
The Magic of Irina

They hold each other gaze. The one gazed awkwardly and the other one gazed coldly. “Who are you?” Irina noticed his puzzled look. “Oh, I’m sorry. Where’re my manner. My name is Lucas.” He said. “I didn’t ask what your name is.” Said Irina curtly. Lucas started a little irritated. “What is it then?” Asked Lucas inwardly. “You thief!” Narrowing her eyes, she gave him her accusing gaze. “Eh?” Lucas shocked. He saw the girl turn around and leave. They first encounter was based on bad impression. Each of them discover the truth on their own. And fate plays its role. The story begin with a mass murder, kidnapping, and various disaster through all the lands. To solve that matters, a young Prince starts his quest in search of someone whom he read in the book can break the curse. He walks back through time and live as commoner, then he meets Irina.

_NV · Fantasy
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11 Chs

The Forest Border (4)

Both the men strode fast to the skirt of the forest where the carriage had waited for them. They reached the carriage less than five minutes, not once Lucas heard Nieal stop saying sorry that he shouldn't have brought her here and how he regretted it, he was saying it softly only for Irina but clear enough for Lucas to hear.

"I'm Lucas." He said when the carriage was out of the forest.

Why his name sounded familiar? Thought Nieal. His brows raised as he remembers. "You the thief!" He stated, not believing his eyes.

Thief again. How many people did she told about him being thief? He chose to ignore it. "Why did the dark creature want her?"

"That was dark creature?" Nieal's eyes widen in surprise. "Oh my. Roman will definitely kill me for bringing her there."

"Why? Ordinary human will never attract them."

"Because she.." Upon realizing that he was going to reveal a secret which he swore for his life to protect, Nieal shut his mouth immediately. "I can't tell you because I don't know either."

That was half true, Nieal knew Irina was no ordinary human. She was a witch and he had no intention to reveal it also he didn't know why that creature attacked her.

Lucas saw his change look. There must be a secret. He was just trying to understand why but he kept his silent.

When the carriage stopped, Roman was already at the entrance of the house as he knows something had happened. The coachman opened the carriage's door then helped Nieal whose arms occupied in carrying unconscious Irina. He rushed toward his daughter, checking on her, once he was sure that his daughter not in critical condition, he told Nieal to take her to her room. He didn't realize Lucas was there as he tailed Nieal.

Lucas stood awkwardly at the open front door, he decided to enter the house when Nieal and Roman walked down the stair.

"Lucas come on in." Said Nieal. "I've told Roman that you saved her."

Roman nodded "I want to hear more about it. Let's talk over lunch."

"Lunch?" His daughter was sick, how could he mention lunch that easy? Lucas couldn't contain the uncomfortable in his look.

"She is fine. Come now!" Roman ensured him.

Lucas watched Nieal walking in front of them like this was his own place. He wondered how long has it been they've known each other? As everyone in town knew Nieal, he was one of the landlords. Based on what Lucas heard lately, Nieal also contributed himself in war and he was the person who initiated the truce that was still going on. He was an important man, but it seemed that he put Irina and her father first as Lucas saw a square table full of various foods.

"Make yourself at home." Roman said to Lucas.

"Thank you." Lucas saw Nieal murmuring something to his butler.

"What do you think that creature was?" Said Roman while folding his hands on the table.

Lucas was about to pick a chicken's thigh when he heard Roman's question. He pulled back his hand. Wasn't this supposed to be talking and eating, why they didn't eat? Thought Lucas inside as he saw Nieal's eyes was on him waiting for him to speak.

"I think it was iolomb, green skin and clothes." He tilted his head while remembering the detail.

Roman nodded his head repeatedly, his eyes were like he was looking distance away. "What about the eyes? Was it green or black?" He asked again.

"It was black."

"Are you sure?"

"He got away when I was aiming to kill him and he was glaring angrily at me. So, yes I'm sure his eyes were black." Lucas explained.

Nieal's head was moving from Roman to Lucas, he followed the conversation with his mouth shut.

Roman nodded again, the information was enough for him. "Let's eat!"

"Eh?" Said Lucas and Nieal at the same time.

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