied.He looked up to see midnight standing there with a hungry look in her eye."Yeah, im trying to find 1-a." He barley finished before she grabbed his hand and pulled him along."Don't worry sweetie.I'll help you out." She said as they walked the hallways.A few minutes later they were standing infront of a big door."Thanks." He said as she walked away."Anytime cutie." She said as she winked at him before turning the corner.'Hmm.Odd.' He thought before opening the door and walking in.He saw the blue haired boy from before yelling at some sandy haired kid.'Too loud.' He thought as he went over to his seat and sat down.He was suddenly hit in the shoulder with surprising force.He jerked his head, ready to rip apart whoever dared hit him.As fast as he turned he stopped seeing it was just rumi."Hey greeny.Good to see you got in too." She said sitting doen next to him and kicking her feet up.Thankfully she was wearing shorts underneath her skirt as some kid with what seemed to be grapes on his head snuck closer, izuku sent a sharpened piece of his desk to nick his ear.

As if sensing that someone was breaking the rules, the blue haired turned his head to look at rumi and sprinted over to her and began yelling at her."QUIET DOWN FOUR EYES.Your hurting my ears." She said grabbing the front of his shirt.'Starting to think maybe I should've stayed in prison.' Izuku thought watching the chaos the room was in.

A commanding voice called out."Quiet down." Everyone went quiet and looked to the front to see a man wearing a black suit and a gray scarf around his neck.The man looked as if he needed a good nights sleep and a shave.Izuku quickly identified the man as aizawa."Im shota aizawa, your homeroom teacher.When I walk in i expect you all to be quiet and in your seats." He said throwing a uniform at izuku, hitting him in the face before sliding onto his desk."Put these on and meet me outside." He said as izuku rushed to the locker room and changed before anyone got there.As he was in there he saw a hole that seemed to go into the girls locker room.Remembering the grape kid, he broke a piece of his locker off and molded it into the right shape and plugged the hole.Before he left he put in his earrings.They were simple metal ones that he had incase he needed metal and there wasn't any around.He had 5 on his right ear and 4 on his left.

When everyone else joined him outside, rumi grabbed his shirt and pulled him close."I saw that hole in the wall.You better have not looked at me through it." She said as izuku shook his head."I plugged it up before anyone could look through it." He said as she let go of him."Good." She simply said before going over to the other girls.Once he saw everyone was outside, aizawa stood up and began speaking again."Alright everyone listen up.We are going to have a quirk assessment test." After hearing this the class began muttering before a girl with brown hair and pink cheeks spoke up."But what about orientation?Don't we need to go?" Aizawa simply chuckled."U.A has a unique teaching program which allows us teachers to decide what we do with you.Which means you'll do what i say." He said as he picked up a grey softball."Bakugo, what was your farthest throw in middle school?" He said as bakugo stepped forward and smirked."67 meters sir." He said as aizawa threw him the ball."Try it now with your quirk."

As bakugo got into a pitchers stance he pulled back his arm and his palm detonated, launching the ball."DIEEEEEEEE." He yelled."I'm here to test the limits of your quirk.And to improve them." He said showing the device to the class.It read 654 meters."Whoa." "Amazing." "This is gonna be fun.We even get to use our quirks." Hearing this made aizawa look at the class.He locked onto who said it, a bubblegum skin girl with horns."Fun you say?Alright then, how about whoever gets last gets expelled." He said as the class erupted in surprise."You cant do that.Its not fair." The brown haired girl said, gaining aizawas attention."Fair?Fair?Are villains fair?Natural disasters?Its a heros job to combat that unfairness.And its my job to teach you how to be hero's.Now lets begin." He said.

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As izuku was getting ready for his throw he noticed that rumi was up.He watched with interest to see what she was going to do.He watched as she threw the ball up and jumped after it.She spun in midair and pulled her leg back.The sound when her leg his the ball sounded like a gun shot.The ball flew away, out of sight."798 meters." Aizawa said shocking the class and enraging bakugo."WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?" He yelled as he stomped over to her."I THINK IM THE PERSON WHO'S GONNA KICK YOUR ASS." She shouted back as they butted heads.Suddenly the two where caught in a grey cloth thing."Enough.Both of you." Mr aizawa said with his eyes glowing.Bakugo found he couldnt use his quirk, and rumi felt nauseous.As the two calmed down and went back to the group, rumi looked over to izuku and saw he was looking at her.She winked before turning around to talk with the other girls.

