
The Magician's Bodyguard

Johan Von Aegis is a top rank of the Royal Academy of knights, high rank and skillful knight despite her being an orphan that had the chance of Graduating. Johan has suffered amnesia when she was 7 years old, many dislikes her because she was commoner, an orphan, and the best of the knights. She wanted to be the best to prove that she cannot be underestimated and she's part of the Royal Knights, however she was assigned to a different job to become a Magician's bodyguard. The Magician is an arrogant and competitive, having a bodyguard by his side would protect him any kind from danger even from discomfort. The Knight raise from hardship and the Magician raise from luxury, will they both get along with eah others status?

Yukina_Yanamoto · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Chapter 2 : A Woman

Hi I'm Johan Von Aegis, I'm a 19 year old girl also a knight of Gardencia. Here we are at Myyrdin Manor with Mr. Aiden and General Clise having the most weirdest conversation of my life...

"I'm still surprised that you're a woman, Johan" Mr. Aiden said covering his eyes and he's weirdly turning flush pink.

"I thought you knew, but I guess it is because of my statures and name that gave away" I said sigh longly.

"haha! Johan is a muscular name after all!" General Clise said with his arms folded together sitting beside me "I tried making her wear girly stuff however she refuses" he added up.

"that's because I'm a knight, it's not like people will care about my looks" I pointed "I work as a knight not just a woman, you have to understand General."

"alright alright" General Clise calms down "oh yeah, I brought the new uniform for you" he showed up a case.

I deeply sigh that he really chase us earlier and beat up an assassin that damages my helmet "you really went to all that trouble giving that?" I said.

"of course, anything for my beautiful daugther!" General Clise said with a big smile.

"fine I'll wear it" I finally gave up...

Few moments later I change into a blue standard military uniform and it has a skirt, I feel like being cold to the knees so I wear some black slacks and leather black boots. As soon as I step inside the common roomseeing eyes towards me, my cape following my back entering the room as I just sat down at the sofa next to General Clise.

"now that I wear it, nobody complains" I spoke up.

"hehe, looks good on you now you look a bit of a knight and a girl" General Clise complimented.

Mr. Aiden just kept staring at me and hasn't kept his eyes off me since I changed to uniform. It felt like minutes for him staring and General Clise noticed him...

General Clise smack Mr. Aiden's back "what are you staring at Aiden?" he asked "seems like you're staring at something or someone beautiful."

Mr. Aiden snap out from his thoughts "no.. I was just still surprise to on what happen earlier" he excuse.

General smirk as he stood up the sound of his armor clink "I have to leave, I just skip the Council. I shall take my leave, I'll see you two around, Johan, Aiden..." he then left towards the door.

I waved goodbye sitting at the sofa then I turn to Mr. Aiden who is suddenlyright in front of me grabbing my cheeks "Milord?" I became nervous staring so close.

Mr. Aiden stare so close my cheeks are being squish by his hands.

"you have such beautiful face" Mr. Aiden mumbled looking closely.

"eh?" I reacted.

He then took his hands off my cheeks "this is the first time I met a female knight" he said then cover his mouth up to his eyes "I'll apologize for my rudeness earlier, most of my bodyguards were men."

"I have no problem with that Milord, I'm just simply a knight doing her duty" I answer.

"hehe, please call me Aiden" he said.

"alright Aiden" I bow with my right hand on the center of my chest, I stood up "I'll go ask the maids to prepare some tea for you, Aiden" I head towards the door "I'll excuse myself."

I head towards the kitchen I can see no ones inside, I saw some couple of lemons and honey. At the window roses are blooming...

I came back with a tray on my hands above it are two cups and a tea pot. Aiden look at the tray of tea he caught the whiff of the scent "what is that aroma?" he asked.

"it's a special blend of mine, lemon honey rose tea" I introduce pouring it gently on the cup "no one was at the kitchen so I took the liberty of making it" hgently put down the cup tea on the table "try it Milord."

Aiden gently took the cup of tea he caught a whiff of the aroma he close his eyes taking a one sip savoring the taste he open his eyes "it's delicious" he sip some more then put the tea down "you have such skill in making tea, I'm surprise of your skills" he complimented.

"ever since I was a kid General Clise always makes the same tea, so I sometimes research for some herbs for tea" I explain pouring a cup of tea gently settle the tea pot on the table "back at the academy and as the Captain of the Calamity squadron, I make my own tea."

"you have such skill, strength and position despite being a woman. Anyway how old are you?" Aiden asked.

I put down the tea "I'm 19 years old" I answered confidently.

"we're on the same age" Aiden got a surprised expression then it change staring again "I guess it's good having someone the same age as I am" he relieves.

"my contract here is temporary Milord Aiden, it's contract for a month" I said sipping some tea.

"sadly yes, since it's just the two of us" he cleared his throat " the reason I requested a bodyguard it's because someone is ordering some assassins over my head."

"I see" I put down the tea "this is gonna be hard since you're a powerful magician, means you have a lot of enemies."

"you have a good point, however the assassins that the knights arrested ended being memory wiped" Aiden explains with both of his hands on his lap "seems like their client is also a magician that apply such magic."

"hm, I guess I'll be in service for a while after all his Majesty entrusted this duty to me" I pointed.

Somewhere below the underground Sewers of Gardancia. A hooded figure in front was another assassin a spell was cast towards the assassin.

"there, with that spell even if you get caught they'll never know who your working with" a woman's voice came out from the hooded figure.

"I'll be in service, tell me who's my target" the assassin asked.

The hooded figure dropped a sketch, the assassin picked it up scanning his target "Aiden Alexandrius Myyrdin the Royal Magician" he kept the sketch in his pocket.

"now that many assassins tried to assassinate him, expect that his home will be fortify with magic system" the mysterious woman then took out a green amulet "take this."

