
The Magic Kings War

Gods and their Angel servants have been terrorising the mortal race for millennia ..... Until 4000 years ago the Magic King at the time who could no longer watch the tyranny and suffering caused by Angels and Gods. He gathred the armies of every race And challenged the Gods. He died for the sake of freedom. Now the magic kings throne is empty. The world needs a new Magic King. More powerful than the previous Magic King and even more powerful than the Gods .....

Velocity10 · Fantasy
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78 Chs

Worshipper Arc. Chapter 37: The Darkness

Worshipper Arc. Chapter 37: The Darkness.

Valoran with help from Demonlise have come up with plans to ensure the safety of the Halivaara kingdom and the citizens.

"My plans are. I want all the citizens outside the capital evacuated here. The battle will take place outside the capital. We must ensure that no civilian's are caught up in this battle.

Once inside the capital I will cast a protective barrier over the entire capital. Hopefully it will be enough to protect the capital from destruction. As for our battle strategy, you soldiers will engage the Worshippers. Demonlise will deal with the Angels that serve Daimos. As for me I will deal with Daimos personally. Are there any questions?" Valoran questions.

"No Sir!" The soldiers reply.

"Alright then. I know it's early in the day but we cannot lose focus. The attack will come tomorrow. I need to ensure that each and everyone of you is ready. Are you all ready?!" Valoran demands to know.

"YES WE ARE!" The soldiers reply with confidence.

"Very good. You are dismissed!!" Valoran says.

Valoran next turns to Demonlise as the soldiers leave the throne room.

"I have something for you." Valoran says to Demonlise,

"What is it, Master?" Demonlise asks with anticipation.

"Please follow me." Valoran replies.

Valoran leads Demonlise outside the throne room and into a separate room.

Inside the room Valoran just led Demonlise into are magic artifacts and weaponry.

"When I explored the castle I found this room filled with magic artifacts and weaponry." Valoran explains.

Demonlise is stunned by all these rare artifacts.

"Amazing, these must be thousands of years old by now collected by previous Magic Kings." Demonlise says with amazement.

"Indeed. Not anyone can use them, it requires a tremendous amount of Magic power which is why you will receive this." Valoran points to something.

Valoran points to curtains which are covering up something.

"Go on my friend see for yourselves what's behind the curtain." Valoran says.

Demonlise makes his way over to the curtains.


He slowly opens up the curtains to reveal armour but not any kind of armour. It's an elegant black suit of armour with immense Magic power.

"It's the armour of Elemantay, created by the 3rd Magic King. This armour is made from the highest quality of divine metal. However, he never had the power to use this armour I believe that you do. Similar to my armour it does not hinder movement in the slightest and is best suited to reduce the power Magic attacks that come your way. A fitting piece of armour for my right hand man." Valoran says.

Demonlise is grateful beyond belief.

"I will wear this armour with pride." Demonlise expresses with the utmost sincerity.

Demonlise puts on the armour.

"How does it feel?" Valoran questions.

"It's incredible. Thank you my friend." Demonlise replies.

"You deserve it. Now then I want to visit both academies before the attack tomorrow and see our friends." Valoran explains.

"Please let me accompany you." Demonlise says.

"Of course." Valoran replies.

Valoran and Demonlise make their way to the Halivaara second academy first.

They arrive at the academy where all the students and Professors including the headmaster of the academy are assembled on the training grounds of the academy.

Valoran and Demonlise walk up a podium set up for them with headmaster Evangillia Vontaire already on. (A demi-human female and headmaster of Halivaara second academy).

As soon as they walk up the podium everyone kneels in front of them including the Headmaster.

"We are all here waiting for your speech my Lord." The Headmaster explains.

"Thank you Headmaster Vontaire." Valoran replies with kindness.

Valoran and Demonlise watch look at all the students and Professors.

"Please rise." Valoran instructs.

All the Students, Professors and the Headmaster rise.

"As you may have heard I Valoran Silver was chosen to become the next King of Magic by the throne inside the castle. I am sorry that I couldn't visit you sooner, I had matters that required urgent care. That being said, I hope you all will strive in this academy to become great Magic users to serve this Kingdom." Valoran explains.

The students all have the looks of determination and amazement for Valoran with bright smiles.

"Now, I have some bad news. The King of Gods will launch an attack tomorrow for those to live outside the capital. I want you and your family to be prepared for evacuation. Please spread the word to anyone you know who also lives outside the capital. I assure you no harm will come toward you once inside the capitol." Valoran promises.

"Thank you all for listing." Valoran finishes off his speech.

Valoran turns toward Headmaster Vontaire.

"Please send the Students and Professors home early, so they can prepare for tomorrow's attack." Valoran instructs.

"Yes my Lord." Headmaster Vontaire replies.

"Now then Demonlise let's head for the Halivaara first academy." Valoran turns toward Demonlise.

"Yes sir." Demonlise replies.

Valoran casts irum (teleportation magic)

At an instant they are standing in front of the Halivaara first academy.

"Let's see how our friends are doing." Valoran says and head's inside the academy with Demonlise.

The same as for the Halivaara second academy every Professor and Student is gathered on the training grounds with a podium in front of the crowd.

Among the crowd, Selina, Biatrix, Merial, Atticus and Artemsia are eagerly awaiting Valoran to arrive.

"I can't wait to see Valoran." Merial says with excitement.