Izuku was up next.He looked at the ball and thought for a moment before taking out one of his earrings and making the metal expand and flatten.Doing this caused the metal to thin a bit but It wouldn't matter much.But just to be safe he used another of his earrings on the ball.It was now covered in a shiny silver colored metal.This was tungsten, the strongest and most durable natural metals on the earth.It was super tough and super heat resistant.It was also really heavy.But this wasn't a problem for izuku.He levitated the ball to his chest and held his arms out straight.His other earrings came off and formed a long barrel like shape.As he loaded the ball into the barrel, the class watched, intrigued.Suddenly the ball began to spin faster and faster until it stared to steam."Izuku?" Aizawa said cautiously."Not yet." He replied.The ball spun faster and faster now a dull red and getting brighter."Izuku." Aizawa said in a more commanding tone."Not yet." He said back.The ball was now a bright cherry red, about to become white hot."IZUKU." Aizawa yelled at him as izuku simply smirked."Now." He said under his breath.A large boom was heard as the whole class covered their ears and some of the windows at U.A shattered.Everyone watched as the miniature sun like ball flew into the clouds before looking to aizawa.

After aizawa was finished popping his ears and checking his hearing, he picked up the device."Hmm." He simply said as he turned it to the class."INFINITY?" The class yelled in shock as they turned to izuku who now had a big black scorch mark on his gym shirt."Dude what did you do?" A blonde haired boy asked."I made a railgun and shot the ball.As well as added a little extra oomph behind it." Izuku said as his earring reattached themselves.'Hmm.Not bad greeny.' Rumi thought before getting confused.'Why am i thinking about him so much.' She thought as they continued the tests.

Izuku had relatively average scores.He used metal to coat his entire arm and increased his strength to break the machine, he used it to fly across the 100 yard dash and the endurance run getting second both times to rumi by putting it on his legs and arms.He used his natural athleticism to get fairly high scores in the other tests.

1: rumi usagiyama 2: izuku 3: shoto todoroki 4: mono yaoyorozu...22: minoru mineta.

"Nooo i haven't gotten my harem yet." The grape boy, now know as mineta, said before jumping towards rumi and getting kicked in the stomach over to aizawa who looked down at him."Ew." He muttered before picking mineta up."Minoru mineta, you are hereby expelled from U.A high.Go pack your things." Aizawa said as he slouched and walked off.Momo suddenly shifted on her feet which caught izukus attention.'She must have thought it was a bluff.' He thought before aizawa got their attention."Thats all for today.Go get your things and grab a syllabus on your way out." He said as he walked away to who knows where.

"Hey greeny, I'm walking with you." Rumi stated, catching up to izuku."Ok?" He said confused.The two walked in silence for a while before rumi spoke."So where did you learn how to do that railgun thing anyway?" She asked."Did you train a lot growing up." Hearing this reminded Izuku no one knew who he really was."Uhmm.No, not exactly.I just came up with the idea on the spot and it worked." He said surprising rumi."Damn.Thats some quick thinking." She said laughing as the two continued their walk to the train station.

Back with aizawa

'Where is he?I know hes here.' He thought as he snuck around the building and seeing his target before sneaking up behind him."If you wanted to watch, you could've asked." He said scaring the man."Ahh aizawa.Everything going ok?" The man asked before aizawa cut him off."Enough with the bullshit all might, why are you here." He said as all might got a serious look on his face."You wanna know why?You'll have to excuse me if i don't trust someone we let out of the most secure prison on the planet to play hero.How can you be so calm about this.Hes killed hundreds." All might said angrily."I understand that.But you don't seem to understand that hes just a kid.Has it ever occured to you that what he did might've been an accident?Or that he just lost control over his quirk?Someone like that deserves a second chance." Aizawa said as he began walking away."You may not agree with what I say, but I don't care." Aizawa said before turning around."He will be a hero." He finished before leaving all might there.

As izuku stepped into class, he got a few looks from students.He wasn't sure what they were.He never had a chance to learn much about emotions.Or really anything.All his life he could only remember being in prison.And the day his life changed.

"Hey greeny.Put a smile on that face." Rumi said coming and punching him in the shoulder.He just looked at her with dead eyes and a scowl.That had been his only expression for years.He headed over to his seat and sat down.As they waited for class to start he started thinking.'Somethings not right.Aizawa seems........weird around me.Everywhere i go there's a hero or guard.' After thinking about it for a while he scowled when he realized what it meant.'They don't trust me.I'm still nothing but a monster.' He thought as he looked at the quirk cancelling bracelets on his arms and legs.His hand traveled up to the collar on his throat.

Kaminari noticed the collar and bracelets."Hey man, what are those things on you for?" He asked drawing everyone's attention."It's nothing.Don't worry abo-." He was interrupted by all might walking in."Nothing?You think they don't have the right to know that their classmate is a villain?" Hearing this everyone looked over to izuku who was glaring at all might."W-what are you talking about all might?" Mina asked."Izuku here is a villain.Does anyone here remember the destruction of musutafu?" He asked as a couple students spoke up."Yeah, some of my family was killed." "I hear they're still rebuilding."

"Well he's the cause." All might said as everyone looked to izuku again."Is that true?" Ochako asked.Izuku simply looked away and put hus head down.

The class erupted in outrage.Some screaming that he needed to be locked up.Others said he needed to be killed.A few thought he should be tortured.