The assassin wear the amulet around his neck "what is this?" he questioned.

"that's an amulet that get you pass Aiden's magical barriers and hexs" the mysterious woman explained "he'll be staying at his home tonight, remember if you get caught your memory will be erased all about me."

"I accepted this job, and you better have your word on the deal" the assassin glared.

The mysterious woman laughed "haha~ threathen me anytime you know I can always make your life much more miserable" she finished.

At Myyrdin Manor it was already Dark, the surroundings of the Manor are covered with mist. Aiden who is looking at the window has gotten curious about the situation.

"this mist is gonna make things harder for Johan's patrol, I just hope she doesn't have a hard time" Aiden mumbled as he the corridor toward his bedroom he stopped seeing a blue uniform "ah, Johan" he called then approaches her.

"Lord Aiden."

"still patrolling?" Aiden asked.

"yes, I want to ensure everything is in place, no one breaks in or breaks out" Johan said with serious eyes.

"you can rest, my magical barrier and hexs are hard to break in" Aiden bragged walking towards the door of his bedroom "we'll talk tomorrow" he yawns "go get some rest after this" he enter then closes the door.

Johan put her right hand on her temple "he's very careless sometimes, I guess General Clise was right "he is arrogant."" she continue patrolling, she stopped on her tracks giving a serious look then started walking back.

The same time inside Aiden's bedroom

I kept tossing and turning I couldn't sleep, I turn aside away from the balcony window. I kept blushing, her face is so beautiful yet she consider herself as a knight than a lady. That reminds me...

That day I was saved by her... then she saved me again...

So sleepy... Zzz....

Not wondering the Assassin has climb up the balcony, he leans towards the glass pane the knife slid through the crack of the glass door opening it silently. The sleeping magician very innocent and was about to get killed, the assassin has gotten close on the magician's bed taking out his black knife inside his cloak raising it high...

"Oi..." a cold female voice called.

The assassin flinched turning around seeing a female blue uniform the suddenly grab the assassin's throat, the struggle woke Aiden up he got spook seeing the scene of glowing blue eyes while grabbing an man's neck.

"Johan?!" Aiden called.

The assassin struggles ssuddenly got thrown outside the balcony falling on the ground, he cough and cough catching his breath while caressing his neck. "impossible!" the assassin spoke "I was wearing an anti-detection/curse magic."

Then suddenly something or someone jumped the figure glared at the assassin.

I grinned staring at the assassin "its easy" I said. "you assassins have the ability to conceal like the mist, however..."

"the mist you hid were made by my power" I smirk "what surrounds the manor is Lord Aiden's magic, however what surrounds the forrest is my magic." I then sprint summon Judgement then a lightning strikes everything went dusty around the scene. Standing there grabbing the assassin by the collar, I observed I saw a glint of red magic in his eyes.

The assassin groans "it's too late..." he said "I don't remember anymore..." he fainted.

"tch!" I dropped the fainted body.

"Johan?" Aiden called.

I turn to see "Milord, return to your quarters" stood up dusting off then grab the assassin by the hood "I'll be locking this one. I'll explain it tomorrow."

The next day it was morning Aiden woke up early reading some files about Johan Von Aegis. He sip some tea while reading.

"Johan Von Aegis" he mumble "Captain of the Calamity Squadron, top rank in the royal knights academy and rose up in ranks within 2 years."

"hm?" a curious eye was peak on the status part.

"amnesia?" he read.

"Johan Von Aegis, was found at age 7. She suffered amnesia her family and origin are unknown."

"the only thing she vaguely remember is her name."

his eyes widen.

"history records, Age 7. Saved the Prince and was given the last name of Aegis the meaning of Protection."

The papers were put down then look up towards the ceiling "so it was Johan all along... I was right.. she's that kid who saved me.."

Suddenly someone knocks the door "who is it?" Aiden asked.

"it's Johan, Milord" her muffle behind the door.

Aiden then hid the files in his desk "you may enter" he answer.

The door open enter the door was Johan wearing her blue uniform with a sharp look in her eyes took a few steps forward then step few feet away from the desk.

"what is it you wanted to talk about?" Aiden questioned.

Johan breath out "about the assassin last night I examined him" she reported "right after I apprehended him, I saw something that might lead towards it's client."

"and that is?"

Johan stare up standing straight "right before the assassin fell, I saw a glint of scarlet magic" she finish.

"Scarlet magic... only a few people can do such magic within the continent of Verdan" Aiden mumbled looking down towards his desk "only nobles has that kind of magic."

"right, anyone you know that may have the same magic?" Johan asked.

"there's only three of those who had master Scarlet magic" Aiden answered then remember the name "Clarine Henriette the witch of the lone mountain, Keith Ur Tiberius a performer, and last is Fanellope Laperius a noblewoman."

"who shall we visit first milord?" Johan asked grinning.

"let's visit Clarine first, it's been a while the last time I saw her" Aiden smiled "we'll be leaving as soon we're done with breakfast. We'll just teleport there for now lets get prepared and also I'm starving" his stomach grumbles awkwardly making him blush.

Johan holds her laugter then clear her throat "I'll escort you to the dining hall milord" she open the door.

"Johan, you can call me Aiden" he said being blushy being called Lord by a woman.

"pardon me, Aiden. I'll consider calling you by your name" Johan humbly said "however if out in public I shall formally call you Milord or Lord Aiden."

Aiden sigh holding his temple "alright, I'll consider that."

I'm Aiden Alexandrius Myyrdin, the royal magician of Gardencia. This beautiful knight is my bodyguard, Johan. Her name might sound like a man however I still want to respect her as a Lady, but stilll...

I'm curious about her past before she had an amnesia. Just who are you Johan?