

Mage Ferrier flew into the air.

From a distance, he threw several vials before the path of the charging knights.

Large pools of purple liquid seeped into the dirt. Less than two seconds later, the ground shook and gave way as a large patch of thorns extended from beneath. The thorn tentacles, thick as a baby's arm, extended chaotically in all directions. The thorns glowed with a mysterious shine that was unlike metal or wood.

In a few breaths' time, this forest of thorns that sprouted out of nowhere had completely hidden the silhouettes of the Mages.

Sadly, even a wall of thorns such as this one was not able to stop the advance of the knights.

A thick Crescent Moon Slash stuck close to the ground as it blasted forth, plowing a deep ridge into the ground. Everything that stood before the wailing Moon Crescent Slash split into two, be it hard rocks or thorn walls, and gave way to the knights.