Izuku stood up quickly, throwing his desk aside, causing everyone to go quiet immediately.

"And what about you all might?You act like a Saint but you've killed too.Not to mention that YOU are the reason that all those people are dead in the first place." As he said this desks and chairs began to rattle and shake as they started to move towards izuku."It was your fault.You caused their death." He said as the desks got closer, some of the legs getting ripped off.As the legs of the tables slowly lifted behind him, they began to slowly get sharper."Its your fault my life was ruined.Your fault that I never got to be a child.ITS YOUR FAULT SHES DEAD." He screamed ready to pin all might to the wall.

Suddenly izuku dropped to the floor, screaming in pain.The table legs wobbled before falling to the ground.5 million volts ripped through his body.More than enough to kill hundreds of people.Due too his quirk it took a lot more electricity to kill him.This amount was on the border of killing him.He looked at the doorway to see aizawa with a remote.He expected to see remorse, pity, something in his eyes that showed he didn't enjoy this.After all he thought they had gotten somewhat close.

He saw nothing but a cold stare."Enough." He said zapping him again."Everyone get your hero outfits on.Its time for battle training." He said as everyone quickly grabbed their suitcase and left.After they were all gone aizawa walked over and yanked izuku up by his collar."Another stunt like that, and i wont stop zapping.Got it?" He said in a cold hard tone.Izuku simply growled in response.aizawa pushed him away from him."Get your costume on." He said leaving the room.Izuku grabbed his suit case and started to leave.Before He did though he had an idea.'Maybe I should've kept those screws in.' He thought as he pulled his earrings out of his suitcase and used his powers to make them liquid-like.He opened his mouth and the liquid metal floated in between his cheek and tooth as far back as he could make it.He made sure he could talk normally and no one would notice it.

Times Skip to battle training

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(Its like this but the green cloth is black and the white is silver.)

As everyone was complimenting others costumes, izuku sat on a bench in the corner with his mask covering his face.Everyone had kept their distance.After everyone was given their teams izuku looked at his name on the board.There was.I name next to it.His eyes traveled to the people he was fighting.

Someone named katsuki bakugo and Tenya iida.

Naturally he had been selected as the villain.

When it was his turn he grabbed the bomb and began walking to the building.He decided he would put it at the top floor and defend from there.When they began he started patrolling the hallways.

He wasn't prepared for the metal leg in the back of his head.He was stunned but quickly spun around.As he spun he ripped out rebar from the wall and tried to pin the person down with it.He wasn't quick enough as an explosion blasted the side of his head, cracking his glass lenses and burning him.He used the rebar to move himself backward to avoid anymore attacks.He recovered in time to see another kick headed his way.His hand shot out and he moved to side and threw the metal clad person like a javelin through the air and into a wall.He sensed metal getting closer to him again as he used the metal on his outfit to form a shield around his back.The sound of reverberating metal was heard as the explosion hit it full force.He kept the metal in shield form and shoved it towards the person with what seemed to be grenades on his wrists.He assumed this was bakugo.

As bakugo charged again, izuku coated his arms in metal.Hid forearms were smooth steel and his hands were bigger with thicker metal on them and the fingers like spikes.They were perfect for crushing.He slashed at bakugo but he went over him and sent an explosion onto his back, throwing him forward.

"Damn villain.I'll kill you." Bakugo said throwing another explosion at izukus chest.Izuku wasn't quick enough to dodge so he sent metal to his chest.But he wasn't fast enough.The explosion hit him head on, destroying the top part of his costume."I've never met such a pathetic villain." Bakugo taunted."Number 2 villain in the world?Yeah right, and I'm all might." He said as the smoke cleared.

Izuku stood there, fresh new burns on his chest, but they didn't hide the scars or tattoos on his body.

(Yes i know everyone uses it but shush.)

(On his shoulders)

(On his left pec.)

(On his right lower ribcage)

"Your right.I am pathetic." He said in a low tone."I've grown soft.Weak." He said as he reached up and pulled the torn scraps of clothing that was Still hanging on his chest."To survive the rotten shit hole known as alcatraz, you had to fight.Often times to the death.It was there where i learned my mantra.To regret deeply, is to live afresh.Now then," izuku said as liquid like metal coated his arms once more."Lets begin the unpleasantries." He said as bakugo blasted himself forward.Izuku jumped forward and caught his arm and slammed him into a wall.A metal boot slammed into izukus side causing him to groan in pain.Iida felt ribs break, but he didn't care.As another kick landed breaking izukus ribs further, he grabbed iidas leg.Izuku yanked iida close and slammed his metal covered fist i to his face.Iida felt his nose shatter.Izuku didnt let up as he slammed his fist i to his face five more times before he pulled back and hit iida in his chest.He could feel bones break and splinter.He didnt care.

An explosion hit from behind once more, but he ignored the pain.He quickly coated his foot in metal and put his foot on iidas chest and kicked off.As he went backwards he added more metal, this time to his back and rammed bakugo into the wall.Iida flew backwards and hit the other wall.As izuku struggled to stand up, a weaker explosion hit the side of his head knocking him sideways.

