
The Mage and I

Eternia is a princess born to the royal family of Crystalia and Sapphire. She’s the only surviving child of Queen Marcella and King Aurelius’ marriage. Her life is in constant danger given that she’s the only daughter and heir to the Sapphire Throne and the eldest of the Crystalian Empire. On her journey, she meets an ancient warlock named Adrian who’s trapped in a child’s body and forced to “grow up” again. They grow up together. Adrian is sworn to become her protector. Together, they fight off obstacles and solve mysteries as she readies herself to become Queen.

SunnyBae13 · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Chapter 5: The Princess and the Queen

Sapphiria, the land flowing in jewels and abundance, had a much cooler weather than Crystalia. The air was colder and the realm is full of different beasts. Dangers and wonder surround the realm of blue. 

Eternia woke up to the cold touch of an unknown being. It was huge and monstrous with its two gigantic horns and angel-like wings. It had the head of a goat and a body that resembled death. Eternia shrieked in horror. 

The beast was about to make its move when suddenly Adrian appeared and slashed its heart out. The King and guards came rushing in upon hearing the princess' screams. To their relief, the young boy they looked down upon had slain the beast in just three moves. Adrian met their gaze with bored dreamy eyes, but something in them would make you sick in your stomach. 

"Sir Adrian," the King acknowledged, giving him a nod of approval. "I thank thee for ensuring the safety of my child." The King then glared at his men who were supposed to have been guarding her chambers. "How useless," he thought angrily, "My only child would've been eaten just like that."

Adrian only shrugged. 

Eternia jumped from her bed and pulled Adrian to an embrace. Her actions startled him, making his heart pound unusually. "Thank you," she said, releasing him from her grasp. 

"This shouldn't have happened if the candle was lit," said Adrian, pointing at the holy candle. The holy candle is made and blessed in the temples to ensure the safety of the owner. It was a custom to have it lit every night in order to keep horrid beasts from attacking. "Someone must have blown it seeing that it hasn't even burned halfway," he concluded. 

The King's rage only grew upon realizing the attempt on his child's life. In Crystalia, there were a number of people he could suspect. But they're in Sapphire now. The princess has barely been here for twenty-four hours. He couldn't pinpoint who'd dare do this. 

"Double the guards," the King commanded, "No one shall leave their posts. I don't know how any of this happened, but I'm sure it wouldn't happen again. Because if it does, I'll have the heads of the imbeciles who failed."

"F-father," Eternia stuttered, "I'm okay."

"I'm glad," he said, patting his daughter's head. He then grabbed his sword and placed it over Adrian's shoulders, decreeing that he's now lord protector of the Princess. "I shall not be disappointed."

"No, Your Majesty," said Adrian. 

The King then left the Princess in the hands of her new lady, Lady Evangeline. She's to care for her just as Lady Jessica did back in Crystalia. Lady Evangeline was much younger and appeared warmer than her old lady. 

"Your grace, it's a pleasure to serve you," she said, brushing the princess' long hair. "I shall prepare you to meet her majesty the queen." And that she did. She dressed Eternia in a pastel pink dress and tied her hair neatly in two long braids. "You're ready, Princess."

"Thank you, Lady Evangeline," Eternia smiled. She was then led to the Queen's section of the palace where she was eagerly waiting for her arrival. 

Queen Alexa is the King's second wife. She came from House Evergreen, a house known for its expertise in botany and herbs. Their House is one of the richest in the realm of Sapphire. She possessed the Evergeen's blonde hair and forest-green eyes. She was considered one of the most beautiful ladies in the land of Sapphire. 

"Your Grace," Eternia curtsied low and respectfully. "It is an honor to be invited by you."

The queen smiled, welcoming her to the garden. "Please, Princess, take a seat," she says, gesturing for her to sit. "I see the King's reflection in you. He must be so proud to have such a beautiful and well-mannered daughter."

"You honor me, Your Grace," Eternia smiled, "My father seems to like her grace very much."

"I am in no comparison to your mother's beauty, though," the queen thought to herself. She smiled, pouring the princess some tea. Handing her the tea, she says, "I assume Lady Evangeline has been kind to you. She is your new nanny afterall. We shall discuss your upbringing for we have a long way ahead of us in preparing you to become the future of this nation."

"Forgive me for asking, Your Grace," the princess asked, "But isn't it customary for a male heir to ascend the throne? Surely you and father are still trying to have a boy."

Alexa bit her lip at the sting of her words. She tried to remind herself that the princess is only five years old and has no idea on how to have "conversations." Her words cut deep. Of course, the queen tried her best to give the king the son he always wanted. Even then, during their first year in marriage, the king wasn't performing his duty well. She tried her best to win his affections, but she soon accepted her fate in this loveless marriage. 

"I apologize," the princess said, realizing her mistake. "That was awful of me to ask about… that."

