
Out Of The Painting

"Rowan, why aren't we attending the King crowning ceremony? Should we go as a squadron to pledge our loyalty? People will start rumours and misunderstandings will cause distrust between the King and us."

They were walking down the hall that was a beautiful gold color frame with beautiful painted scenery that screamed out that the artist was in love with fantasy. The images, creatures, plants, and even the techniques were unknown to so many. There were a few pots that seemed to have come from certain countries but through close inspection there were details they were not from any place known. There were so many details that seemed to be a part of a kingdom but from an unknown region. The beauty of it had caused this fact to be overlooked. The maid that was leading the way to the Duke's living room was out of the ordinary. The way they skope was the exact same with  not a single word different from any. Their gestures, body language, and tone were perfect. There may be the point that they had practiced, but the whole thing was too good to be true. His mind went wild. Could they hear him, and were they even human or alive? So many possibilities were ruining through his head that he couldn't answer the questions. 

"Captain, captain, sir,..ROWAN!" 

"If we pledge our allegiance to the new King we won't be able to find the mages as the new King is scared of his life. He lost his brother, father, and his mother was framed. He would end up using us to protect himself. I have already left a letter that will be delivered right after we have exited the city. That is why we are here to receive as much info and support from the nobles. The King may sit on the throne but it is the nobles that own the lands and have the money. We need equipment and food, but we also need people here that are willing to send reinforcements or money when we need it." 

"You may begin, Captain Rawon and Vice Captain Holderic."

    The two knights bowed towards him. They bowed till their head locked to have touched their knees. As known in the noble world the lower the bow the higher the status. As Rowan began to tell about what he saw in the room when he entered, explained how he got to the place in the first place, the strange crimes that happened on the way. The discuusion of who the murder was roared up a strom. The nobles were arguing whether the queen was innocent of not. As the sordeir quieted them down Rowan explained that the queen did kill the King but she did it under that influence of the children of Magos tower. He told them everything that linked to the possibility of four high ranked mages that entered that were in the castle. And that they were led by the new archmage.

    "Now of course I am aware you won't just believe my word so I brought in someone that will help. His name is Baston Elecorin, the tower caretaker of the Malina tower. It was created by Archmage Magos for his wife Malina Magos. Holderic."

    He entered the room with the old man tied at the hands and neck. Deep scars covered his face with their drips of blood, some parts wet and others had dried. Purple, blue, and black bruises covered his body in some many places that they looked at though they were a part of his skin and were not multiple but one. A few of his limbs were shaking more than usual. Just listening to the description was enough to make me shed tears so fast. By looking at his face it can be noticed that he cried so much. The pain he must have endured was excruciating. I closed my eyes as I watched the orb with Allicin and Aidan in the carriage. All those times he fed us, put us to sleep, and played with us as children, Taught us magic, etiquettes and morals. He didn't deserve it. The look on Rowan's face looks down upon him. The anger I felt towards him was boiling inside. His head lifted, his eyes looking down on Mr. Elecorin, and the way he had hurted him. I wanted to kill him. Though I had to control myself. I looked up at Allicin and Aidan to make sure that they were okay. Aidan as always was calm but mind was racing. His main worry though was to make sure that Allicin was fine. Out of all of us he learned so much from  Mr. Elecorin that she loved like he was our grandfather. He slipped his hand into hers and locked his fingers around hers. He grabbed her other hand and placed it on top and held it tight. I picked up a handkerchief and used it to dry her tears. I was fine until Rowan spoke again as though the bastard hadn't already lost enough.

    "We haven't been able to get anything out of him which means he was close to them. We are hoping to get as much as possible. But the fact that he is still around and that we got him when we were setting up bedrooms means that they exist. Four beds were prepared. Proving my theory."

    The old man smiled the same simple and sweet smile he always had. He raised his head and opened his mouth and spoke. 

" My child of heaven please don't cry."

    The nobles and soldiers were shocked by the fact that he spoke such words. He spoke in the ancient language of magic so his words would only be understood by us. That fact angered Sir Holderic as he pulled on the rope wrapped around his throat. Choking him until he couldn't speak and let go. My anger was reaching its peak but I couldn't do anything. I hated feeling helpless but what was I to do? Any rushed move would ruin everything. I pushed my head back, hitting hard enough that I was lucky not to pass out. I closed my eyes but thinking about him hurt me more. I took a breath and thought but Ace. His long black hair that when it wet makes him ever more breathtaking then before. His eyes were the beautiful shimmering green that looked into my eyes the first time he snuck into my room and threw himself on top of me. Pushing me into the mattress and smiled as he lowered his head towards mine. As though of those happy moments I was dragged back to reality when Mr. Elecorin spoke again. 

    " My child of golden love and protecting her. My child is as sweet as sugar don't lose unleash your power, for it may hurt the mind."

    "Oh shut up you old hag." 

He pulled the rope around Mr. Elecorin with all the strength his anger built up. Sir Holderic anger in his face was crystal clear that mine was about to blow. As I began to whisper a spell Mr. Elecorin spoke with every second he could. 

    "My child on the throne…. Please hold your prayer,... do not hurt these lost souls for my sake." 

    "That is enough. He is still needed by Sir Holderic, do not kill him. Also we all have decided that we will support you, and me along with my men will accompany you to make sure the mission is followed through. It's not that we don't trust you Captain Rowan, it's just business. Meeting dismissed. Sir Comred take the old caretaker to the main dungeon, my men will guard him."

    As they all raised and left the room. As we were living Rowan looked at the Duke and asked him a question that had him at the edge of his seat. 

    " My lord, if I may dare to ask two questions."

The duke tilted his head still to the left, looked him in the eyes and smiled. The possibility of questions the captain could ask were endless. At that moment everything  was unclear, everything could shift within seconds. The game they were playing was so unstable. 

    "Go ahead, ask as you please."

    "Your power is emenous and your family has had control over the King since the beginning of the kingdom. I won't ask what happened between the Late KIng and your Father the late Duke, but I would like to know why you, yourself and interested. "

    " A new era and new King means more meetings, laws, and political discussions. Why would I stay for that when I can do something far more interesting." 

    " Also may I know your name. You're a role model of mine when I was younger. Yes, we are the same age but that is what made me to be like you. I hope to be more first name based."

    " When did you see me?"

    " When there was a banqoute for the second prince's third birthday. I saw you discuss business with your father and his friends. I was there with my father and mother."

    " I am flattered you think so highly of me. It would be nice to be on a first name bases with you Rowan. My name is Ace. Ace Carsono. "