"Iv been saving this up for a while.Since your about to die I'll tell you how my quirk works.I sweat a nitroglycerin like substance from the palms on my hands and can detonate it." He said as he raised his right gauntlet."And iv been storing this up the whole time." He said as he pulled the pin.

Izuku quickly realized what was about to happen.He pulled all nearby metal in front of himself to form a shield when electricity once more ripped through his body.It was so much more intense than last time, all the metal in front of him either turned into a liquid form or fell and became useless.

Izuku could do nothing as the massive explosion the suze of a building shot towards him.'This might not end well.' He thought before the explosion hit him and he momentarily blacked out.

When he awoke he was laying in a pile of rubble.He was covered in 3rd and 2nd degree burns.He could feel broken bones and ripped muscles.His entire body was in agony.He trued to scream but the collar tightened around his neck and restricted his breath.As he slowly started to suffocate he tried to move.None of his limbs responded.

'I am not dying.Not now.Not in a collar.Not in bracelets that weaken me.' He thought as he forced his arm to move.As the muscles began to move he could hear the grinding of bone on bone.The pain was almost unbearable, but he endured.He had been through worse and he wasn't going to stop now.He placed his hand against the chunk of rubble laying on his chest and pushed.

After it was finally off of him, his hand fell to his side.He wasn't prepared for the metal foot to stomp on his chest.He tried to scream once more but the collar just tightened once more."Bakugo.Go look for the bomb.Ill hold him here." He heard iida say before hearing bakugo walk away.

"Powerful as all might huh.You seem pretty weak to me." Iida said, driving his heel into izukus chest causing him to groan in pain."Take this collar and bracelets off and ill show you power." Izuku said with venom.Iida just shoved his heel harder into his chest.

Suddenly a voice crackled out of the speakers."Hero team wins." Izuku looked over to see bakugo with the bomb.Iida saw this too and chuckled."Good.Now i can do this." He said before kicking izuku in the side of the head, knocking him out.

Izuku was currently knocked the fuck out on the ground, his body still twitching from the electricity pumping through his body.Iida was panting while holding his foot on izukus chest in case he got up again.Bakugo was on his way to the bomb, but was arguing with himself.'Hmm.I know all might said he was a villain but something doesnt feel right.Whos she?And how did all might kill her?' He thought as he rounded the corner and saw a giant ball of metal, roughly the size of the cardboard bomb.'Heh.Not bad.' He thought as he walked back to iida.

"What are you doing?Get the bomb." Iida yelled at him."That's kinda fuckin hard when the damn thing is in a ball of metal fuck nuts." Bakugo retorted."We lost.Oh well.Now lets get him to the infirmary." Bakugo said walking over to izuku."WHAT?Are you crazy?He's a villain.We should lock him up while we can." Iida shouted as bakugo scoffed and sent sparks towards his face causing iida to fall backwards.Ad iida yelled at him, bakugo picked up izuku and carried him to the infirmary.


As izuku opened his eyes he noticed the white ceiling and familiar bed.He groaned in pain before he noticed two pairs of ruby red eyes looking at him.

"Hey." Bakugo said as rumi smacked his arm."Dumbass, you don't just say hey to someone who just woke up from being knocked out." Bakugo just rolled his eyes, a small smirk on his face, before he looked back at izuku and started asking questions."Alright i have a few questions." He said as izuku squinted and tensed, but said nothing."First, you said it was all mights fault shes dead.Who's she?And what's all this about you being a villain.Your a kid, like us." He said as rumi turned to izuku."I agree.What's going on?"

Hearing their questions izuku looked away.He didn't want them to see his sadness.Seeing that he wasn't going to say anything bakugo turned to leave.Once his hand touched the knob he beard izuku."If i tell you, you have to swear not to tell anyone else." He said with an edge to his tone.Bakugo turned and looked him in the eyes."I swear." Rumi looked over too."I swear too."

What the three didn't notice is that the entirety of 1-a followed rumi and bakugo and were now listening with jirous ear jacks and a speaker momo made.

"Fine.It all started 12 years ago.When i got my quirk."

Flashback time baby

Izuku was currently in the backseat of hus mothers blue honda accord.They were on their way to get ice cream after izukus mother inko bad finally got a well paying job.They were coming out of the store when the worst thing that could have happened, happened.


But not just any villains, this was THE villain.

All for one.

He destroyed buildings with ease.Ripped them out of the foundation and tossed them through the air like it was nothing.He took down any hero who dare get too close.While this was terrifying, izuku had to admire the villains strength.It seemed no one could beat him.

Until HE came.All might came flying through the air like a bullet, straight towards All for one.The two clashed in a battle that the world would remember for years to come.The ground shook, windows shattered, and people where blown backwards.Izuku and his mother took cover under a collapsed building, until all for one picked it up and threw it at all might.All might prepared to retaliate.As he pulled back his fist to blast the building apart, he saw a woman and what he assumed to be her son.'Ahh it will be fine.They wont get hit.' He thought as he threw the punch.

