Yuri stood up normally as if he had no damage from the beginning.
His Exosuit morphed into a larger and more demonic figure, with a mask covering his face but giving him evil glowing red eyes and a Joker-like opening of a smile.
"What is the meaning of this?" Takishima screamed.
"Botan, you double-crossed us!"
Yuri walked majestically maintaining a posture fit for a King.
"Shoot him!" Shigeo shouted. "Attack him with the Magitek weapons!"
The bullets did not affect Yuri, it only bounces off his hard armor. And every time he needed to replenish his MP, a dark spear at the E-class Dexterity would grab one of the Yakuza not holding any Magitek weapons.
Yuri's voice grew deeper and more sinister through the mask and he said, "YOU THOUGHT YOU COULD KILL ME?"
"No! This is impossible! You are just a boy! A normal human being that got lucky!"
Yuri's horns grew larger and his Magitek wings spread giving him the evilest and most demonic aura. Mists of blood and flesh would splatter out the surface of his skin every time a screaming Yakuza is consumed.
The Magitek weapons could not touch him, as the AI made him extremely untouchable using the extended moving spears as an area shield.
Takishima's face reeked of pure horror but a glimmer of hope shaped into his eyes as he remembered the service they bought from the Umibozu.
"It doesn't matter! That monster in the sea will protect us. It is part of the agreement. It will surely destroy you!"
The giant tentacled creature was already 5 meters away from the shore, and it saw that its clients were being harmed by this unknown figure.
Yuri laughed like a sinister devil.
"You think you can destroy me. You still definitely don't understand."
Yuri extended his hand. He had reverse-engineered the large coin emitter earlier and he reshaped his hand to form a highly amplified version.
"What are you doing?" Takishima said, thrust in fear and confusion while Botan still held the three of them in his large arms.
Yuri kept laughing and said, "Just treating this puppy to a little dog whistle."
He emitted super high frequency from his hand that put the giant tentacled beast in confusion. Even normal humans could hear the concentrated piercing wave coming from Yuri's hand.
"AI, have you hacked into the Magitek remote-controlled vehicle yet?" Yuri asked the AI.
[Cyberattack will be complete in 3… 2… 1]
The giant beast stopped immediately in its track as if someone pressed the paused button on the TV.
The water dropped from its giant armored body and its tentacles shadowed the Yakuza who were in absolute fear of the immobile mythical beast before them.
[Cyberoffensive Operation: Success]
[Full Operational Control Transferring]
[Full Operational Control Transfer Complete]
"Master," the AI child's voice said. "You are now in full control."
Yuri waved his hand like a wand and it moved the main body of the giant beast.
He crunched and flexed his fingers, and it moved its tentacles.
The Yakuza could not believe their eyes.
Shigeo, Takishima, and Yakushimaru breathed heavily out of exhaustion from the power before them and how much they realized that they were out of his league.
Yuri lifted his hand and made a gesture where he was slapping the air downward repetitively.
While doing this, the giant monster in parallel, smashed itself and the cement.
Again and again, every time it smashed, Yuri's hand moved faster and faster.
The Yakuza could not move a muscle at the sight of power.
A few of the Yakuza would get caught in between the beast and the floor and would be crushed from the force and weight. But none of them could still move out of horror.
Yuri threw his hand in direction of the ocean, and the beast flew back into the sea, as if someone skipped it into the water, like a child playing with a pebble.
Yuri raged and grabbed a few more sheer-shocked Yakuza.
Botan let the three heads of the Yakuza go and they laid flat on the floor. Arms extended toward Yuri and their faces kissed the ground, leaving some of their saliva leaking out of their lips.
All the Yakuza henchmen followed.
From a bird's eye viewpoint, the area looked like the shape of a red skull, with lay-flat henchmen forming the eyes, the three Yakuza heads forming the smile while flat on the floor, and a huge black figure forming the nose as the ground was painted with blood and the glimmer of bullets and swords.
"Rise, and bow before me, like the honorable Yakuza that you are!"
The Yakuza hesitated as they were in total fear.
They quickly stood up and bowed normally but still shivering in horror and shock.
"Do you fear me now?" Yuri asked in a gentler tone but still deep and dark voice.
"Do you understand your inferiority?"
"Do you still want to destroy me?"
Yuri pointed at Takishima. "You! Rise."
Takishima stood up slowly in fear of being killed.
"Yes, my Lord" he replied.
"Good. All of you rise!" Yuri spoke again but with a gentler tone while remaining authoritative.
All the Yakuza rose.
"I will give you all a chance. Disobey me and you will face the consequences."
All the Yakuza bowed again and shouted, "HAI!"
"Go into the water, and wash yourselves. When you rise back up, you shall be reborn anew. Whoever attempts to escape shall die. Now!"
All the Yakuza including the three heads ran into the seawater and washed while avoiding the debris from the tentacled beast earlier.
"Return!" Yuri shouted.
Botan smiled while watching all of them.
None of the Yakuza had tried to escape and they all came back to the shore lining up before Yuri.
"Good," Yuri smiled.
"Now. One last test and I shall let you live."
Yuri pointed at the three Yakuza heads, wet and exhausted, "The three of you, come here in front."
The henchmen, lined up, looked towards their masters. They felt as if they were being toyed with by this demon.
"Give me a pound of flesh from at least one of your masters."
All of their eyes grew wide. They could not believe the command. Their lips wanted to protest. But Yuri looked at the three heads of the Yakuza.
They started to look more serious, pushed the fear outside of their minds, and accepted their fate. Yuri could see that the masters wanted their men to survive and if a pound of flesh for each of them would suffice to save at least one of their men, they would be happy to give their lives.
"Ready?" Yuri asked them all.
Botan held his laugh with his hand covering his mouth.
Only seven of the Yakuza moved to run towards their masters and cut off a piece of their flesh.
The next second that they moved, Yuri killed them like swatting flies with their heads sliced off and rolling into the sea.
"Loyalty!" Yuri shouted. "This is the consequence of loyalty."
Shigeo, Takishima, and Yakushimaru understood what Yuri was doing. He was testing their loyalty and courage. And they finally realized what the Overlord wanted from them. He wanted them to be subordinate to him.
The three of them looked at each other with their peripheral vision and tilted their heads a little as a sign of mutual understanding.
"You who have been loyal to your masters, have been granted the consequence of life. And you shall live in servitude to them…" Yuri turned his head towards the Yakuza heads, "While they are in lifelong servitude to me."
"The war is over," Yuri said as he walked in the direction of the old Yakuza leaders. "You dream of the new era? And the restoration of the Yakuza?"
All three of them said, "Yes, we do my Lord."
Yuri replied, "I am the NEW ERA."
"All of you! Come with me! and I shall take you there."
[Congratulations Yuri! System Quest Complete]
[You have now leveled up to Level 5: Reward 20,000 Mana Points]
[Omnipresent Surveillance Unlocked]
"Omnipresent??? Dude, I'm getting too OP!"
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