
Rebirth (4)

Neon took a wooden longsword from the practice weapons rack. He then returned to the training field to face Ten. He didn't take any particular stance, he just stood peacefully his gaze trained on his opponent. He felt it was the best stance for him, be it for the sword or bare-handed. In this relaxed position, he could respond to any attack on his person no matter its incoming direction.

Ten took a deep breath and got instance, his eyes focused, and just as Nick gave the signal he sprang forward like a cheetah. In an instant he was by Neon's right side, a whistle was heard as his sword parted the wind. Feeling the incoming strike, Neon parried easily redirecting the strike to the ground.


A crack appeared on the ground, making Neon marvel at the strength of humans in this world. Neon whipped his leg forward aiming at Ten sides. Ten jumped backward and retreated speedily. With a weird footstep, he vanished from Neon sight. A violent wind surged from behind him as Ten appeared like a ghost, his sword pierced backward, startling Ten who barely managed to raise his sword to parry. He felt an enormous strength come through his sword making him flinch. He retreated 10 steps back before managing to dispel the remnant forces.

'What a monster, I thought that with the progress I made, even if I didn't win, I could at least force him to use more of his strength but till now he didn't even move from where he was at the start of the match.' thought TEN a little bit frustrated.

Neon oblivious to Ten frustrations was thinking about others stuff

'Hmm, The humans in this world, with basic training can become really strong. Ten is a good example. They don't have a special technique to cultivate but can still reach this level. This should be because of the nourishment of the mana. Since their birth, their body should have been strengthened by the ambient mana and as they grow it's becoming more obvious. Of course, only with serious training can you reach Ten's level. He Is the strongest of this batch of apprentice knights and is regarded highly by the academy.'

Ten once again advanced toward Neon, in a flash he started attacking relentlessly.


In the eyes of the other apprentices the battle became a blur, Ten was barely visible as he was moving too fast for their eyes to follow, Neon was still stationary but his hands became blurry as he was parrying the Ten's high-speed attacks.

It lasted until Neon felt that Ten had exhausted all his strength, then he moved as Ten was trying to regain his breath. Ten immediately felt an intense threat. Before he could locate where it was coming from, a ghostly sword appeared out of nowhere and freed his sword from his grasp.

'I lost again.'

« You're really detestable, you know that? » He said to Neon smiling bitterly.

« Why? what did I do? » asked Neon looking innocent.

« You could have ended the fight from the start but you just waited for me to become exhausted. »

« Well that's true but that would defeat the purpose of a spar wouldn't it? » Neon responded with a shrug.

« Next! » Nick bellowed. He was satisfied with Ten's performance, he was also one of the talented youngsters he had high hopes for. He felt that he could become a proper knight.

Neon thus spent the rest of the morning sparing with the other apprentices, of course, none of them were as good as Ten. After it was over, In the training facility ground, one could see a lot of apprentice knights trying to catch their breath. Neon was just standing in the same position he had been since the start.

« Neon, I think it's good, you worked them well, » said Nick putting an end to today's training. Neon bowed before leaving the combat field. Arriving next to Nick he asked:

« Sir can I borrow a sword, I would like to go hunting in the Darkwood forest. »

« Are you sure? it's dangerous there, in the inner and core region there's even level one and two magical beasts » he warned.

« Yes, don't worry sir I won't go that far, I'll just roam the outer region, there are only level zero magical beasts »

« Then that's good. As for the sword, follow me. » He dispelled the session and took me to his office in another building. We entered it and he led me to a secret room hidden behind a bookshelf. We went at least 30m below and arrived in a poorly lit room.

« This is the sword I used when I was a grand knight. » He said looking lovingly at a 1,4m long sword he took out of a wooden box decorated with runic symbols.

« I had it made by an enchanter magician for 10000 gold, it followed me in all my battles and triumphs. There are 4 enchantments on it. One for speed, for strength, another for sharpness, and one for sturdiness. » He said stroking the blade of the sword with affection. It was a single-edged black blade with red runic engravings on it. An ominous power could be felt coming from it.

« I always felt it was a shame, it wouldn't see the light of the day, and with me having no children to passed it on, I decided to give it to you, » he said seriously

Took by surprise, Neon answered:

« I couldn't, it's too- »before he could finish he felt Nick's hand land on his shoulder.

« Don't! I know you will become a strong and valiant expert in the future, I feel there's no one more suitable for me to leave my old partner with. » He said his eyes intense.

Seeing his determination, Neon didn't stand on ceremony anymore and gracefully accepted the sword. Nick grinned and said:

«Its name is 'Bloodthirsty'. »

Feeling the sword in his hands, he could tell it was made for slaughter, and indeed it took a lot of lives.

« Thank you, Mr. Nick, I will remember this favor. » Neon bowed as he was truly grateful to Nick for giving him a job without minding the fact that he was a slum kid and now giving him his sword. Neon knew how important a sword was to a knight. He promised himself to re-paid it in the future.

Neon got out of Nick's office after thanking him again. Walking toward the gate of the academy, he saw a silhouette waiting for him leaning against a tree. It was a youth with a noble temperament and handsome face.

« Ten were you waiting for me? » Neon asked wondering what he wanted.

« yeah, I just come to tell you that the Knight exam will be in a few weeks, I hope I'll see you there, you are my rival after all. » without waiting for an answer he left, his hands in his pocket. Soon he had disappeared from sight.

« Don't just say that and leave blockhead, I already told you it was impossible for me, » he said softly amused by his antics. Commoners, much less, slum people couldn't aspire to become knights normally, it was mostly an occupation for the nobles. It's for that reason that Nick didn't make him an apprentice knight despite his monstrous talents. Of course, that is unless one is recommended by a high noble. Which Neon felt was impossible as he didn't know any.

Plus he wasn't at all aspiring to become a knight. He only agreed to be Nick squire because of his money issues. For the moment he had managed to save 89 gold, which wasn't even 10% of his goals.


'Like I thought it isn't that easy to gather 1000 gold, if I could become a knight I would certainly receive the potion, allowing me to cut one or two years off, my training, becoming a martial grandmaster.'

He shook his head and walked toward the west gate of the city. he would need at least one hour to reach the Darkwood forest.