The building blew apart as if a missile hit it.Rubble flew everywhere.Chunks of concrete and rebar fell from the sky.One lucky piece of rebar flew towards all for one, hitting his shoulder.All might smiled, thinking he won.Until he heard a child scream.He turned to see the green haired child scream for his mother to move.All might looked up to see a giant chunk of concrete falling towards her.He tried get over to her to protect her.

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He wasn't fast enough.

"NO.NO.MOM.PLEASE NO.PLEASE." Izuku screamed as he collapsed to his knees and begged for this to not be real.He was dreaming, right?He had to be.He thought this as he punched the boulder, cutting his knuckles open, causing pain to shoot up his hand, but he didnt care."NOOO!" he screamed as he let out a blast if power so strong it knocked all might and all for one backwards.

And thats when the buildings started to fall.They seemed to fall one by one.Giant skyscrapers that seemed to go up forever, tore down by a mere child.It was only after everything was over did all might realize that it wasn't just a few buildings, it was hundreds.

As All might tried to get close to the child to attempt to calm him he was suddenly slammed back into the wall.He turned his neck and opened his eyes to see something that scared him.It was all for one, and he was heading for the child.

All might started to push himself harder.As he started to get closer he saw that all for one was now holding the child in his arms, almost like a hug.The childs power started to die down, so all might assumed all for one was stealing it, but the closer he got he realized all for one was hugging the child......and crying.Crying as he looked at the boulder.As he cried he tried to console the green haired child.All might didnt understand what was going on, just that all for one needed to be put in jail.And that child needed to be taken care of.

"Let the child go all for one." All might said with authority."Havent you taken enough from me toshinori." He spat at him, venom lacing his words."W-what?What are you talking about?" He said as all for one kissed the boys forehead and stood up shakily."Forget it.I'll have my revenge yagi.The boy will become a great hero.The greatest.Better than tou could ever dream to be." He said as he took his mask off to reveal stark white hair, a handsome face, and dark chocolate eyes that were filled with anger and sadness.As he teleported away, all might made no attempt to stop him.

Suddenly the child let out another blast and, acting on instinct, all might rushed forward and chopped the child in the back of the neck, knocking him out.Afterwards All the recordings and reports showed that the child killed many civilians and was deemed to dangerous to let roam free.And so started his daily beatings and torture sessions with curious doctors that didnt care if they hurt him.As well as the hundreds of fights and near death experiences.

A literal hell.

As izuku finished the retelling of his past, rumi wiped tears off his cheeks.Bakugo had only shed one tear when izuku talked about his mother.After the two had calmed themselves to ask a few more questions."What are those scars on your face from?" Rumi asked m, brushing her fingers over the circular marks.Izuku barked a harsh laugh."What?Not pretty enough for you?" He said as rumi pulled her hand back."What?No i just- i wanted- i thought- I was-" she stammered before bakugo jumped in."Ok before she has a malfunction, what are they really?" He asks as izuku brushed his fingers over them."They are scares from a muzzle they put on my face.They screwed it inti bone and pinned it into flesh.I only just got it out a few weeks ago." He said as the two looked horrified."Anything else?" Izuku asked."Yeah." Bakugo said."What is it with your quirk?If never seen anything like electricity disrupt a quirk like that." He asked as izuku smiled slightly."What do you know about quirk types?" Izuku asked."Theres three.Emitter, transformation, and mutation." Rumi said."What do you think I am?" He asked as rumi answered immediately."Emitter duh."

"Wrong." Izuku said."What?But your quirk works exactly like an emitter type." Bakugo said as izuku looked at him."Its not what the people can see about my quirk, its what they can't." He said confusing the two."Huh?" They said."My organs.They arent normal.Instead of normal human organs i have extra ones inside of my normal ones.They are everywhere in my body and nothing can get them out.They grow back almost immediately.They are bioelectric organs that allow me to control magnetic fields.In prison its fight or die.And in alcatraz you could fight and still die.I had to train hard for the control and power i have." As he explained it rumi spoke up."Ohh thats why the electricity affects your powers.It disrupts the electrical fields in your organs." She said as izuku smiled."Exactly."

As the three talked more about themselves and izuku giving them pointers about their quirks, recovery girl walked in and headed over."Hello dearies.I passed some friends of tours in the hallway.I think they were waiting for you." Hearing this bakugo shot up and ran outside to see class 1-a running away.All izuku and rumi could hear was him yelling "DAMN EXTRAS!" As he chased them down.As the two chuckled, recovery girl kissed izukus forehead, and he passed out.

"Its ok dear.You can stay here with your boyfriend." Recovery girl said as rumis face exploded with blush."We're not- I'm not- he's-" she stammered as recovery girl simply chuckled."Whatever you say dear." As she walked away.