"Me neither." Selina replies with excitement.

"I can't wait to hear what he has to say." Biatrix says with thrill.

"I can't believe Demonlise is going to miss out on this." Atticus says with confusion.

"Oh well I guess he is busy with something else." Biatrix says.

"Given how much he idolises Valoran I thought he would be the first person here." Atticus explains.

Merial giggles. "You're right. I thought he would be standing here with a Valoran poster." Merial says with sarcasm.

"With Demonlise that's definitely a possibility." Selina giggles as well.

"You will be surprised." Artemsia thinks to herself.

"I bet he's planning a huge entrance to surprise Valoran." Biatrix giggles as well.

"I know right." Merial and Selina both say at the same time with laughter.

"Yup a big surprise for sure." Artemsia thinks to herself.

Valoran and Demonlise arrive and make their way to the podium with Professor Asparata on it.

Everyone kneels.

The same as before Valoran gives the same speech as he did with the Halivaara second academy.

After Valoran gives his speech the students and Professors leave the training grounds and head back inside the Academy. Merial, Atticus, Selina, Biatrix, and Artemsia walk toward Valoran and Demonlise.

"Valoran!" All of them yell with excitement.

"It;s great to see you all." Valoran replies.

"Demonlise…I can't believe you are the second in command!" Biatrix says with surprise.

"I told you it would be a big surprise" Artemsia thinks to herself.

"Yeah! I am happy for you" Selina hugs Demonlise.

"Me too." Merial also gives a hug to Demonlise.

"Congratulations Demonlise." Atticus also gives his hug to Demonlise.

"Great to see you both." Artemsia says.


"You as well Artemsia." Valoran replies,

"By the way I heard what you all said." Demonlise says.

"Ohh you did?" Merial questions with worry.

"We're sorry about that." Atticus apologises.

"Artemsia, will you fight beside us tomorrow?" Valoran questions.

"It's been aeons since I last fought a real battle but I will stand beside you no matter what." Artemsia replies.

"Thank you." Valoran replies with gratitude.

"We want to fight with you as well." Merial states.

"You can't, it's much too dangerous for you. I have something else you can do for me however." Valoran explains.

"During the battle tomorrow all of my attention and that of the Soldiers will be directed on this very battle. I need you to defend the capital from within, most of the Worshippers will fight on the battlefield as well, but some maybe inside the capital to cause chaos." Valoran explains.

"You can count on us." Merial replies with determination.

"Excellent. Now we must depart, you should head to class as well." Valoran informs.

"Alright then. We'll get going." The others reply and head on to class.

"You also noticed, didn't you?" Valoran questions Demonlise.

"I have. Headmaster Aegnor Aldon and his assistant Amon Apolloyon were not present." Demonlise replies.

"As the Head worshipper he is preparing the Worshippers for the battle." Valoran says.

"Are you sure Atticus, Merial, Selina and Biatrix can handle any Worshipper that will sneak inside the barrier tomorrow?" Demonlise questions with concern.

"I have trained them for months and they have come far in such a short time. They can handle it, I am 100% sure of that." Valoran replies.

"I believe in them as well." Demonlise replies.

"We should get going." Valoran casts irum and teleports back to the castle to strategize further.

The next day.

It's early in the morning. People who are living outside the capital make their way to the capital with soldiers helping to escort them.

Aelina also makes her way to the capital to meet up with Polios, Iris and Reelia.

"Please make sure that you reach the capital as fast as possible!" The soldiers instruct.

The civilians move quickly and organised with soldiers also helping out the ones who are too weak to walk.

All the citizens reach the capital.

Aelina finds Polios, Reelia and Iris who are waiting at the capitol entrance.

"Aelina!" Polios, Iris and Reelia call out.

Polios and Aelina hug each other. "Are you alright?" Polios questions.

"I am now that you are here with me." Aelina replies.

"We are so glad that you are here, Aelina." Iris says hugging her with Reelia.

"Now then we should get to my place until the battle is over." Polios suggest.

"Alright." Aelina replies.

"Valoran, please stay safe." Aelina thinks to herself.

"I'm glad she's safe." Valoran mumbles to herself as he sees his Mother with Polios using far sight magic from his castle.

"Are all the citizens accounted for?" Valoran questions Demonlise.

"Yes master." Demonlise replies.

"Good, I will cast the barrier now." Valoran says.

Valoran stretches out his arm and casts a powerful Magic barrier over the capital.

"There this will do." Valoran states lowering his arm.

"Here they come." Valoran looks at the sky.

From the sky divine golden lights can be seen and from these lights Golden angels descent to the ground outside the capital.

Valoran turns his army of soldiers ready to fight.

"Now we will fight for our freedom!" Valoran casts irum (teleportation magic).

At an instant Valoran, Demonlise and Artemsia are standing across the army of angels and Worshippers with a legion of soldiers behind them.

Next a divine gold light brighter than the others before appears with Daimos himself descending from.

"We finally meet on the battlefield King Daimos." Valoran greets.

"I can't wait to destroy you, Magic King Valoran." Daimos replies.

"It would be best for you to surrender." Aegnor the head Worshipper says.

"You will pay for your betrayal, let's get that straight." Valoran shuts him up.

"ATTACK!" Daimos orders.

"Charge into battle!" Valoran orders.

Both armies run toward each other.

Both armies clash and the battle begins…