
The magical badass lady

The story is about a girl in ancient times who is extremely beautiful but unknown about it. She is tortured by her stepsister and stepmother. Her father had died due to blood cancer. Her fiancé Cheng Lin Joon had betrayed her. She is so hopeless now and only choice she has to kill herself to protect herself from others. she jumped into a well and tried to drown herself. While she was dying the pink gloomy light appeared before her eyes. A beautiful fairy can be seemed there. That fairy was her fairy godmother named Luna. "Oh I am so sorry my child. I am your fairy god mother. I couldn't come when you were bearing all those things. what they had done to you but now I am back. I will get your revenge back." She said these words and whispered some magical words. suddenly the girl opened her eyes but it was not Chu Yu Jo (the original owner of the body). It was Chen yu Yan a modern girl of 21st century, completely different from Chu Yan Jo. yes their souls had transmigrated. Yu Yan is more likely to be Moana than Cinderella. She is not like that weak Chu Yan Jo who can be scared so easily. She is a tomboy girl who has brilliant marshal skills. Beside this She is a genius minded girl who doesn't have any interest in love relations. She has good hand in many other arts. she also have many supernatural powers and she is the second most powerful creature in the universe after god. it's said that her soul contains god's part. Now, it will be kind of interesting to see how she will get Chu Yu Jo's revenge? Will She ever fall in love?Will she ever get back to her real world? Will her identity be revealed? Let's check it out.

Nwriter · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Back to Capital

Review of Chapter 8th

( yu Jo and Miaomiao were having good conversation but suddenly crown Prince arrived at Chu mansion. Cheng Lin Joon was trying to flirt with yu Jo but yu Jo asked him to behave and stay away from her. She was so pissed off due to him. After confronting Lin Joon ( crown Prince) yu Jo came to her room along with Miaomiao.)



Chapter 9th

" ha ha ha..... sister.. have you seen his face expression. That clown prince was so pissed off. ha ha ha... sister must say you should be an actress .. what a act.. and I think I will not forget that jokers.. haha.. face my whole lifetime." Miaomiao said.

Miaomiao was laughing so hard that her stomach started paining but whenever she recall the face expressions of Lin Joon she can't control her laughter.

"miao .. stop now.. you are laughing insanely.. if any one listen or saw this then we can be in trouble " Yu Jo said but she was herself laughing so hard.

" Oh come on sister.. this is your mansion.. who dares to come in without your permission or spy on you." Miaomiao said.

" oh.. yeah. miao we are going to capital.. 7th Prince's mansion today." yu Jo said.

" oh.. so someone wanna meet his hubby huh!!..." Miaomiao said while teasing yu Jo.

" SHUT UP miao .. he is not my husband. he is yu jo's husband." yu Jo said.

" but right now you are in yu jo's body so technically he is your husband currently.. what if he fall for you or you fall for him as he is totally your type.. strong, kind, generous, good personality, famous.. Moreover I heard that he is very fit and has a masculine body with well toned muscles, biceps, triceps.Although people say that he wears a golden mask because his face has some scary scars due to battles he had fought but personality is more important than looks for you.. so their is full chances for you to fall for him." Miaomiao praised 7th prince and continued teasing yu Jo.

" miao SHUT UP.. by the way he is not ugly or scary. he is very handsome. he wears the mask because he doesn't want any girl to love him because he used to love his first wife but unfortunately she died during her delivery." yu Jo replied.

"ohh... " Miaomiao said in little sad tone.

" Anyways, now go and pack everything we are going over there today" yu Jo said.

"yes ma"am " Miaomiao said.

After some time yu Jo and Miaomiao left but before going over there yu Jo created a plan and recruited new employees so that the business of Chu will not suffer until original yu Jo come back.

Usually, it takes three days to travel to capital but yu Jo used her magical powers and teleported herself along with Miaomiao and some stuff there because only 12 days were left in Yan's 25th birthday and she has a lot of things to settle before that.

" oh.. we are here .. I am so tired.." Miaomiao said while stretching her arms.

"what make you tired. you didn't even walk a single step.. you are becoming so lazy day by day." yu Jo said her while miao's.

" aww... ouch.. sister.. sister leave my ear.. ouch.. it's hurting." Miaomiao said while fake crying.

On listening that yu Jo let her ear go and then they both walk to the place where yu Jo live. They both were a little shocked on seeing the condition of mansion. Although the building of mansion was well built and cleaned by servant but it was not that satisfying. There was not a single flower and the trees also seemed dry. There were no birds on trees. it was looking like that even nature has abandoned the place. The place was so liveless as no human live there. Also it was surrounded by little black clouds.

" uhh... sister you didn't tell me that we are here for a tour of haunted house." Miaomiao said while holding yu jo's shoulder .

" how can anyone live in this kind of place." yu Jo said.

" ohh... I guess I have a lot of work to do . Anyways let's do it." yu Jo said.

yu Jo said and step inside the courtyard. As she step inside the flowers started blooming. the greenery of trees came back to them. the soft little grass started growing. the black clouds disappeared and cold breeze started flowing.

" Uhhmm... now this place is more lively." Miaomiao said while expanding her hands in titanic pose .

" you are right.. now let's have some rest and then we are gonna meet some unwanted guests." yu Jo said while entering in bed room.

" guests?.. who?.. and why?... " Miaomiao asked in confused manner while sitting on bed.

" Li feng" yu Jo said while laying on bed.

" who is Li feng? " Miaomiao asked.

" The another concubine of 7th prince and yu jo's cousin. She is no less than Chu yu Heng (Stepsister) and Chu mu wan (stepmother). She doesn't like 7th prince as she believes that 7th prince's face is disfigured as people say but she still try to get close to him so that she can become main wife and torture everyone." yu Jo said .

" what a bit*h. she just want to take his advantage." Miaomiao said while cursing her.

"Girl chill down... The prince is not like cheng Lin Joon( crown Prince). He is totally different. he is very clever, strong willed, genius minded man. He has been serving in military since he was 14 years old. He is famous for his cold and Mysterious behaviour as well. Overall he is someone who is very difficult to pursue or to fool." yu Jo said.

" same as you.." Miaomiao whispered.

"Did you say something?" yu Jo asked.

" no .. anyways what are you going to do with that Li feng?" Miaomiao asked.

" well.. nothing.. just gonna have some fun you know. In this period there are not many sources of entertainment." yu Jo said while smirking.

( oh man... if Li feng mess with yu jo's aka Yan my dear sister then she will be the unluckiest person in this world.) Miaomiao said while gulping.

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