'He is kind of cute.' Rumi thought as she played with his hair without noticing.

Flash over to all might and aizawa

"What happened?" All might asked."I'm not sure.From what i can tell, theirs a power reader in it.Maybe he went over a limit?" Aizawa replied.The two were currently investigating izukus previous collar."Thats not good.We promised him.He trusted us.Damn it." All might cursed as he slammed his fist against the wall."Oh?I thought you thought he was a villain." He asked as all might turned to look at him."I dont think hes a villain.I think he needs to be watched.Not just for our safety, but for his too." All might replied.Aizawa looked at him, impressed by his words."Huh.I thought you hated him." He said before turning back to the collars circuit boards.

"Well im not the one who zapped him." All might shot back."That's because he was being irrational.And so where you.I dont need you two tearing this place to pieces." Aizawa said without looking at him."Besides, i would've zapped you too if i could have." He said smiling.

"Fair enough."

As izuku left the infirmary, he turned to his right to see aizawa and all might.His eyes narrowed as he turned to walk away."Wait." Aizawa said, putting a hand on izukus shoulder.As izuku turned to look at him, aizawa saw pain and anger in his eyes."What do you two want?" Izuku asked angrily."Listen, we just wanted to say-" aizawa started before all might interrupted."We wanted to tell you we are sorry." He said as shock spread across izukus face."W-what?" He asked, confused.

"We wanted to say we are sorry.And to explain to you what happened.We didnt shock you.Your collar had a detector to detect how much power your using.Go over the limit and it shocks you.We have fixed it since then and now it will not shock you unless we need it to." All might explained."I...see.Thank you for telling me." Izuku said as he started to turn away before being stopped again.

"One more thing before you leave.Aizawa may we have some privacy?" All might asked as aizawa left them."I would like to say...I'm sorry.For what happened all those years ago.I should have saved her.I just wasnt fast enough.I thought I could get both all for one and save her.I know You cant forgive me," he said as he began to deflate."But I just wanted to tell you." All might said, now in his normal form.As he looked in izukus eyes he saw tears."You know, Iv wanted to kill you ever since that day.I dreamed of it, i wished for it.I thought how to do it, where and even when.Thats all i ever did." He said as all might put his head down."But then i remembered something.Something my mom used to say.She used to tell me id become the greatest hero in the world.No matter what happened.Im going to honor her by doing that.I will become the number one hero." He said as he started to walk away."For her.Not for anyone else." He said before getting to the end of the hallway and turning back to all might.

"Just watch me." He said before heading to his next class.


Izuku was currently waiting for the trip to USJ to start.Everyone was currently sitting in the class keeping an eye on him.Iida was sitting with a smug look on his face, looking over at izuku every once in a while.Aizawa walked in and everyone went silent."Hmm.Good your learning.Now get your things and head to the buses." He said before leaving again.

As everyone was on the bus to USJ, rumi, izuku, and bakugo were all sitting together, listening to everyone talk about them."I wonder how those three plan on becoming heros?" They heard momo ask."What do mean yaomomo?The same way as the rest of us." Mina said as she perked up."Well, one of them is a Gillian, one is too aggresive, and one is way to eager to fight.So much so she doesnt even think of checking on civilians." She said as if stating the obvious."So what?That doesnt mean they cant become hero's.Anyone can be a hero.And hes not a villain.We heard it the other day." Mina said before turning to izuku."Sorry about that by the way.I didnt realize it was going to be that personal for you." As izuku just shrugged."Its in the past now.It doesnt matter anymore."

"Well i still think they would be more of a liability than-" momo started to say before the bus was filled with a groaning metal sound.The walls began to wobble and shake and the roof began sinking slightly.As everyone began panicking, izuku laughed a cold laugh and stopped breaking the bus.Suddenly all the metal returned to its original shape."Careful what you say, yaomomo, its not polite to talk behind someones back." Izuku said as the bus stopped at USJ.

Timeskip to the interesting part

Alright, izuku was not a happy camper.At least not today.The mist Gillian trued warping everyone away but izuku managed to keep everyone together by creating a metal linking chain to everyones feet.That is until iida and momo attacked and distracted him.And now everyone was scattered.

Great.Just great.

As izuku fell he saw rumi and bakugo falling beside him.Bakugo immediately righted himself with his explosions and shot towards the massive group of villains below them.Izuku grabbed rumi and used one of the metal plates stored in his hero costume and flew to the ground."Ready to fight?" Izuku asked.Rumi was a blushing mess but managed a "hell yeah."

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"Thats good." Izuku said.....before throwing her.He used the metal to begin spinning and flung her at high speeds towards the villains.As the two began fighting, izuku touched the ground and looked around.He realized he was in the city disaster area."Hmm.This could work." He said as he looked to his right to see a massive group of villains.He turned to see the group behind him already taken down.Rumi and bakugo ran over to him.

