
The Magicless Mercenary in Another World: DC x Jujutsu Kaisen

Toji thought he was dead. Instead, he finds himself in a new world filled with heroes and villains. It doesn't bother him, however. As long as there are people who needed killing and people paying, he'd be just fine. Note: Although, I said its a DC x Jujutsu Kaisen fanfic, it's really just Toji who goes to the DC universe. **Please understand, as a fanfic I will change the character to better work with the plot. He won't be exactly like his manga counterpart No harem. Maybe romance, not the focus though.

theGoldenGrin · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs

11. Stupid Plan

Barbara doesn't like this plan, if you can even call it that. Batman is setting her up as bait. That in itself isn't a problem. The problem is that both her parents are bait too and they don't even know it. Ever since he got back from Metropolis, the man's become much more cryptic than he's ever been before. She tried asking Dick but he could only fill her in on what happened with Luthor's psycho assistant and his meeting up with the villain which didn't really explain much.

When Bruce told her his plan, first thing she told him was 'ARE YOU INSANE?!' 

Bruce just stared at him like he always did. 

Barbara huffed. 'Why can't we just recruit him like normal? There are literally hundreds of ways for us to get the guy to join the Justice League. And even if he doesn't, so what? We've already got tons of supervillains. Adding one more to the pile won't change anything'.

 'Other methods won't work. A radical path needs to be taken if we want Toji to join our cause. He won't choose sides unless he's forced to do so', he said flatly. 

'So, what? You're gonna dangle me around like a damsel in distress hoping that deep inside, the Meta Killer is really a knight in shining armor? We've watched him for months. The guy doesn't care for anything. Heck, it looks like he doesn't even care about his life. He's borderline suicidal'.

She could barely hear the man whisper but she was pretty sure he mouthed Kara's name. 'No', answered Bruce, finally. 'You're job is to make sure he goes against the Light. The only way to bring him to us is to show him that working with them will hinder his own freedom. Toji doesn't follow anyone and he doesn't like being looked down on. He's selfish and that's what we'll use to get him on our side. If we can push him to a corner, we'll be able to force him to join a side. And if we do this right, we can force him into joining us'. 

'And what if he doesn't? What's so special about him that I need to sacrifice my family's safety', she screamed as her eyes began to tear up. 

Batman just looked at her flatly. 'You have your orders. Do them or I'll find someone else who will. 

The girl wanted to yell and curse but years of working with him had taught Barbara that Bruce always did things for the greater good. Although, there were times where he did things that would hurt those he loved, he still thought it was a worthy sacrifice. More than anything, Barbara pitied the broken man.

She nodded her head but if things don't go their way, what happens then?


Barbara hears a beep outside her apartment. He walks leaves her home making sure everything is secure before entering the car. Inside, she expects Dick in the driver's seat but is surprised when she finds someone sitting beside her at the back of the car. 'Hi Babs', says the cheery blonde. The two of them hug as Dick starts the car and drives.

'Kara, what are you doing here?', she says.

'Moral support of course. I'm not gonna leave you all alone while the big bad Bats is doing one of his creepy super complicated plans with you in the middle of it. But I'm also here just in case someone needs their face kicked in', says the alien blonde. 

'You knew about this, didn't you?' Barbara asks Dick. 

'Yep', he answers with a grin. 'Robin, Red Arrow and Artemis are already at the safe house. And Batman's with Green Arrow and Black Canary. Huntress and the Question is with them as well. They'll take care of your parents. We couldn't really call on the rest of the Justice League since Batman wants all of this hushed up at the moment'.

'So what's Kara doing here?' she asks. 'No offence, Kara. But you're more Team Superman and he's not really the type to scheme in the shadows'.

'None taken. I'm kinda curious as well', responds the blonde as both girls look at Dick. 

'Fine. Bruce knows that Clark isn't willing to break the rules. But Kara isn't like her cousin. You may not break the rules but you're willing to bend it. And if things don't go according to plan, we need a hard hitter to help contain the Meta Killer'. 

'So Bruce does realize that his idea is stupid', Barbara huffs. 

'Yes. But he's desperate. I don't know what him and Luthor talked about but he was really rattled after coming back from Metropolis. He was working all night. Kara, you got any ideas what got into him?' 

'Not really', answers Kara. 'I did give him everything I got during my spy mission. Oh and also some DNA samples. I thought it would help us figure out who is really is'. 

Dick sighs. 'Look. We can push Bruce for answers when this is all over. For now, we need to focus on-'.

'Look out', screams Barbara as a hooded man steps in front of the car. Dick steps of the breaks and the car goes to a screeching halt. He was just about ready to yell at the man. Instead, the man opens the passenger's side and enters the car. 'Drive', orders the stranger. 

Barbara and the other two were just about ready to beat the stranger until the man pulls down his hood and all three of them looked at the mercenary's face. Everything was quiet for a few moments. Then Barbara blurted out 'How the hell did you get here?'

Toji looks at her with indifference. 'I was following you all morning. Decided to join you for a ride after I realized there were no traps here'. 

Barbara and Dick stares at him while Kara chuckles. 'Wow. You're pretty paranoid. Sounds like someone we know', says Kara as she puts a finger pointing up on each side of her head. The two other heroes glare at the blonde. When they realized that the mercenary wasn't planning on leaving, Dick decided to start the car back up and continue the journey.