
Chapter 2 Entrances & Desserts

"Announcing, The Baroness Margaretta Windsworth, accompanied by her children Cyrus Noel Windsworth, Curtis Nicholas Windsworth, and Catalina Raine Windsworth."

The four Windsworths entered through the entrance doors, looking awkward and receiving many stares. Unsure of were they should go or head toward since they were suppose to be here before many of the guest arrived. Catalina stayed near the back, hoping to blend in more with her brother's blue suits from the eyes and whispers of the onlookers.

A path was parting down the middle of the huge crowd. Silvia and her fiancé came through. Her dark blue locks were done in a half up- half down style with curls throughout. The dress she wore was a knee length shade of iris with tulle and bows, her engagement ring shining on her hand. The purple shade of eyeshadow complimented her light brown eyes. Pulled along behind with a lovestruck gaze was a man with short dark brown hair and hazel eyes that seemed at the moment to only be for the lady in front of him.

"Mother! You came! We were so so worried you wouldn't make it and were just about to start dinner." 

The baroness offered an apologetic smile, "We ran into some delays on the way here. But we are here now, so hopefully we haven't held of the festivities too much."

Silvia gave her a blank stare with a smile, " No, I suppose you didn't. Well no matter." She turned to the room and clapped her hands, "Now that everyone is here, lets go outside to the back garden and start the engagement dinner! Everyone please follow us!"

Jacob who still had his hand held in hers followed like a love-sick puppy as they moved to the backyard doors. The baroness took off in a different direction to search out her husband, seeming a little frightened being alone with the huge crowd of people. The twins were pushing and shoving at each other to see who would get out the doors first and to the dessert table. Catalina was left near the back of the crowd as she debated what to do. She couldn't stay in this room as it was being set up for dancing for later. She could follow her mother.... but her mother was already out of sight. She gave a sigh of defeat as she followed everyone else out to the gardens.

As Cat exited the house the site of the courtyard garden made her pause. The stone patio was beautifully done with small square hedges scattered about. The flowering purple myrtle trees had small lanterns hanging from strings strung between them. There was a long table placed on a raised platform where her sister Silvia and Jacob were sitting at with his parents. It was decorated with the same gigantic sunflowers, irises, and dahlias that are placed as center pieces on the white wrought iron tables. Purple table clothes decorated them and had green vines coming out from the center pieces. She couldn't help but think that this was a lot for a viscount's son who was only marrying a baron's daughter.

Cat looked around anxiously as she tried to figure out where she was going to sit. A little waving arm to her left caught her attention. It was her little sister Lucy waving her down to come sit with them. Her bright lemon colored ruffled dress stood out amongst the other attendants. It went well with her silver blue hair and and dark amethyst eyes. She was an adorable sight in every sense of the word. Cat started making her way through the sea of people to their table.

When she finally got there, she could see that the boys had somehow managed to bypass the large throng of party goers and had secured each their own dessert. Her sister Mary-Anne was seated next to Curtis in a long black skirt and brown vest paired with a white shirt medium sleeved shirt. She looked every bit the professional instructor for an academy that she was. Their father and her oldest brother Garrett were in a argument involving the family's merchant business. 

Her twin gave her a nod of acknowledgement before turning back to his conversation with their father. Baron Martin Windsworth barely gave his daughter a look of interest so engrossed in the conversation with his eldest son that his attention could not be swayed. 

"Cat you look like you just went on a light jog. Your clothes are so disorderly." Mary-Anne commented.

"Ah yes. Well, the ride over was far from what I would call pleasant." Cat replied as she took her seat next to Garrett.

"I think you mean hellish." Cyrus interrupted. He was on his third cupcake.

"You'll get chubby eating all those and then you'll never be able to do the physical exam for the knight academy." Curtis teased from behind the book he read.

"Shut up! I'll run off all the calories tomorrow!" Cyrus retorted.

"Hmm. Sure." A page turned.

Cyrus did not finished the rest of his three cupcakes.

I promise that Cat will have more dialogue and thoughts later on in other chapters.

UnderRatedcreators' thoughts