The queen gave her a smile of reassurance. "Of course, the king and i are still trying for a male heir. It is what's expected of us, afterall," she says, "However, I am to ensure that even you get the best education there is. We never know what could happen. Should we fail to deliver a male heir, you are to lead this nation. You, dear princess, are the future."

Perhaps that was too much to put on a young girl's shoulders, but those words aren't new to her. On the few encounters that the princess had with her mother, she often gets criticized. No matter how "perfect" she was, her mother finds fault in her. The common phrase she'd hear was "You are to be the future of this nation and yet you are incapable of perfection. You lack in everything."

"Are you alright, princess?" Alexa asked, pulling the girl from her thoughts. 

"I am, your grace," she responds. 

"So what are you good at exactly?" asked the Queen, "Did you have formal education back in Crystalia?"

No, she didn't. Lady Jessica taught her everything there is to know, however, she didn't receive a proper tutor or governess. "Lady Jessica taught me how to read," Eternia replied, "I can count, read, write, and can dance. I am also skilled in swordsmanship for children my age. I can also shoot some arrows although I'm not entirely good at it."

Alexa was baffled. No governess. No formal education. Swordsmanship and archery? The child must have been raised by the knights guarding the Sapphire Palace. Although, she is glad that the child learn some self defense. She strongly believed that princes were given privilege to learn more things. Eternia shall learn whatever latest knowledge there is for young princes. Alexa is determined to create the perfect heir. If she can't win the King's affection by welcoming him to her bed, then she shall gain it by raising his daughter as her own. 

"Are you disappointed, your grace?" asked the child. 

"No," was her quick response. "I am appointing Lady Isadora Starlight to be your governess. She will teach you etiquette, dance, and everything there is to know about being a fine lady. As for philosophy, languages, sciences, mathematics—the "princely" subjects that are usually given to male heirs shall be taught to you by Sir Nathaniel Stone and Theodore Verdant. As for fencing, archery, and being a "knight," I can think of no better man to train you other than Magnus Azure. There is much to discuss on your education. Do not fret, princess. I shall ensure that you will become the best there is. I shall teach you how to become a powerful lady in this court."

Tea time lasted longer than anticipated. In fact, the whole day was spent with the Queen, draining the little girl's energy. One thing the queen forgot to discuss was magic. That shan't be a problem, though. The princess already has ideas on who shall teach her on that subject. 

"The Queen was… interesting," Eternia said to Adrian. He snuck into her room out of boredom along with the spirit fox. 

"Is that all you have to say?" he asked, folding his arms across his chest. He didn't like the queen. In fact, he didn't like any of them. The only person he seems top be fond of was her. She did free him from the tower, afterall. 

The princess looked puzzled. What else was there to say? She can't speak out of line. She's only been here for a day and she's well-aware that speaking ill of royalty is treason. She trained herself to never speak her mind. 

"No one's here, you know? It's just us so you can drop the good girl act," he says, "Besides, the princess I knew from the tower isn't this prim and proper. My loyalty is with you if that's what you're worried about."

"She seems nice," she said, "Although something about her seems off."

"Meaning?" he pressed on. 

"She reminds me a little of my mother," she said honestly, "But she appears to be warmer. I suppose it's all in my head. Nevermind! So how was your day?"

He thought long and hard before giving a response. "Because I'm fond of you, kid, I will bestow upon you this wisdom. Someone who appears warmer isn't always warm. Sometimes, they're even worse than the cold."

"You're also a kid," she points out.

He smirked. A light enveloped him and suddenly the adorable child disappeared and a dashing young man appeared before her. He was incredibly tall and handsome. His eyes were hypnotizing and he looked like a prince that had come to sweep you off your feet. 

"This must be his true form," she thought, jaws dropping. Never in her life has she seen such beauty. She's aware of his true age, but she never once imagined his image. 

And in a flash, he morphed back into the child form he's stuck in. "I'm not a kid," he said. 

She grinned. "But you're stuck as one for the time being," she teased, "That's fine. I don't want anyone staring at you all the time anyway."

"And why is that?" he asked. 

"Because you're mine," she said. 

He choked on air upon hearing those words. What kind of child claims a person? 

"You're like my puppy," she grinned, sticking her tongue out. 

"I don't like you, kid," he said, pinching the girl's cheek. "You're so annoying."

"I was just kidding!" she glared, "You're my friend. And I don't like people staring at you because we're always together. I don't like attention."

"Good night, princess," he bids, closing the door behind him. Ever since meeting her, he has been a "puppy." A puppy whose master is merely a child. If she hadn't freed him, he wouldn't be indebted to her. "A small price to pay," he thought. He can't die anyway. At least not like mere mortals. A few years serving the girl wouldn't hurt. Besides, he's got all the time in the world.

I was wrong... Alexa...

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