
The Magic Of My Universe

Nickalous Mason Brown is most definitely not normal. His living conditions are not so great, and school reputation is a nada. Until one day he wanders upon the mysterious Adelina Gill and her world along with it. But of course he’s the key to saving it, as well the magical adventure along the way.

SYTBD_555 · Urban
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16 Chs


Hello I am the writer of The Magic of my universe Connected With A Demon . This is just a few things about The Magic's writing process and this ones progress. If you are not interested in either of those things, just a warning that you won't have much knowledge on The Magic's updates and this story.

The Magic Of My Universe

How I started The Magic, was copying and pasting what I had previously written into pages on Webnovel, which I an running low on which will slow the update process. I am writing The Magic Of My Universe myself, as proof I you can google it, and you won't find anything but my novel. I do plan on publishing and making a book trailer, this was just to see how much attention it could get on it's own so far. For now I give my thanks to its current readers (aka you my friend).

Connected with a Demon

This story will be continued on the 15th Of December since I will be mainly focusing on The Magic and school.

I also am In need of feedback so, comment feedback on my work and if you'd like and some info of yourself and you may just end up in Connected With A Demon.