"Uhh, I dont know if we can take on all of them." Rumi said, panting."I agree.Theres to many.We wont be enough." Bakugo agreed."What the hell happened to you two?Arent you guys all about fighting the odds and beating up everybody?" Izuku asked as bakugo looked at him like an idiot."We like fighting.We arent idiots though.Thats way to many."

As they watched the group get closer and closer, they tried to think of a plan."Ok, I have an idea.But you guys need to trust me." Izuku said as the two looked at him."Ok what is it?" Rumi asked as bakugo nodded in agreement.Izuku held out his hands to show them his bracelets."Break them."

Small explosions and a metal heel rang out against the bracelets.

Izuku felt power rush through him.He hadnt known he was this powerful.He had never had the bracelets taken off."Woah." He said as the two looked at him."What?" They asked in unison.

Izuku turned and looked at a mock skyscraper.He could feel all the metal inside it.It was calling to him.He raised his hand and lightly splayed his fingers.Suddenly the building was ripped from the ground, destroying the foundation.Just as quick as it rose, all the metal In the building ripped out of it.It morphed and changed into different forms.Suddenly it all turned into thick study chains and shot towards the group.Before any one could react, all the villains were wrapped up and contained.The chains wrapped around them multiple times, making sure no one could move.The rest of the chains began to snake around the USJ picking up villains and adding to the pile.

"Hrrggg.That damn brat." The villain covered in hands said as he scratched his throat."NOMU!ATTACK!" The only thing izuku could think was, 'nomu?The fucks a nomu?' Before a fist slammed into his gut throwing backwards."HAHAAHHA YOU STUPID LITTLE BRAT.MY NOMU WAS MADE TO BEAT ALL MIGHT HIMSELF." The hand man yelled as he laughed.His laugh died in his throat when he saw izuku stand up and brush of the rubble."That all you got?" He asked as a smile began to curl his mouth.He covered his upper body, arms, and legs in metal.It wasnt exactly armor, it was made to be able to deal massive damage.

Izukus arms had his previous gauntlet like claws with thicker metal in the palm.He also added some tungsten to his custom alloy.His legs had a steel and titanium alloy on his feet and legs for kicks and to stop himself from being blown away.The rest of the metal covered his chest, just in case the "nomu" got past him.

As the the two shot at each other, trading blows, izuku was managing to keep his own."How is he keeping up with that thing?" Bakugo asked."Could it be because of those bioelectric organs?Maybe they also improve his physical abilities?" Rumi responded as the two began running to get their classmates out of there."I mean its possible.It technically is a mutant quirk." Bakugo said as they reached their class.

As everyone was escaping the door was blasted open by all might.He wasted no time in shooting down the stairs and slamming hus fist in the nomus gut to stop a punch that would have hit izuku."Heh.Not bad.Think you can keep up?" Izuku said getting more metal to create a helmet covered in spikes."HAHAHA.YOUNG MIDORIYA, I SHOULD ASK IF YOU CAN KEEP UP." All might responded before the two turned to the nomu.

As they shot towards it all might threw a punch to the nomus head while izuku slammed a punch of his own into the nomus chest.'Thats for earlier' he thought.The two worked in sync, blocking, attacking, and protecting the other when needed.As izuku pulled back his right fist he coated it with thicker metal making a round cylinder shape that was flat at the end.Perfect for crushing.As he did that all might pulled back his own fist and charged it.When the nomu was stunned, they attacked.Izuku from the right, all might from the left.They connected with the nomus brain, smashing it to pieces.

As the the two caught their breathe, the hand villain spoke up again."no No NO NO NO.MY NOMU WAS SUPPOSED TO WIN.YOU CHEATED YOU YOU YOU...CHEATERS." Before he teleported away.".....ooooookkkkk than." Izuku said as he removed alk the metal from himself and made it back into plates and put it back in his hero suit.As all might looked over he saw that izuku didnt have his bracelets.'Hmm.I wonder?' He thought for a moment."Young midoriya?Can you grab those villains you trapped.The police will take care of them now." All might said as izuku raised his hand and picked them all up without any effort."Sure thing." He said setting them a down for the police.

As everyone was calming down and talking to the police, all might and izuku walked over to the nomu."I know you felt it.I did to." Izuku said causing all mights ryes to squint."Yes.....but the class cant know." He responded.

"What about rumi and bakugo?"

"I suppose so.Theyre smart.They probably already figured it out."

".......what does this mean?"

"Hes back."

Izuku had just got back from locking up the last of the villains from the usj when aizawa stopped him."Look, you may not like it, but you still have to wear these." He said holding out the quirk restraint bracelets."...and how do you plan to get them on me if i refuse?I could destroy this whole school in less then a second, with a snap of my fingers.I could bring this whole place down and not even bat an eye." Izuku said looking aizawa on the eyes, some thing no sane person would do." i guess we'd have to fight.And you would go back to jail.Is that worth it to you?" Aizawa asked, raising an eyebrow.Izuku simply grabbed them and put them on himself.

