
III. Open Doors With Pointed Guns

Gusion's POV

"you know thats suicide right?" Angela said her face filled with worry. "I had no choice I had senses he was going to kill me nevertheless on the spot if I didn't accept" I said drinking some water before I go. "okay...anyways just call me if you need support"

"thanks Angela I will" I gave her a smile filled with reassurance and left the room to begin my journey. Sadly I had to walk a long mile to arrive my target location and I also have to find a way to get through the gate to they enemy's kingdom.

Everywhere or everyone I passed rather would spare a glance at me filled with confusion on what I am wearing. These kind of clothing don't belong to the hell land. Its more darker.

I walked miles that felt like forever and fortunately I arrived at the gate that was protected by guardians...and as you see these guardians aren't either in any sides, they aren't from hell or from the heaven kingdoms. And thats why people had to make a great excuse to pass through the gate.

but lucky me I didn't have to. In a blink of an eye, not even a bat, the guardian was still sitting on his chair as his head dropped down on the table making him look like he just took a nap. Which he didn't but—meh and so I opened the gate my myself and fixed my fizzled hair.

"I have to look like a good boy here" I thought to myself. "or else this disguise won't work"

I approached the big marbled white castle in front of me. And of course I'm not going through that death trap named "front door". I knew too much that they would be interviewing me more than ever if I was to get in the castle through the front door.

so as in the plan in my head I went through the back entrance of the castle, where there are many carriages and people swarming around. The back is where all their supplies goes in through. And so I hid myself by getting in the swarm of people finding a way on how to get in the castle and go find Guenevere.

You see my plan is I need to kinda court her. Make her fall for me, for that is the only way to make her powers go weak on me in order for me to kill her.

easy as 1,2,3.

My eyes landed on a big Wooden door that would probably lead me to the back of the kings throne room. I normally walked towards the door like I was a worker of this castle.

To my luck it was locked.

I looked left and right and when the coast was clear and for sure no one was paying me attention I hacked the door open with my dagger. Slowly I went in and closed the door without out any noise and layed my back within the door as I was relieved I got in.

And the next thing I knew a head of a gun was pointed directly at my head.

I gulped.

"General Lesley"