"Just so we're clear, theres not a chance in hell you could have beat me and got me back there."


Izuku was currently sitting in his seat next to ruin, listening to aizawa drone on about the sports festival.He was trying his hardest to ignore the glares and glances people were giving him.Once the bell rang signaling the end of the day, everyone started packing up and leaving, except izuku.He stayed in his seat, not moving."You good greeny?" Rumi asked while she packed her things."Fine.And stop calling me that." He said narrowing his eyes at her."Sure thing greeny." She laughed as he groaned.

"But really, whats wrong?" She saud sitting back down."Well lets see, everyone sees me as a murderous villain, they all hate me, and every one knows how.Not just the school but everyone.Do you have any idea what its like to walk anywhere and have people hate you simply for existing?For something that was never your fault?" He said before getting quiet for a minute."Whatever, it doesnt matter.Dont know why you even care, or why im telling you all this.It doesnt matter." He said as he grabbed his things and left, leaving her to sit quietly and think.

Izuku was now sitting on the sports festival rest spot for the students, preparing for the events.He had already had to deal with every single person he passed in the halls either shoving him, or telling him he's nothing but a scummy villain.Needless to say, today was not going well for him.And it only got worse when todoroki walked up to him."What?" Izuku asked with a tone that had a sharp edge."Im going to beat you."

Everyone suddenly went quiet, so quiet you could hear a pin drop."...what was that?" Izuku asked narrowing his eyes angrily."Im going to beat you.To show that i dont need his fire.And to show everyone that your nothing but a pathetic villain.Like hell your the number 2 villain." Todoroki said with a sneer.Izuku stood up and towered over him, standing at 6 ft 1."Is that so?I dont give a damn about your fire problem, so stop bitching about it to me.Secondly, if you want a fight, then you didnt even have to say anything." He said as he stepped closer."Because i am going to tear you apart."

"You know, my mom was in musutafu that day, she was in the hospital.Your little tantrum hurt her.She had to be put into a drug induced coma because of you!" Todoroki yelled, shoving him away."Oh?Is that so?Well you'll have to excuse me, i was witnessing my own mother be slaughtered at the time, so I was a little preoccupied.But speaking of mothers, hows yours?Maybe i should visit her and finish what i started?" Izuku asked with a wicked smile.Ice started to form in todorkis fist when the intercom went off."All students to the arena!" Present mics voice loudly said.

"This isnt over." Todoroki said before walking away.

Im gonna Timeskip to the 1 on 1 battles, cause lets be real, thats all anyone cares about.Plus, you know.....its my story

Izuku had cam in first in the first challenge, and second in the second challenge.Now was time for the 1 on 1 fights.He was next, against some kid with purple hair, he thought?He didnt care, he'd finish him quickly.As the fight started, the purple hair kid started talking."So your the villain of U.A iv heard about?You don't look like much to me." He said cockily, almost like he was taunting izuku."I mean, iv been seen as a villain my whole life, but you just look so pathetic.Number 2?What a joke, your no hero.Why even bother?" He said as a sly smile creeped onto his face.Izuku stopped and thought for a moment.'He ends every sentence with a question.Hes taunting me as if he wants me to respond.He was seen as a villain.Safe to say he has a quirk thats seen as villainous, and I'll probably have to speak to activate it.' Izuku thought before smirking and coating his arm in the metal gauntlets from before.'Good thing i have experience with keeping my mouth shut.' He thought as he shot forwards to purple hair.He had his hand around his mouth before the kid knew what was happening.Izuku simply tossed him out of the ring.

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"Hitoshi shinso has been eliminated." Midnight said over the speakers as izuku followed shinso to the break rooms.'Shinso huh?'

"Hey, wait up." Izuku said as he walked up to shinso."What?Come to gloat?" He asked before izuku flicked him in the head."Dont even think about using your quirk on me, i already got you figured out.You end every sentence with a question, and you speak as if your going to command me.Lemme guess, brainwashing?" Izuku asked.

"Uhh....yeah.How did you..??" Shinso started before izuku cut him off."Doesnt matter, but what does matter is how you see that quirk.Quirks arent inherently evil, the people who posses them choose what to do with them.Your no villain, so stop feeling so much pity for yourself." Izuku said before turning and walking away."Wait!Why?" Shinso asked as izuku turned and raised an eyebrow."Why tell me that?I've heard your a villain, but why say that?" He asked, getting angrier.

"Because someone shouldn't be labeled just by the cover.Or their quirk.People should learn the full story." He said before walking to his next match.

"BEGIN!" Midnight yelled as iida shot towards izuku, readying a kick to the head.What iida was not expecting was a metal foot to slam into his gut.As he was writhing on the floor, izuku stood over him."You know, i never payed you back for that little spat we had, did I?" As a sinister smile crept onto his face."Here, let me return the favor." As he raised his hand and made a grabbing motion with his fingers.